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Sociology Ch:3-4


What is the lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their humal potential called? ~ Socialization
A social experience to learn their culture is called:? ~ Human needs
A person's fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking and feeling is called? ~ Personality
What are 4 agents of socialization? ~ Family, Schooling, Peer Groups, and Mass Media.
Who is the person that did a study of evolution that led to the "nature" argument? ~ Charles Darwin
Who develeped a theory called behaviorism? ~ John Watson
Rhesus monkeys left in isolation suffered from: ? and ? damage ~ Emotional and Behavioral
Who believed that biology played a major role in human development? ~ Sigmond Frued
Sig Freud believed that humans have 2 basic needs, ? and ? ~ Eros and Thanatos
Freuds model of personality has these 3 parts: ~ Id, Ego, and Superego
Who studied human cognition (how people think)? ~ Jean Piaget
The 4 stages of Piaget's cognitive development are: ~ The sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operational stage.
Who studied moral reasoning and the way individuals judge situations as right and wrong? ~ Lawrence Kohlberg
Who said that young children experience the word in terms of pain and pleasure? ~ Lawrnece Kohlberg
Who compared the moral develpment of girls and boys? ~ Carol Gilligan
Who believed social behavorism explains how social experience creates personality? ~ George Herbert Mead
"The generalized other" refers to comparing ourselves to ? ~ Society
Who termed "the looking glass self", a self image based on how we think others see us? ~ Charles Horten Cooley
Who developed the 8 stages of life's course? ~ Erik Erikson
What agent of socializations has the greatest impact on socialization? ~ the family
What agent of socialization has social groups whose members have interests, social positions and ages in common? ~ Peer groups
Is childhood becoming shorter or longer in life? ~ Shorter
Old age begins in the mid ?'s in the US ~ 60's
What are the 5 stages of greif? ~ Denial, Anger, Negotiation, Depression, and Acceptance
Radically changing an inmate's personality by carefully controlling the environment is called? ~ resocialization
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The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called: ~ social interaction
A social postition that an individual occupies is called a: ~ status
Are all of our status's part of our social identity? ~ yes
Name 3 types of social statuses ~ Ascribed, Achieved, and a Master
Give an example that most people use as their master status? ~ Occupation
Behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status is called: ~ a Role
A number of roled attached to a single status is called: ~ a role set
Tension between roles connected to a single status is called ~ role strain
Conflict between roles corresponding to 2 or more statuses is: ~ role conflict
The process by which people creatively shaped reality through social interation is called: ~ social construction of reality
Situations that are defined as real are real in their consequences is called the: ~ Thomas Theorem
Who stated that people create reality in everyday encounters? ~ Harold Garfinkel
The study of the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings is called: ~ Ethnomethodology
Who states people are much like actors performing on a stage: ~ Erving Goffman
The study of social interation in terms of our theatrical performance is called: ~ Dramaturgical analysis
Using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions rather than speech is called: ~ nonverbal communication
ized to be less assertive ~ women
Helping someone "save face" is called ~ tact
What arises from contidiciton, ambiguity, and double meanings found in differing definitions of the same situation. ~ Humor
Who said: Selfish drives are controlled by learning our ways of culture. ~ Sigmond Freud
Who criticized Kolberg gender bias study ~ Carol Gilligan
Who developed the stages of dying ~ Dr. Elizabeth Cross
Created by: Patrick24g
Popular Psychology sets




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