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Test and measurement

Chapter 1

Measures human achievement, apitude, and/or intellegence Human ability
Covert this is within an individual and cannot be directly measured
Scales relates to raw test scores to some theoretical or empircal distribution
a test that measures previous learning achievement
measures an individuals potential for acquiring a certain skill aptitude
the specific condition or status of an individual state
in this type of test, an ambigous stimuli is presented projective personality test
this type of test is given to a large group of people by one examiner (SAT) group test
measures a persons ability to solve problems, adapt to changing circumstances, think abstractly intelligence
enduring characteristics or tendencies to respond a certain way across situations trait
a measurement tool or strategy used to quantify behavior or aid in the understanding and prediciton of behavior test
Examinee is give an objective statement abotu his thoguth, feelings, or behaviors. True or false structured personality test
Overt observable traits
How were test batteries used during the ming Dynasty (1368-1644C.E) A national multistage testing program used at local and regional test centers
US devloped the civil service testing in what year 1885
What year did the US use testing for competive goverment job 1883
Galtons individual diffences were applied to what apects human sensory and motor funcitons. E.G. Reaction time, visual acquity, and physical strength
James Mckeen Cattell coined the term Mental Test
What importan Ideas about psychological testing emerged from the collective work of Herbart, Weber, Fechner, and Wundt Experimental Psychology. Testing requires rigourous control.
Binet Simon scale was invented in what year... and what was its purpos 1905 to identify intellectually subnormal individuals
Binet Simon Scale of 1908 major addition was Mental age concept
Standford Binet Scale was invented in what year 1916
What need spurred the deman for the development of large-scale group tests during the WWI quick and efficient way of evaluation the emotional and intellectual
Robert Yekes and others created Army Alpha and Army Beta
Army Alpha and Army beta reading ability, Beta was intelligence and illiterate adults
The first structured personality test was the Woodwort personal date sheet
what is structured about a structured personality test a definite and stimulus and specific alternative response that can be unequivically scored
What is the most widely used structured personality test and when was it developed MMPI developed in 1943
What is the date given for the birth of clinical pscyhology 1949
test are used in hospitals to asses brain injury neuropsychology
Use test and surveys in a variety of medical settings health psychology
Legal system to asses mental state as it relates to insanity forensic psychology
asses childhood disorders child pyschology
Who developed the earliest system for psychological testing China
Charles Darwins book was Orgin of Species
Frances Galton Heredity genius, human individual differences
a standardization sample is a comparison group
The 16PF was developed through factor analysis
Representative sample is one that comprises individuals similar to those for whom the test is to be used on.
Group test were fueled by WWI
standardized achievement test were what, and when were they developed 1923 - WWI, they are test the provide multiple choice questions that are standardized on a large sample to produce norms against which the results of new examinees can be compared
Personality test began just before WWII
Created by: ashley5273
Popular Psychology sets




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