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salivating in response to a tone paired with food is a ____; pressing a bar to obtain food is a? respondent behavior, operant behavior
one way to change behavior is to reward natural behavior, as they get close to the desire it is called ? shaping
the dog stops barking after you clap. the end of the barking was for you a ? negative reinforcer
the partial reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response at unpreductable time is variable interval schedule
rats develop cognitive maps
dogs learned to salivate in response to a tone. the tone is therefore condition stimulus
primary sex characeristics relates to reproductive organs
developmental researchers who emphasize learning and experice tend to believe in continuity
developmental psychologists refer to 18-mid twenties as emerging adulthood
observing that adults struggle to attain intamacy and ? generativity
some infants being intense and anxious, while others are easy going and relaxed.. explained in ? temperant
eriksons stages, primary task during adolescene is forging identity
what do people assume about other people regardles of age we all tend to show happiness
whether a child will imitate a model, depends in part on the reward and punishment received by the model
newborn cheek and infant root for a nipple illustrates as... reflex
secondary sex characteristics refers to nonreproductive organs
learning is defined as "a relatively permanent change in behavior due"? experience
what is maturation standing before walking , babbling before talking
during preoperational stage, childs thinking is? egocentric
what is not o ne of the three major issues of psychologists? reflex/unlearned behaviors
motor skill development is ? the sequence, but not the timing is universal
adolescence is marked by the onset of ? pueberty
according to piaget, the ability to think logically about abstractions indicates formal operational thought
you perceive converstations during? concrete operational stage
who demonstrated this was not always so? garcia and koellings taste aversion
those who emphasize biological maturation tend to believe in? stages
Created by: ojennee
Popular Psychology sets




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