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skull/ facial bone

positioning for skull and facial bones

What is the IR for lateral projection of the skullp 10x 12
what plane is parrallel to the IR for lateral projection of the skull mid saggital
What line is parrallel to the IR forlateral projection of the skull IOML
Respiration of skullW suspend
where does the cr enter for lateral projection of the skull 2 " SUPERIOR TO EAM
Whatis seen in profile in the lateral prheojection of the skull a) mastoid b)sella turcica c) clinoid process sella turcica
For a trauma lateral skull do a dorsal decubitus in supine lateral
The PA axial position is called the ___ method caldwell
what two parts of the face are placed on the table for the PA axial position of skull nose and forehead
for the caldwell what line is perp to IR OML
central ray exits the ______ fro the caldwell nasion
for thhee PA projection of the skull when the frontal lobe is of interest the cr exits at the nasion
angle for the caldwell is 15 derees caudad
to show the superior orbitaql fissures direct the centrqal rqay through the ______ at an angle of mid orbits 20 -25 degrees caudad
to show the rotundum forqamina in a pa axial projection, central ray direts to the ______ at an angle of _________ nasion, 25 30
where shold the petrous ridges be seen in a caldwell projection lower 1/3 of orbits
if you angles 10 degrees then the petrous ridges would be where they would be half way in orbit
if you angle more the petrous ridges go down below the orbits
what is perp with IR for the caldwe3ll oml
what two strx of skull shold be shown in pa axail projecti crista galli and superior orbital fissure
the AP axial projection is called the ___ method towns
what is perp to Ir for townes method OML
If you want the IOML to bw perp to the IR them use a ___ angle for a ap axial projectionof the skull 7degrees
what is cr for townes rmethod 30 degrrees caudal
what shold be symmetric on the townes method of skull petrous ridges
what two structures shhe ould be in the foramen magnum for a townes method of the skull dorsum sella and posterior clinoid process
the dorsum sella looks like a ____ tail in the foramen magnum whale
if the whale tale is above the foramen magnum then you a) havent angled enough b) anglesd too much didnt angle enough
Parietoorbital oblique projection is called the ___ method rhese
for the parietoorbital obliue proection, place the ________ on the table zygomsa, nose and chin
the midsaggital plane should form an angle of ____ to the IR 53 deg
the central ray enter where for the parietoorbital oblique projection 1 " superior and posterior to the tea
where does the cr exit fo r the parietoorbital oblique projection affected orbit closest to ir
where is the optic foramen located for the parietoorbital oblique projection of skull inferior and lateral quadrqant of the projected orbit
for the parietoorbital oblique projection the optic canal end is seen on end
what is perpindicualr to the IR for the parieto oblique projection of the skull AML
if its lateral deviation then its ? a) incorrect rotation b) incorrexrt angle AML incorrect rotation
if its longitudinal deviation then a) incorrect rotation b) incorrexrt angle AML incorrect angle AML
the messy side of the parietoorbital oblique projection is thed medial side the sinuses
the orbitoparietal oblique projectiion is called the ________ metho reverse rhese method
what is the ir size for the lateral projection of the facial bones 8x10
what is parralles with the IR for the lateral projectionof the facial bones IOML
whats perp with the IR fo the lateral projectionof the facial bones Interpupillar line
there should be no rotation of ________ for the lateral projectionof the facial bones sela turcica
where does central ray enter for the lateral projectionof the facial bones alfway between the outer canthus and EAM
collimate down to a ______ for the lateral projectionof the facial bones 6x10
what bone should be in the center for the lateral projectionof the facial bones zygomatic bone
what should be almost superimposed fo rthe lateral projectionof the facial bones mandibula rami
the _______ should be superimposed for the lateral projectionof the facial bones orbital roofs
the waters method is _________ projection paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones
what do you place on the IR for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones tip of chin
the nose is about ___ inches in from to IR for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones 3/4
OML form a ____ degree angle with IR for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones 37
___ is perpindicual fo rthe paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones MSP
the _____ is almost perpindicular to the IR for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones MML
center the IR at the level of the _____ for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones acancthion
the waters method shows what three structures orbits, maxillae and zygomtic acrches
where are the petrous ridges projected for the paritoancanthial projection of the facial bones immidiately below the maxillary sinus
the PA axial proojection of the facial bone is also called the waters and it is exactly the same as the waters except use an 8x10 lw
Forthe lateral projection of the nasal bonesh what plane is perp with the IR interpupillary line
for the lateral projection of the nasal bones what size cassete 8x10 cw for two exposures on the same cassette
w is perp with the IR fo rthe lateral projection of the nasal bones interpupilaary line
wht is parrallel with tthe IR for the lateral projection of the nasal bones IOML
what two strucxtures are demonstrated on the lateral projection of the nasal bone anterior nasal spine and frontonasal suture
the smv stands for submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches
what touches the IR for the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches apex of the head
what is parralles with the IR or the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches IOML
what plane is perp with the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic archees msp
for the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches, there shold be bilatera symetric images of the zygomatic arches
where does cr enter for submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches mid throat and 1 inch posterior to the outer canthis
how much do you angle for the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches you dont know it depends on how mch they can tilt toheir head has to be perp to the IOML
wht is parrallel with tthe IR for the lateral projection of the nasal bones IOML
what is parralles with the IR or the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches IOML
what plane is perp with the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic archees msp
for the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches, there shold be bilatera symetric images of the zygomatic arches
where does cr enter for submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches mid throat and 1 inch posterior to the outer canthis
how much do you angle for the submentovertical projection of the zygomatic arches you dont know it depends on how mch they can tilt toheir head has to be perp to the IOML
how do you position the head? rotate msp 15 degrees toward affeted side tilt head 15 degrees away fromthe affected side
center the _________ to the film for the tangential zygomatic arch zygomatic arch
what is the transverse centering for the pa projetoin of the mandible level of lips
what are threeparts to the mandible body, symphysis ramus
where does the cr exit for the PA projection of the mandible acanthion
For the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible, which part is of interest when the rami is parrallel and the chin is extended and head in a true lateral position ramus body symphysis ramus
what is the central ray angulation for the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible? 25 degrees cephalad
where should the central ray be directed for the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible to the part of the mandible of interest
when the patyients head is rotated 30 degrees toward the IR the the part of interest of the mandible for a axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible is the? body
when the patyients head is rotated 45 degrees toward the IR the the part of interest of the mandible for a axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible is the? symphysis
what line is perp to the IR for the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible? interpupillary line
the goal of the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible is to place the area of interest on the mandible ________ with the IR parrallel
for the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible central ray wil exit ______ area of interes
for the axiolateral oblique projectoin of the mandible when the ramus is of interest, the cr enters at the unaffected side of gonion
For the AP axial projection (towns medthod) the transverse centering is midway between the tMJ and gonione
what are the 4 paranasal sinuses frontal sethmoidal sphenoidal maxillary
what is the large3st sinus maxiallary
what is most posterior sinus sphenoidal sinus
what is most superior sinus frontal
what is 2nd largest sinus? frontalf
which sinusis usually developed at birth? maxilary
when are the other sinuses distinguishable 6 or 7
For the lateral projection of the sinuses, what plane and what line is parrallel IOml, msp
what line is perp? interpupillaryf
t/f for a lateral projection of the sinus all 4 sinus groups should be shown true
what 2 sinuses are of primary interest on the lateral proj of the sinus?f sphenoid and ethmoid
For the PA axial projection (caldwell method) of the sinuses which sinuses are of primary interest frontal sinus
where should the petrous ridges be for the PA axial projection (caldwell method) of the sinuses lower 1/3 of orbits
the parietoacanthia projection of the sinuses is used to demonstrate which sinuses maxiallry sinus
the parietoacanthia projection of the sinuses is also used to demonstrate wich foramen? foramen rotundum
The submentovertical (SMV) projection of the sinuses is used to dimonstrate which sinuses ethmoidal and sphenoidal
wehre does the cr enter for The submentovertical (SMV) projection of the sinuses Though the sella turcica
the CR shold be perp to the ___ for the The submentovertical (SMV) projection of sinuses IOML
What line is perp to the IR forlateral projection of the skull IOML
where does the central ray enter for the lateral projectionof the nasal bone 1/2 inch distal to the nasion
which radiographic cranial position best demonstrate the sella turcica? lateral
cranial sutures are ______ joints fibrous
which exteranal landmark corresponds with the petrous ridge? tea
list 3 classifications of the skull mesocephalic, brachiocephalic, dolichocephalic
what evidence on AP axial (twn) radiograph indicates whether the correct CR angle and correct head flexion were used? Dorsum sellae, posterior clinoids on foramen magnum
which AP axial projection for sella turcica best visualizes the anterior clinoid processes? 30 degree caudal to IOML
which projection best demostrate the foramen rotundum? 25 – 30 PA axial
what type of CR is used if dorsum sellae and posteior clinoid are of interest? 37 degree caudad
what does tmj stand for temperomandibular joint
Created by: PIKFUR
Popular Radiology sets




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