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(TAMUCC) Psych Ch.13

Psychology Terms Ch. 13

an interaction between a therapist and someone suffering from a psychological problem, with the goal of providing support or relief from the problem Ex: lay on the couch and tell me your problems psychotherapy
treatment that draws on techniques from different forms of therapy, depending on the client and the problem eclectic psychotherapy
explore childhood events and help patients develop insight into their psychological problems psychodynamic psychotherapies
_______ assumes that humans are born with urges that are suppressed through defense mechanisms psychoanalysis
a reluctance to cooperate with treatment or fear of confronting unpleasant unconscious material resistance
when the analyst begins to assume a major significance in the clients life and the client reacts to the analyst based on unconscious childhood fantasies transference
therapist transferring his/her issues onto patient counter transference
a form of psychotherapy theta focuses on helping clients improve current relationships interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
symptom relief is achieved through changing overt maladaptive behaviors into more constructive behaviors behavior therapy
clients are given tokens for desired behaviors which they can later trade for rewards token economy
involves confronting an emotion-arousing stimulus directly and repeatedly, leading to a decrease in the emotional response (Habituation) exposure therapy
the client realizes all the muscles in the body while imagining being in increasingly frightening situations systematic desensitization
involves helping a client identify and correct any distorted thinking cognitive therapy
teaches clients to question the automatic beliefs that often lead to negative emotions and to replace negative thinking with more realistic and positive beliefs cognitive restructuring
teaches an individual to be aware of his/her thoughts, feelings, and sensations; and to detect symptoms before they become a problem mindfulness meditation
a blend of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
assumes all individuals have a tendency toward growth and that this growth can be facilitated by acceptance and genuine reactions from the therapist person-centered therapy
goal of helping the client become aware of his/her thoughts, behaviors, experiences, and feeling and to "own" or take responsibility for them gestalt therapy
multiple participants work on their individual problems in a group atmosphere group therapy
the study of drug effects on psychological states and symptoms psychopharmacology
medications used to treat schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders anti-psychotic drugs
medications used to reduce a persons experience of fear or anxiety anti-anxiety drugs
medications used to help life peoples mood anti-depressant drugs
inert substance or procedure that has been applied with the expectation that a healing response will be produced placebo
treatment that involves inducing a mild seizure by delivering an electrical shock to the brain electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
treatment that involves placing a powerful pulsed magnet over a persons scalp, which alters neuronal activity in the brain transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
the surgical destruction of specific brain areas psychosurgery
Created by: lmarbach
Popular Psychology sets




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