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Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Psych 199-Psychological Factors & Health

the field of psychology that studies the relationships btwn psychological factors (i.e. attitudes, beliefs, situational influences, & overt behavioral patterns) and the prevention & treatment of physical illness health psychology
Selye's term for a hypothesized three-stage response to stress General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
the first stage of the GAS, which is "triggered" by the impact of a stressor & characterized by activity of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system alarm stage
Cannon's term for an innate adaptive response to the perception of danger fight-or-flight reaction
a body system involved in regulating many bodily processes & consisting of ductless glands that empty their secretions, called hormones, directly into the bloodstream endocrine system
the part of the nervous system that regulates glands & involuntary activities (i.e. heartbeat, respiration, digestion & dilation of the pupils of the eyes) autonomic nervous system (ANS)
the division of the ANS that is most active during activities & emotional responses (i.e. anxiety & fear) that spend's the body's reserves of energy sympathetic nervous system
the division of the ANS that is most active during processes that restore the body's reserves of energy (i.e. digestion) Parasympathetic nervous system
a small, pea-sized structure in the brain involved in regulating many bodily processes, including hunger, sleep, emotions, and body temperature hypothalamus
hormones produced by the adrenal cortex that increase resistance to stress in ways such as fighting inflammation & causing the liver to release stores of sugar (also called steroidal hormones) corticosteroids
high blood pressure hypertension
substances secreted by endocrine glands that regulate various bodily functions hormones
the second stage of the GAS, characterized by prolonged sympathetic activity in an effort to restore lost energy & repair damage (also called the adaptation stage) resistance stage
the third stage of the GAS, characterized by weakened resistance and possible deterioration exhaustion stage
anxiety as a personality variable, or persistent trait trait anxiety
a temporary condition of anxiety that may be attributed to a specific situation state anxiety
the system of the body that recognizes & destroys foreign agents (antigens) that invade the body immune system
microscopic organisms (i.e. bacteria or virus) that can cause disease pathogens
white blood cells leukocytes
substances that stimulate the body to mount an immune system response antigens
substances formed by white blood cells that recognize and destroy antigens antibodies
increased blood flow to an injured area of the body, resulting in redness, warmth, & increased supply of white blood cells inflammation
the field that studies the relationships between psychological factors (i.e. attitudes & overt behavioral patterns) and the functioning of the immune system psychoneuroimmunology
the view that health & illness are a function of multiple factors involving biological, psychological, & cultural domains (and their interactions) multifactorial model
a throbbing headache caused by wavelike firing of neurons on the brain, which creates ripples of neural activity that reach pain centers in the brain stem migraine headache
a neurotransmitter, imbalances of which have been linked to mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, & changes in appetite serotonin
the chemical messengers in the nervous system that carry nerve signals from one nerve cell to another neurotransmitters
hormones that initiate pain messages and also cause muscle fibers in the uterine wall to contract, as during labor prostaglandins
a cluster of physical & psychological symptoms that afflict some women prior to menstruation premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
a neurotransmitter that appears to help calm anxiety reactions gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
relating to an agent that gives rise to cancerous changes carcinogenic
acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid, which makes up genes and chromosomes & carries genetic information from generation to generation DNA
Created by: rrparikh23
Popular Psychology sets



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