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A/p II

Chap 7 -Muscles

Another name for muscle cell? Muscle Fiber
2 Other names for skeletal muscle? striated and voluntary
2 Other kinds of skeletal muscle? Cardiac & smooth
- dark bands where plasma membranes of adjacent cardiac fibers come in contact with each other intercalated disks
Which muscle fibers are tapered at each end, have a single nucleus and lack cross stripes or striations of skeletal muscles Smooth muscle
This muscle circulates blood? Cardiac muscle
This type of muscle is responsible for moving food into and through the stomach and intestines. smooth
-muscle attachment to the more stationary bone Orgin
-attachment to the more moveable bone insertion
-attach muscles firmly to bone tendons
-fluid filled sacs that lie btwn some tendons and bones beneath them bursae
form thick myofilaments myosin
form thin myofilaments actin
basic funtional unit of skeletal muscle sacromere
basic building block of skeletal muscle sacromere
3 functions of the muscular system movement, posture or muscle tone, heat production
-one thats mainly responsible for producting a particular movement prime mover
-enables body to maintain body position bc of low strength continuous muscle contraction/doesn't move body parts tonic contraction
-stimulates muscle fibers motor neuron
-point of contact btwn the nerve ending and the muscle fiber neuromuscular
single motor neuron with the muscle fibers motor unit
min level of stimulation required to cause a fiber to contract threshold stimulus
more sustained and steady response than a twitch tetanic contraction
muscle produces movement at a joint isotonic contraction
insertion end moves toward the point of origin concentric contraction
muscle produces tension as it lengthens and thus the insertion moves away from the origin eccentric contraction
when muscle does not shorten and no movement results internal tension increases isometric contraction
muscles shrinking in mass disuse atrophy
What type of muscles are these: orbicularis oculi orbicularis oris zygomaticus facial muscles
what does orbicularis oculi control? closes eye
What does orbicularis oris control? kissing muscle
What does zygomaticus control? Smiling muscle
What does masseter & temporal muscles control? closing the jaw
What does sternocleidomastoid control? flexes the head
What does trapezius control? elevates the shoulders and extends the head
What muscle group do these muscles belong to? pectoralis major latissimus dorsi deltoid biceps brachii triceps brachii control the upper extremities
Pectoralis major? flexes upper arm
latissimus dorsi? extends upper arm
deltoid abducts upper arm
biceps brachii flexes forearm
triceps brachii extends forearm
rectus abdominis flexes the trunk ( situps)
External and internal oblique and transversus compresses abdomen
Muscle of expiration intercostal
muscles of inspiration? diaphragm
iliopsoas flexes thigh
gluteus maximus extends thigh
adductor muscles adduct thighs
hamstring muscles flex lower leg
quadriceps femoris extend lower leg
tibralis anterior dorsiflexes the foot
gastrocenmius plantar flexes the foot
peroneus group flexes foot
Created by: erikasmith28
Popular Radiology sets




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