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Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology Mod 2

DVT Deep vein thrombosis -> presence of blood clot in deep vein, often in iliac or femoral vein
Acapnia Absence of carbon dioxide in the blood; less than normal blood levels of carbon dioxide
Anemia Deficiency in the quantity or quality of blood
Anoxia Absence or lack of the normal level of oxygen in the blood
Apnea Abesence or lack of breathing; temporary cessation of breathing
Ater/o Arteriole
Ateriogram An x-ray of an artery
BP Blood pressure -> the pressure that circulating blood exerts on the walls of arteries, veins, and chambers of the heart
Brady Slow
Bronchiectasis Abnormal dilation or destruction of the bronchi caused by infection and inflammation
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft -> a surgical procedure that requires implanting a piece of vein onto the heart to bypass a blockage in a coronary artery and to improve blood flow to the heart
CBC Complete blood count -> a blood test that analyzes the quantity and quality of the cellular components of blood
CF cystic fibrosis -> a nereditary disorder that affects the gastrointestinal and respiratory components of blood
CHF Congestive heart failure -> a condition characterized by impaired cardiac pumping resulting in an inadequated ejection of blood from the ventricles of the heart
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation -> a procedure for life support consisting of artificial respiration and manual external cardiac compression
Dycrasia Any abnormal condition of blood
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Electrocardiogram graphic record of the electrical activity and contractions of the heart
Emia blood condition
Endocarditis inflammation of the inner layer of the heart wall
Epistaxis discharge of blood from the nose
Erythr/o red
Erthremia an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells
Hct hematocrit -> measures the percent fo red blood cells in a specific sample of blood
Hemat/o blood
Hemolysis coughing up blood -> tinged sputum, spitting up blood
Hemothorax blood in chest cavity or pleural space
Hypercapnia deficient carbon dioxide levels in the blood
Hypertension elevated blood pressure due to increase to pressure on arterial walls
Hypoxemia deficient or decreased oxygen in the blood
Leukopenia decrease in the number of leukocytes
Lymphocytic lymph cells
Lymphoma a tumor of the lymph tissue, usually malignant
MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume -> mathematical calculation (average size of an erythrocyte)
Megaly enlargement
MI Myocardial infarction
Oximetry measuring the oxygen saturation of blood
Pathy disease
Phelbitis inflammation of a vein
Phrenic pertaining to diaphragm
Pulmon/o lungs
Rhinorrhea thin, watery discharge from the nose, runny nose
SARs Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome -> an acute syndrome of the respiratory system caused by a coronavirus
SOB shortness of breath
Spirometry process of measuring breathing or lung volumes
Splen/o spleen
Spri/o breathe; breath
Tachy Fast
Tachycardia abnormally rapid heartbeat, usually defined as more than 100 beats/minute
TB Tuberculosis
Thoracocentesis surgical puncture into chest wall to remove fluid
Thromb/o clot
Tonsillectomy surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids
URI Upper Respiratory Infection -> infection of the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi
Valvuloplast/Valvoplasty surgical repair of a heart valve
Ven/o vein
WBC White Blood Count -> measure the number of white blood cells in a sample of blood
Created by: jearl
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