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Finals Eng-I Vocab

Groups 1 through 9

abeyance (n) temporary inactivity; suspension
catharsis (n) purification, purging, cleansing of pent-up emotion that brings spiritual renewal or release from tension
dearth (n) an inadequate supply; lack; scarcity
guile (n) deceitful cunning, duplicity, trickery
impasse (n) a predicament affording no obvious escape; deadlock
lethargy (n) sluggishness; drowsiness; dullness
novice (n) beginner; amateur
quagmire (n) 1. swamp or bog 2. difficult, precarious, or entrapping position/ predicament
rancor (n) hatred; ill-will; resentment
subterfuge (n) deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, evade
aberration (n) departing substantially from the standard or normal state; deviation; abnormality
affinity (n) natural liking for; an attraction to
affluence (n) abundance of wealth
alienation (n) withdrawing or separation of a person or affections from an object or position of former attachment; estrangement due to hostility or mistrust
dichotomy (n) division into two exclusive or contradictory groups or entities; something with seemingly contradictory qualities
empathy (n) identification with the feelings of others
enigma (n) something hard to understand or explain; puzzle; inscrutable or mysterious person
enmity (n) active and typically mutual hatred; hostility; antagonism; animosity
fiasco (n) a complete failure
quintessence (n) the essence of a thing in its purest and more concentrated form; the most typical example or representative
abhor (v) to regard with extreme repugnance; loath; hate
alleviate (v) to relieve, lessen; to make more bearable; ease; reduce
ambivalence (n) simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward an object, person, action
banal (adj) lacking originality; trite; insipid; stale
belated (adj) delayed beyond the usual time; late
candid (adj) frank; honest; sincere
clandestine (adj) marked by or done in secrecy; surreptitious; secret; hidden
debilitate (v) to impair the strength of; enfeeble; weaken
trepidation (n) apprehension; fear
vestige (n) a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something vanished or lost
admonish (v) to warn, disapprove, esp. in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner; to give friendly advice or encouragement to
appease (v) to bring to a state of peace or quiet; calm; allay; pacify
cogent (adj) convincing; pertinent; relevant; valid; persuasive
demean (v) to lower in dignity, status, or reputation; to criticize
impede (v) to interfere with or slow the progress of; to hinder; to obstruct
rationalize (v) to explain away; to justify
scrutinize (v) to examine closely and minutely; inspect; examine
sordid (adj) marked by baseness or grossness; vile; dirty; filthy; wretched; squalid
vacillate (v) to waver in mind, will, or feeling; hesitate in choice of opinion or courses
vacuous (adj) emptied of or lacking content; marked by lack of ideas or intelligence; stupid; inane
adulterate (v) to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element
corroborate (v) to support with evidence or authority; confirm; substantiate; verify
dissipate (v) to cause to spread or scatter and gradually vanish; to spend or use up wastefully; squander
eclectic (adj) composed of elements drawn from various sources; heterogeneous; various
extricate (v) to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty; disentangle; disencumber
felicitous (adj) very well suited or expressed; apt; appropriate
fetid (adj) having a heavy, offensive smell; malodorous
inhibit (v) to prohibit from doing something; to hold in check; restrain; hinder
refute (v) to prove wrong by argument or evidence; to show to be false or erroneous
usurp (v) to seize control of (place, powers) by force or without right; supplant
garner (v) to gather, accumulate, or collect over time; to acquire by effort; to earn
imperative (adj) necessary; essential
inundate (v) to overflow, overwhelm
languid (adj) drooping or flagging from (as if from) exhaustion; weak; sluggish; listless
latent (adj) potential; present and capable of becoming though not now visible or active; dormant; applies to a power or quality that has not yet come forth but may emerge and develop
parochial (adj) limited or narrow in viewpoint; provincial
perfunctory (adj) characterized by routine or superficially; mechanical; lacking in interest or enthusiasm
preclude (v) to exclude, prevent, or make unnecessary; to rule out in advance
precocious (adj) exceptionally early in development; exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age
variable (adj) changeable; able or apt to vary; subject to variation; fickle; inconstant
abdicate (v) to cast off, discard; to relinquish (sovereign power or position) formally; to renounce a throne, dignity, function
garrulous (adj) pointlessly or annoyingly talkative; wordy, rambling
heinous (adj) hatefully or shockingly evil; abominable
meticulous (adj) marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details; careful
obsequious (adj) exhibiting a fawning attentiveness; subservient; humbly obedient
tenacious (adj) unyielding; steadfast; strong
turgid (adj) swollen, inflated; excessively embellished in style or language; bombastic, pompous
ubiquitous (adj) existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread
vehement (adj) marked by forceful energy; powerful; intensely emotional; impassioned, fervid; forcibly expressed
wary (adj) marked by keen attention, cunning, and watchful prudence, esp. in detecting and escaping danger
astute (adj) shrewd; quick to understand; intelligent
autonomy (n) self-government; power of self-control
belligerent (adj) hostile; quarrelsome; combative
benign (adj) harmless; mild; gentle; of a type that does not threaten health or life
cajole (v) to persuade or coax with flattery or gentle urging, esp. in the face of reluctance; to deceive with soothing words or false promises
capricious (adj) marked by sudden and seemingly unmotivated action; impulsive, unpredictable, inconstant; erratic
circumspect (adj) careful to consider all circumstance and possible consequences; prudent; cautious
depravity (n) corruption; wickedness; evil; perversity
exonerate (v) to free from blame; to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
fastidious (adj) having high and often capricious standards; overly difficult to please; showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care
acquiesce (v) to agree or assent to; to submit to
coercion (n) the act, process, or power of restraining or dominating by force; pressure
discursive (adj) rambling; wandering; long-winded
ephemeral (adj) lasting a very short time; transient; short-livee
fallacious (adj) tending to deceive or mislead; delusive; false; mistaken; erroneous
gregarious (adj) sociable; seeking and enjoying the company of others
hypothetical (adj) being or involving a hypothesis (a tentative assumption or concession made for the sake of argument); conjectural
immutable (adj) not susceptible to change; permanent
judicious (adj) having, exercising, or characterized by sound judgement; wise; sensible
laud (v) to praise, honor, extol
Created by: mittbromney
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