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Question | Answer |
ACM | Asbestos Containing Material |
AED | Automated External Defibrillator |
AFE | Authority for Expenditure |
AAP | Affirmative Action Plan |
AIP | Annual Incentive Plan |
ALT | Area Leadership Team |
AP | Accounts Payable |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
API | The universally accepted scale for expressing the density of liquid petroleum products; the higher the API gravity |
APR | Air Purifying Respirator |
ASME | American Society for Mechanical Engineers |
AST | Aboveground Storage Tank |
AST | Annual Safety Training |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
A-Tax | IRR After-tax Internal Rate of Return |
ATLAS | Automated Transportation Logistics Activity System |
AVG | Average |
BACT | Best Available Control Technology BBL Barrel |
BBTUD | Billion British Thermal Units per Day |
BCF | Billion Cubic Feet; Volumetric measure for a billion standard cubic feet of natural gas |
BERC | Business Ethics Resource Center |
BLDG | Building |
BLEVE | Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion |
BLM | Baseline Maintenance |
BLM | Bureau of Land Management |
BOD | Board of Directors |
BOE | Barrel of Oil Equivalent |
BOL | Bill of Landing |
BP | Booster Pump |
BPD | Barrels per Day |
BPD | Big Piney District |
BPH | Barrels per hour |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
BRG | Business Resource Groups |
BS | Basic Sediment and Water |
B-Tax | IRR Before-tax internal rate of return |
Btu | British thermal unit |
BU | Business Unit |
BWPD | Barrels of Water per Day |
C1 | Methane |
C2 | Ethane 66 |
C3 | Propane |
C4 | Butane |
C5 | Gasoline |
C | Cause and Effect |
CAA | Clean Air Act |
CADD | Computer Aided Drafting & Design |
CAL | Calcium |
CAMS | Customer Access Management System |
CAP | Capacity |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditures |
CAS | Chemical Abstract |
CBT | Computer Based Training |
CDL | Commercial Driver‘s License |
CDMS | Corrosion Data Management System |
CENT | Centrifugal |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response |
CF | Cubic Foot |
CFFO | Cash Flow from Operations |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIS | Chemical Information System |
CIS | Customer Information System |
CIS | Commodity Inventory System (Oracle) |
CKV | Check Value |
CLC | Corporate Leadership Council |
CO | Carbon Monoxide |
CO | Change Order |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide |
COE | Center of Expertise; typically used in Human Resources to define departments |
COM | Coordinator of Maintenance |
CONC | Concentric |
COOQ‘s | Consortium on Operation Qualifications |
CPG | Cents per Gallon |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
CV | Control Value |
CV | Core Values and Beliefs |
CWA | Clean Water Act |
DAY | Diglycolamine |
db | Decibel |
DCF | Discounted Cash Flow |
DCS | Distributive Control System |
DD | Depreciation |
DEA | Diethyl amine |
DEKATHERM | 1 million British thermal units (see MMBtu) |
DEL | Delivery |
DERIVATIVES | 1) Refers to products derived from Monomers. Polyethylene and polypropylene are both examples of De-rivatives. 2) For trading and accounting |
DGT | Discovery Gas Transmission |
DHC | Dry Hole Cost (cost of drilling a well up to the casing point |
DISP | Disposal |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
DOWNSTREAM Industry term; | indicates the refining and marketing sectors of the industry |
DSC | District Safety Committee 67 |
E | Exploration and Production |
E/P | Ethane Propane |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program |
EBD | Emergency Blow Down |
EBITDA | Earnings before Interest |
ECC | Eccentric |
EDP | Engineering Development Program\ |
EER | Exercise Evaluation Report |
EFF | Effective |
EH | Environmental |
EIMS | Environmental Information Management System |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
ELL | Elbow |
EM | Energy Marketing & Trading |
EMPAC | Enterprise Maintenance Planning and Control |
ENL | Energy News Live |
EOI | Expression of Interest |
EOT | Executive Officer Team |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ERA | Environmental Response Agency |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
ERP | Emergency Response Plan |
ESA | Electronic Skills Assessment |
ESA | Environmental Site Assessment |
ESD | Emergency Shut Down |
ESD | Echo Springs District |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETD | Estimated Time of Depletion |
EVA | Economic Value Added (trademark of Stearn Stewart) |
EVP | Employee Value Proposition |
EVP | Equilibrium Vapor Pressure |
F | Finance and Accounting |
F | Fire and Gas |
F | Degrees in Fahrenheit |
FCA | Four Corners Area - Midstream‘s assets in the San Juan Basin located near the intersection of New Mexico |
FEED | Front End Engineering and Design |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
FID | Flame Ionization Detector |
FIG | Figure |
FIN | Field Information Network |
FMEA | Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PHA method) |
FOA | Field Office Administrator |
FOFO | Fuel Oil Set Off |
FOSC | Federal On-Scene Coordinator |
FPS | Floating Production System; used to service Deepwater production |
FR | Federal Register |
FSW | Feet Salt Water |
Frac | Fracture stimulation; also know as ―fracing‖ |
FRP | Facility Response Plan |
FS | Feasibility Study |
FT | Feet |
FWP | Fresh Water Pump 68 |
G | General and Administrative |
G | Gathering & Processing |
GA | Government Affairs |
GET | Getty |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GP | Gas Pipes (also known as WGP – Williams Gas Pipes) |
GPA | Gas Processor‘s Association is an association made up of both midstream and producing companies that are involved in the processing and treating of natural gas. |
GPSA | Gas Processors Suppliers Association |
GR | Grade |
GRD | Green River District |
GTS | General Twin Seal |
H2S | Hydrogen Sulfide |
H | Horizontal |
HAP | Hazardous Air Pollutants |
HAZCOM | Hazard Communications |
HAZMAT | Hazard Material |
HAZOP | Hazard and Operability (PHA Study Method) |
HAZWOPER | Hazardous Waste and Emergency operations |
HCA | High Consequence Areas |
HEPA | High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 |
HIPE | High Impact Process Evaluation |
HIS | Hazardous Material Identification System |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HMT | Hazardous Materials Technician |
HORIZ | Horizontal |
HP | Horsepower |
HPSC | High Pressure Slug Catcher |
HR | Human Resources |
HRBP | Human Resources Business Partner |
HRLT | Human Resources Leadership Team |
HS | Hand Station |
HSC | Houston Ship Channel |
HVL | Highly Volatile Liquid |
Hz | Hertz |
IAP | Incident Accident Plan |
IATA | International Air Transportation Association |
IC | Incident Commander |
ICS | Incident Command System |
IDC | Intangible Drilling Cost |
IDLH | Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health |
ILI | In-line Inspections |
INJ | Injection |
IP | Initial Production |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return |
IS | Information Services |
IT | Information Technology (sometimes referred to as ―WIT‖ – Williams IT) |
ITG | Independent Terminal Group 69 |
MMS | Minerals Management Service: A bureau of the Department of the Interior charged with managing the U.S.‘s offshore mineral resources and collecting mineral royalties for the United States and Indian Tribes. |
MOC | Management of Change |
MOCR | Management of Change Request |
MONOMERS | Refers to Ethylene and Propylene |
MOP | Maximum Operating Pressure |
MOV | Motor-Operated Valve |
MPSC | Medium pressure Slug Catcher |
MS | Midstream |
MSA | Master Service Agreement |
MSHA | Mine Safety & Health Administration |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet |
MSR | Mainline Surge Relief System |
MTR | Marine Transportation- Related |
MTR | Meter |
NCCER | National Center for Construction Education and Research |
NCMS | National Compliance Management System |
NDE | Non-Destructive Examination |
NEC | National Electric Code |
NEO | New Employee Orientation |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Association |
NGL | Natural Gas Liquids; liquids contained in the natural gas stream usually made up of ethane |
NH3 | Anhydrous Ammonia |
NIOSH | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
No. | Number |
NOI | Notice of Intent |
NOM | Nominal |
NOPAT | Net Operating Profit after Taxes |
NOAV | Notice of Alleged Violation |
NOV | Notice of Violation |
NORM | Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material |
NOX | Nitrogen Oxide |
NPDES | National Pollution Discharge Elimination System |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NPI | Net Profits Interest |
NRC | National Response Center |
NRI | Net Revenue Interest |
NWP | North West Pipeline |
NYMEX | New York Mercantile Exchange |
O | Oil & Gas |
O | Operating & Maintenance |
O/S | Over/Short |
O | Operations and Technicians Services |
OBS | Organizational Breakdown Structure |
OD | Outside Diameter |
OIT | Operator Interface Terminal |
OJT | On the Job Training |
ONOL | Outside Normal Operating Limits 70 |
OPA | Opal |
OPA | ‘90 Oil Pollution Act of 1990 |
OP | Operating Profit |
OPEX | Operating Expenses |
OPS | Office of Pipeline Safety |
Op | Tech Operator/ Technician |
OQ | Operator Qualification |
ORA | Operational Reliability Assessment |
ORRI | Overriding Royalty Interest |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSIC | On-Scene Incident Commander |
PAQ | Position Analysis Questionnaire |
PC | Personal Computer |
PCB | Polychlorinated Biphenyls |
PD | Positive Development |
PDNP | Proved Developed Not Producing |
PDP | Professional Development Program |
PDP | Proved Developed Producing |
PDVSA | The national oil company of Venezuela |
PEL | Permissible Exposure Limit |
PEPL | Panhandle Eastern Pipeline |
PFD | Process Flow Diagram |
PGP | Polymer Grade Propylene |
PHA | Process Hazard Analysis |
PI | Point of Intersection |
PIC | Public Information Center |
PIO | Public Information Officer |
PI&D‘s | Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams |
PL | Pipeline |
PLC | Project Life Cycle |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
PLHCP | Physician or Licensed Health Care Professional |
PLT | Plant |
PM | Preventative Maintenance |
PM | Particulate matter |
PO | Purchase Order |
POL | Percent of liquids; type of processing contract whereby the plant owner receives a portion of the natural gas liquids as compensation for processing services provided |
POP | Percent of proceeds |
POSS | Possible |
POV | Point of View |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PPL | Phillips Pipeline |
PROC | Procedure |
PROB | Probable |
PSA | Purchase and Sale Agreement |
PSI | Process Safety Information |
PSIA | Pounds per Square Inch Atmosphere |
PSIG | Pounds per Square Inch Gauge |
PSM | Process Safety Management |
PSOW | Project Statement of Work |
PSSR | Pre-Startup Safety Review |
PSV | Pressure Safety Valve |
PT | Pressure Transmitter |
PTO | Paid Time Off 71 |
PTR | Plant Thermal Reduction; the difference between the thermal energy of the gas stream entering the plant and the gas at the tailgate of the plant (commonly referred to as Shrink). |
PUD | Proved Undeveloped |
P50 | Indication that an estimated value has a 50% probability of occurring; used to indicate relative risk of an esti-mate; P90 would indicate a 90% chance of occurring (low risk) while a P10 indicate a 10 % chance of occur-ring (high risk) |
PV10 | Present value discounted at 10% |
PV15 | Present value discounted at 15% |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QC | Quality Control |
QLFT | Qualitative Fit Test |
QNFT | Quantitative Fit Test |
QUANT/QTY | Quantity |
RACI | Responsible |
RAD | Radius |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 |
REC | Receipt |
RED | Reducing |
Refrac | Re-fracture stimulation |
REV | Reverse |
RF | Raised Face |
RFFE | Raised Face Flanged End |
RFNY | Refinery |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Quotation |
RFS | Request for Services |
RGP | Refinery Grade Propylene |
RI | Royalty Interest |
RISER | The 2 – 3 mile pipeline that connects the production platform to either deepwater import or export pipelines; must be bent in order to connect the horizontal underwater pipelines to the vertical platform production equipment |
RMA | Rocky Mountain Area: Refers to Midstream‘s G&P assets primarily in southern Wyoming. |
RMID | Risk Management Insurance Department |
RMIS | Resource Management Information System |
RML | Rocky Mountain Liquids |
RMP | Risk Management Program |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed |
ROFR | Right of First Refusal |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROR | Return on Revenue |
ROV | Remotely Operated Valve |
ROW | Right of way |
RQ | Reportable Quantity |
RTU | Remote Terminal unit |
RTV | Return to Vendor |
SARA | Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act |
SARA | TITLE Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition 72 |
SCBA | Self Contained Breathing Apparatus |
SCH | Schedule |
SCR | Steel Centenary Riser |
SDWA | Safe Drinking Water Act |
SEC | Section |
SELA | Southeast Louisiana; offshore pipeline system owned by Transco |
SERC | State Emergency Response Center |
SETS | Safety Environmental Protection Agency |
SG | Selling |
SHRINK | When NGL‘s are extracted from natural gas there is a reduction in the energy of the gas stream without a corresponding reduction in volume. This reduction in the energy (btu‘s) is commonly referred to as SHRINK. |
SI | Shut In |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification |
SIP | System Integrity Plan |
SMART | Specific |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMLS | Seamless |
SMT | Senior Management Team |
SMYS | Specified Minimum Yield Strength |
SO | Safety Officer |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOU | Statement of Understanding |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SOX | Sarbanes Oxley; Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act |
SPCC | Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure |
SPP | Skills Progression Program |
SQG | Small Quantity Generator |
SR | Short Radius |
SS | Strategic Services and Administration |
SSD | Station Shut Down |
STD | Standard |
STEL | Short- Term Exposure Limit |
STG | Stage |
SVP | Small Volume Prover |
SW | Standard Weight |
SWD | Salt water disposal |
S.W. | WY Southwest Wyoming (Opal |
SWPPP | Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan |
TAD | Talent Acquisition and Development; comprised of Leadership Development; Learning & Performance; and Staffing |
TAN | Tangent |
TAS | Terminal Automation System |
TBA | To Be Announced |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TCAM | Timer Counter Access Module |
Tcf | Trillion Cubic Feet |
TDP | Talent Development Process |
TEG | Tetraethylene Glycol |
TLP | Tension Leg Platform; a type of offshore platform used to service deepwater production |
TLV | Toxic Level Value; Threshold Limit Value |
TML | Thickness Measurement Location |
TPY | Tons per year |
TSCA | Toxic Substance Control Act 73 |
TSD | Treatment |
TSPP | Technical Skills Progression Program |
Turbotronics | Solar Turbine Controls |
TWA | Time Weighted Average |
TWC | The Williams Companies |
TXP | Turboexpander; equipment used in processing plants to remove natural gas liquids from the gas stream; at the heart of a modern cryogenic gas processing plant. |
UEL | Upper Explosive Limit |
UFL | Upper Flammable Limit |
UHC | United Healthcare |
UIC | Underground Injection Control |
UICS | Unified Incident Command System |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
UPSTREAM | The exploration and production portions of the oil and gas industry |
USCG | US Coast Guard |
UST | Under Ground Storage Tank |
UWD | United Way Day |
V | Valve |
VCU | Vapor Combustion Unit |
VERT | Vertical |
VOC | Volatile Organic Compounds |
VP | Vice President |
VRU | Vapor Recovery Unit |
WACC | Weighted average cost of capital |
WAM | Wamsutter (Echo Springs Plant and Wamsutter Gathering) |
WAQSR | Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations |
WDEQ | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality |
WDEQ-AQD | Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality- Air Quality Division |
WES | Williams Energy Services |
WF | Workforce |
WFS | Williams Field Services |
WGP | Williams Gas Pipeline |
WGP | Williams Gas Processing |
WI | Working interest |
WIT | Williams Information Technology |
WLL | Williams Learning Link |
WMB | New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) trading symbol for Williams Companies |
WMZ | NYSE trading symbol for Williams Pipeline Partners L.P. |
WO | Work Order |
WPX | Williams Exploration Company- Stock Ticker |
WPZ | NYSE trading symbol for Williams Partners L.P. |
WTC | Wyoming Training Center |
WTS | Williams Travel Services |
Ygrade | Demethonized Mix 74 |
$MM | Dollars in millions |
1040 | Calculating the Economics for Pay out for Projects $1 MM and above |
1040S | Calculating the Economics for Pay Out for Projects $1 MM and below |
2P | Proved and probable reserves |
3D | Three dimensional |
3P | Proved |
COP | Community of Practice |
PHMSA | Pipeline Hazordous Safety Administration |
FMCSA | Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration |