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MGMT Test 3
Question | Answer |
The excitement, feeling of anxiety, and/or physical tension that occurs when the demands or stressors placed on an individual are thought to exceed the person's ability to cope. | stress |
negative stress | distress |
Breathing and rate rates increase, brain wave activity goes up, hearing and sight become momentarily more acute | stress reactions |
the biochemical and bodily changes that represent a natural reaction to an environmental stressor. | fight-or-flight response |
perception, past experiences, social support, and individual differences | influences on stress |
the process by which people select, organize, interpret, and respond to information | perception |
workload, job conditions, role conflict and ambiguity, career development, interpersonal relations, workplace aggression, and conflict between work and life roles | work-related stressors |
This exist when the demands of the job exceed the capacity of the individual to meet all of the demands adequately | role overload |
leaders doing the work of their subordinates | micromanage |
temperature extreme, loud noises, too much or too little lighting, radiation, and air pollution | stressful working conditions |
differing expectations of or demands on a person at work that become excessive | role conflict |
This occurs when an employee is uncertain about assigned job duties and responsibilities. | role ambiguity |
job security, promotions,transfers, and developmental opportunities | stressors related to career development |
rudeness, lack of regard for one another and the violation of workplace norms for mutual respect | workplace incivility |
bullying, sexual harassment, workplace violence, and aggression toward the organization itself | workplace aggression |
tensions, anxieties, and conflicts that stem from pressures and demands in people's personal lives | life stressors |
What are the three areas that severe stress impact | physiological, emotional, and behavioral |
sweating, hot and cold spells, breathing difficulties, muscular tension | physiological effects of stress |
anger, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, poor intellectual functioning | emotional effects of stress |
poor performance, absenteeism, high accident rates, high turnover rates | behavioral effects of stress |
a psychological disorder brought on, for example, by horrible experiences in combat during wartime, acts of violence and terrorism, and the like | post-traumatic stress disorder |
the adverse effects of working conditions under which strong stressors are perceived as unavoidable and relief from them is interpreted as unavailable | job burnout |
chronic fatigue, tiredness, and a sense of being physically run down | emotional exhaustion |
cynicism, negativity, and irritability toward others | depersonalization of individuals |
the treatment of people as objects | depersonalization |
social workers, soldiers in war zones, nurses, police officers, and teachers | those most vulnerable to job burnout |
a person involved in a never ending struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time | Type A personality |
a person who tends to be easygoing and relaxed, patient, a good listener, and takes a long-range view of things | Type B personality |
the personality of a person with a cluster of characteristics that includes feeling a sense of commitment, responding to each difficulty as representing a challenge and an opportunity, and perceiving that one has control over one's own life | hardy personality |
reduces the negative effects of stressful events | hardiness |
the actions and initiatives that reduce stress by helping the individual understand the stress response, recognize stressors, and use coping techniques to minimize the negative impacts of severe experienced stress | stress management |
improvements in the physical work environment, job redesign, changes in the workloads and deadlines, changes in work schedules, more flexible hours, and greater level of employee participation | ways of modifying work stressors |
two major sources of severe stress | role ambiguities and role conflicts |
a health management initiative that incorporates the components of disease prevention, medical care, self-care, and health promotion | wellness program |
behaviors that are intended to have the effect of harming a person within or directly related to the organization or the organization itself. | workplace aggression |
What are the three aggressive workplace behavior categories? | hostility, obstructionism, and overt aggression |
the assumption that people tend to be motivated by the desire to harm others | hostile attribution bias |
the assumption the interactions with others are contests to establish dominance versus submissiveness | potency bias |
individuals think that taking revenge is more important than preserving relationships | retribution bias |
individuals see those they wish to make targets of aggression as evil, immoral, or untrustworthy | derogation of target bias |
individuals believe that social customs reflect free will and the opportunity to satisfy their own needs | Social discounting bias |
repeated and persistent negative actions directed toward one or more individuals that involve a power imbalance and create a hostile work environment | workplace bullying |
Women are most often the targets of ______. | bullying |
evidenced by anxiety, excessive worry, disruptive sleep, stress headaches, and racing heart rate. | general anxiety disorder |
evidenced by loss of concentration, disruptive sleep, obsession over details at work, exhaustion, and diagnosed depression. | clincial depression |
ganging up by coworkers, subordinates, or superiors to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and/or isolation. | mobbing |
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature | sexual harassment |
submission to harassment is used as the basis for employment decisions | quid pro quo |
harassment creates an offensive working environment | hostile environment |
any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated, or assaulted and that represents an explicit or implicit challenge to the person's safety, well-being, or health at work | workplace violence |
a continum that ranges from harassment to affression to rage to mayhem. | harm model of aggression |
violent and threatening behavior, strange behavior, performance problems, interpersonal problems, and at the end of his/her rope | warning signs of workplace violence |
the rage committed by a spouse, ex-spouse, or current or former boyfriend/girlfriend | intimate partner violence |
retaliating against the employee's manager or higher levels of leadership | aggression toward the organization |
a limited number of people who (1) are usually in proximity to each other, (2) use many sensory channels, and (3) are able to provide immediate feedback | interpersonal communication |
sender and receiver, transmitter and receptors, messages and channels, meaning and feedback | elements of interpersonal communication |
the means available for sending messages | Transmitters |
the means available for receiving messages | receptors |
the sent data and coded symbols that give particular meaning to the data | messages |
the means by which messages travel from sender to receiver. For ex. air, email via internet, and the telephone. | channels |
the capacity of a communication approach to transmit cues and provide feedback. | media richness |
a stimulus, either consciously or unconsciously perceived, that results in a response by the receiver | cue |
_____ is the highest in media richness | face to face dialogue |
_____ is the lowest in media richness | formal numerical documents |
a person's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attributes | meaning |
_____ gives personal, interpreted meaning to messages that are to be sent | encoding |
_____ gives personal, interpreted meaning to messages that are received | decoding |
the receiver's response to the message | feedback |
low adjustment, low sociability, low conscientiousness, low agreeableness, and low intellectual openness | personality traits as barriers |
perceptual defense, stereotyping, halo effect, projection, and high expectancy effect | perceptual errors |
any interference with the intended message in the channel | noise |
the special meaning assigned to words | semantics |
a person's verbal and nonverbal communication patterns that have become habits | language routines |
_____ means the sender states something that is believed to be false in order to seriously mislead one or more receivers | lying |
a wide range of messages that a sender may use between the extremes of lying and complete honesty | distortion |
the attempt by individuals to manipulate or control the impressions that other form about them. | impression management |
self-promotion, ingratiation, intimidation, supplication, and exemplification | impression management tactics |
a process whereby people suspend their defensiveness to enable a free flow of exploration into their own and others' assumptions and beliefs | dialogue |
confidently expressing what you think, feel, and believe while respecting the right of others to hold different views. | assertive communication |
communication openness, constructive feedback, appropriate self-disclosure, and active listening | factors of ethical dialogue |
___ brings out the assumptions, inferences, and interpretations of the parties that form the basis of open messages | meta-communication |
a questionnaire-based process that gathers structured feedback from a number of people about the competencies and behaviors of an individual or team | 360-degree feedback |
any information that individuals communicate about themselves to others | self-disclosure |
___ involves paying attention, withholding judgement, reflecting, clarifying, summarizing, and sharing | active listening |
people often listen at only ____ efficiency | 25% |
the process of sending "wordless" messages by means such as facial expressions, gestures, postures, emotional tones of voice, grooming, clothing, colors, and use or type of space | nonverbal communication |
Proximity, Expressions, Relative orientation, contact, eyes, individual gestures, voice, existence of adapters | personal nonverbal cues |
____ occurs whenever a message sent by a member of one culture is received and understood by a member of another culture | intercultural communication |
a set of social managers that seem polite or deceitful depending on one's point of view | taarof |
the conditions that surround and influence the life of an individual, group, or organization | cultural context |
The establishment of social trust before engaging in work-related discussions, the high value placed on personal relationships and goodwill, and the importance of the surrounding circumstances during an interaction. | high-context culture |
high context culture countries | China, Korea, and Japan |
Directly and immediately addressing the tasks, issues, or problems at hand; the high value placed on personal expertise and performance; and the importance of clear, precise, and speedy interactions. | low-context culture |
low context culture countries | Germany, Switzerland, and the US |
___ occurs when individuals believe that only their culture makes sense, has the "right" values, and represents the "right" and logical way to behave | Ethnocentrism |
Three forms of nonverbal cross-cultural communication | chromatics, chronemics, and body language |
communication through the use of color | chromatics |
reflects the use of time in a culture | chronemics |
things are done linearly, or one activity at a time | monochronic time schedule |
Northern Europe, Germany, and the U.S. | individualistic cultures |
people tend to do several things at the same time | polychronic time schedule |
posture, gestures, eye contact, facial expression, touching, voice pitch and volume, and speaking rate difference | body language |
the pattern of communication flows, relationships, and understandings developed over time among people, rather than focusing on the individual and whether a specific message is received as intended by the sender | interpersonal communication network |
includes immediate superiors and subordinates and the superior's superiors and the subordinates' subordinates. | vertical networks |
includes people in the same department at the same level (peers) and people in different departments at the same level | lateral networks |
includes customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, pressure groups, professional peers, and friends | external networks |
the ability to effectively understand others at work, and to use such knowledge to influence others to act in ways that enhance one's long term personal and/or organizational goals | political skill |
networking ability, apparent sincerity, social astuteness, interpersonal influence | four dimensions of political skill |
the unofficial, and at times confidential, person to person or person to group chain of verbal, or at times e-mail, communication | grapevine |
the intended pattern and flows of employee related communication vertically and laterally . | formal employee network |
any number of people who share goals, often communicate with one another over a period of time, and are few enough so that each individual may communicate with all the others, person to person | group |
____ evolves informally to meet its members' personal security, esteem, and belonging needs | friendship group |
____ is created by management to accomplish certain organizational goals. | task group |
develops out of the day to day activities, interactions, and sentiments that the members have for each other. | informal group |
s small number of employees with complementary competencies who are committed to common performance goals and working relationships for which they hold themselves mutually accountable | team |
the degree to which its members perceive the group as being competent and able to accomplish work-related tasks, performing important and valuable tasks, and having choice in how they carry out their tasks | team empowerment |
forming stage, storming stage, norming stage, performing stage, adjourning stage | stages of team development |
team members often focus on defining goals and developing procedures for performing their jobs | forming stage |
____ is characterized by conflicts over work, relative priorities of goals, who is to be responsible for what and the directions of the team leader | storming stage |
member behaviors evolve into a sharing of information, accepting of different options, and attempting to make decisions that may require compromise | norming stage |
members are willing to risk presenting "wild" ideas without fear of being put down by the team | performing stage |
the termination of task related behaviors and disengagement from interpersonal behaviors occurs when? | adjourning stage |
functional teams, problem-solving teams, cross-functional teams, self-managed teams, virtual teams, and global teams | types of work related teams |
____ includes employees who work together daily on similar tasks and must coordinate their efforts. Ex: marketing, purchasing, production, engineering, finance, auditing, human resources. | functional team |
a team that has members who focus on a specific issue, develop a potential solution, and can often take action within defined limits | problem solving team |
a team that has members drawn from various work areas whose goal is to identify and solve mutual problems | cross functional team |
a team with highly interdependent members who work together effectively on a daily basis to manufacture an entire product or provide an entire service to a set of customers | self-managed team |
a team with members who collaborate through various information technologies on one or more tasks while geographically dispersed at two or more locations and who have minimal face to face interaction. | virtual team |
desktop videoconferencing systems, collaborative software systems, and internet/intranet systems | categories of technologies |
____ has members from a variety of countries who are separated significantly by time, distance, culture, and language | global team |
context, leadership, goals, team size, member roles, member diversity, norms, and cohesiveness. | core influences on team effectiveness |
the external conditions within which a team works. Ex: technology, organization design, physical working conditions, management practices and organizational rewards | context |
an individual whose influence in a team grows over time and usually reflects a unique ability to help the team reach its goals | informal leader |
the outcomes desired for the team as a whole | team goals |
two or more individuals, teams, or groups might pursue but can't be achieved without their cooperation. | superordinate goals |
a team's or group's shared perception of its capability to successfully perform specific tasks | collective efficacy |
The effective size of a can range from __ members to a normal upper limit of about __ | 3 and 16 |
___ involves facilitating and coordinating work-related behaviors and decision making. initiating, seeking information, giving information, coordinating, evaluating | task oriented role |
__ involves fostering team-centered attitudes, behaviors, emotions, and social interactions. encouraging, harmonizing, expressing, following | relations oriented role |
___ involves the person's self-centered attitudes, behaviors, and decisions that are at the expense of the team or group. blocking progress by, seeking recognition, dominating, avoiding | self oriented role |
the process by which teams divide themselves into subgroups based on one or more attributes | fault lines |
the rules and patterns of behavior that are accepted and expected by members of a team or whole organization | norms |
rules required by governmental laws and rules developed by regulatory agencies | formal organizational rules |
___ occurs when a person's behavior reflects the team's desired behavior because of real or imagined pressure. | compliance conformity |
the individual's behavior and attitudes are consistent with the team's norms and goals | personal acceptance conformity |
the strength of the member's desire to remain in a team and their commitment to it | cohesiveness |
groupthink, free riding, the bad apples effect, absence of trust, and avoidance of accountability for results | potential team dysfunctions |
an agreement at any cost mentality that results in ineffective group or team decision making and poor decisions | groupthink |
an individual who obtains benefits from membership but does not contribute much to achieving the team's goals. | free rider |
one or more individuals in the team deciding to withhold effort in the belief that others and planning to withhold effort | sucker effect |
negative team or group members who withhold effort express negative feelings and attitudes and violate important team norms and behaviors | bad apples effect |