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Ch 6 Cerebellum

Neuro Cerebellum Notes

Cerebellum functions Maintains fine control and coordination of complex & simple movements
Can cognitive function proceed without the cerebellum? Yes, but movements lack precision
Where are cerebellar s/sx located? Ipsilateral to side of lesion
Inferior cerebellar peduncle carries info where? From medulla to cerebellum
Afferent fibers enter Inferior cerebellar peduncle from where? Olivocerebellar fibers; Dorsal spinocerebellar tract; Cuneocerebellar fibers; Vestibulocerebellar fibers; Trigeminal sensory nuclei; Reticular nuclei
Olivocerebellar fibers originate where? Inferior Olive
Cuneocerebellar fibers deal with what structures? Upper extremities
What is the function of vestibulocerebellar fibers? maintain coordination & balance
Trigeminal sensry nuclei function Facial coordination
Efferent tracts of the Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle Cerebellovestibular & Cerebelloreticular
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle connects what? Pons to Cerebellum
Afferent tracts of middle cerebellar peduncle Pontocerebellar fibers
Efferent tracts using middle cerebellar peduncle NONE
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle connects what structures? Midbrain & Cerebellum
Afferent tracts of the superior cerebellar peduncle Trigeminothalamic fibers (signals to tongue); Ventral spinocerebellar tracts; Tectocerebellar fibers
Efferent tracts of superior cerebellar peduncle Cerebellthalamic; Cerebellorubral
What is the relationship of the cerebellum to the 4th ventricle Directly caudal to ventricle; cerebellum is like the ventricle's roof
What separates the occipital cortex from the cerebellum? Tentorium Cerebelli
Primary subdivisions of the cerebellum Flocculonodular (Archicerebellum); Anterior (Paleocerebellum); Posterior (Neocerebellum)
Flocculonodular/Archicerebellum deals mostly with what system? Vestibular
Anterior/Paleocerebellum eals mostly with what? Spinocerebellar & Trigeminocerebellar paths
Instead of gyri/sulci, the cerebellum has what? Folia
Where is the vermis located? Midline of cerebellum
What fibers are directly & indirectly excited by cerebellar inputs? Purkinje cells
Which cerebellar neurons are excited by cerebellar inputs & inhibit Purkinje cells? Intrinsic cerebellar neurons
How many deep cerebellar nuclei are there? 4
The deep cerebellar nuclei provide cerebellar output to what & is it excitatory or inhibitory? Provide output to extracerebellar targets; Excitatory; All outputs have to go through 4 DCN before they get out
What are some extracerebellar targets? Vestibular & reticular nuclei; Red nucleus; Thalamus; Inferior Olive
Corticopontocerebellar Pathway Conveys control; Inputs originate in all 4 cerebral lobes; Crossed system (rt cerebrum->lt cerebel); synapse in pontine nuclei before cerebellum; Inferior olivary nucleus-redundancy
Cerebro-olivocerebellar pathway Inputs originate in all 4 lobes of cerebrum; Synapse in bilateral inferior olives before crossing; this is a backup to corticopontocerebellar system
Cerebroreticulocerebellar Pathway Conveys control from cerebral cortex; inputs originate in sensory-motor areas; Synapse in reticular formation before continuing to cerebellum
Vestibular nerve/nuclei Pathway Conveys info of head position/movement; originates in utricle, saccade, semi-circular canals; goes to flocculonodular lobe (midline)
Ventral/dorsal spinocerebellar pathway conveys info from mm/joints; Originates in mm spindle, GTOs & other joint receptors; Destined for cerebellar cortex
Cuneocerebellar pathways convey info from mm/joints of UEs; originates in mm spindle, GTOs, other jt receptors; destined for cerebellar cortex
What are the efferent cerebellar pathways? Globose-emboliform rubral; Dentatothalamic; Fastigial
Globose-emboliform rubral tract Ipsilateral motor activity; originates in globose/emboliform nuclei; goes to contralateral red nucleus, then via crossed rubrospinal tract to AHCs in SC; double-crossed (ipsilateral s/sx); between dentate & fastigial
Dentatothalamic Tract Ipsilateral motor activity; Destined for contralateral VL thalamus then contralateral cerebral cortex, back to contralateral cerebellum; Double-crossed (ipsilateral s/sx); Finer mvmts of distal limbs; Cerebellum->red nucleus->cerebral cortex
What is the most important efferent cerebellar pathway (for humans)? Dentatothalamic Tract
Fastigial Vestibular Tract Most medial (trunk, pelvis, midline structures); Ipsilateral extensor mm tone (stand up straight); Goes to ipsilateral/contralateral vestibular nuclei, then via vestibulospinal tract to AHCs; Fastigial nucleis->tectum & VL thalamus (ipsi) & to retic form
Fastigial Vestibular Tract pt 2 Inputs end in flocculonodular lobe & vestibular nuclei; What one side does, other side vestibular system decreases to tell brain where input comes from
Integration of cerebellum & cerebrum for movement Motor assn cerebrum-intent to perform; Lat. cerebellum- early phases of mvmt planning; Intermediate cerebellum via pontine nuclei & peripheral receptors in moving body parts- progress of ongoing mvmt
Integration of cerebellum & cerebrum for cognition Cerebellar with thalamocortical projections to pre-frontal cerebral cortex- planning ahead, learning new motor program
Created by: 1190550002
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