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Monitoring and Manag

Res 250 Monitoring and Management of the Patient in the ICU

Systemic vascular resistance increased blood viscosity increases, in polycythemia, systemic vascular resistance decreases during systemic vasodilation, moderate hypoxemia or administration of systemic vasodilators nitroglycerin or hydralazine. True
During assessment of the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), it is important that the balloon be inflated for only 15 to 30 seconds when measuring the PCWP or pulmonary artery occlusive pressure (PAOP). The most significant risk of this pulmonary infarction
What parameter is best used to assess left ventricular afterload? SVR
At what level of intracranial pressure will venous drainage be impeded and cerebral edema develop in uninjured tissue? 30 to 35 mm Hg
The ____, typically defined as the filling pressure of the ventricle at the end of ventricular diastole, is estimated by measuring the end-diastolic pressures. preload
____ is usually defined as the impedance that the left and right ventricles must overcome to eject blood into the great vessels. Afterload
Which of the following is NOT a global monitoring index? ATS
Which of the following levels of albumin are consistent with severe malnutrition? Less than 2.2 g/dl
As ventricular systole begins, the mitral and tricuspid valves (atrioventricular valves) close, producing the first heart sound (S1). These events coincide with ____. isovolumetric contraction
What medication is associated with dilated and fixed pupils in the intensive care unit patient? Atropine
Hemodynamic monitoring systems consist of equipment that detects small physiological signal (vascular pressure) changes and converts them to electrical impulses. The heart of this measurement system is a ____. strain gauge transducer
What is the most common method of estimating GFR? Plasma creatinine and creatinine clearance
Mixed venous O2 values are decreased with ____. a reduction in cardiac output
Bedside catheterization of the right heart and pulmonary artery became possible with the introduction of the balloon-tipped, flow-directed catheter known as a ____. Swan-Ganz catheter
Ejection fraction shows a positive correlation with cardiac index in most cases and it is a valuable measurement in the prognosis of heart failure. True
A 70-kg adult male has a stroke volume of about 70 mL. His ejection fraction would be equal to about ____. 0.5
What level of urine output is considered anuria? Less than 50 ml/day
Which of the following physical findings is NOT consistent with starvation? Less 50 ml/day
What hemodynamic parameter is best useful for estimated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure? Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
Atrial systole can be observed on the atrial pressure tracing as a(n) ____. a wave
The normal cardiac index for an adult is approximately 2.5 to 4.0 L/min/m2. True
Which of the following should be considered first if medical and mechanical problems have been excluded and the patient continues to fight the ventilator or exhibit high levels of agitation or distress? Sedatives
The gold standard for determining cardiac output involves direct measurements of O2 consumption and arterial and mixed venous O2 contents. Once these measurements are made, cardiac output is calculated by using the ____. Fick principle
Elevation of which of the following substances is consistent with hepatic inflammation? Aspartate aminotransferase
What is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score that requires intracranial pressure monitoring? Less than 8
Created by: Cam1228
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets



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