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Urinary System

Renal Glands

Components of the urinary system Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra
Kidney Structure Nephrons composed of Cortex (Glomerulus & PCT), Medulla (Loop of Henle & DCT), and Calyx
Glomerulus Highly porous capillaries that filtrates blood into bowman's capsule (virtually protein free)
Afferent Arterioles Entering capillaries into the glomerulus, has a large diameter
Efferent Arterioles Exiting capillaries from the glomerulus, has a narrower diameter
Bowman's Capsule Surrounds the glomerulus and moves ultrafiltrate into the PCT
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT) Pt. 1 A.K.A. area of re-absorption. Actively absorbs glucose, amino acids, Cl, H2O, 65% of NA from the filtrate
Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT) Pt. 2 Secretes nitrogenous wastes and ammonium ions. Contains microvilli, increases absorptive surface
Loop of Henle Pt. 1 Descending limb, "the thin segment" is simple squamous epithelium and freely permeable to H2O
Loop of Henle Pt. 2 Ascending limb, "thick segment" is permeable to salt, Cl- and K+/impermeable to H2O
Distal Convoluted Tubule Contains epitheial cells and rarely contain microvilli. Some Na & Cl are reabsorbed, mostly secretion of solutes
General Functions of the Kidneys Homeostasis of body fluids, Acid/Base balance, Electrolyte balance, Excrete waste, Maintain blood pressure, and Erythopoeisis
Formation of Urine 3 major processes include: Glomerular filration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion
Volume of Urine 400-1200mL per day. 1200mL of blood per min is supplied to the kidneys via renal artery
Glomerular Filtration High pressure filters blood, less than 70,000 daltons allowed to pass. Filtrate is iso-osmotic, specific gravity 1.010, pH 7.4
Glomerular Filtration Rate, GFR Measurement of how well the kidneys are processing wastes and determines chronic renal disease
Active Transport for Re-Absorption Combine with a carrier protein. Electrochemical energy produced by interactions transfers the substances across cell membrane back into blood
Substances Actively reabsorbed in PCT Glucose, amino acids and salts
Substances Actively reabsorbed in Loop of Henle Chloride in the ascending
Substances Actively reabsorbed in DCT Sodium
Passive Transport for Re-Absorption Moves molecules based on physical differences, concentration, or electrical potential
Substances Passively reabsorbed in the Loop of Henle H2O in descending and Urea(also in PCT) and Sodium in ascending
Organic Constituents of Urine Urea, Creatinine and Uric Acid
Inorganic Constituents of Urine Chloride, Sodium, and Potassium
Created by: 6217744
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