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Nutrition & Diets KT

Helath Science 2 key terms nutrition and diets

Absorption act or process of sucking up or in; taking in nutrients
Anorexia loss of appetite
Antioxidants enzymes or organic molecules; help pprotect the body from hamrful chemicals called free radicals
Atherosclerosis form of arteriosclerosis characterized by accumulation of fats and mineral deposits on the inner wall of the arteries
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) the rate at which the body uses energy just for mainting its own tissue without doing any voluntary work
Bland diet a diet only containing mild flavore foods with doft texture
Calorie unit of measurement of the fuel value of food
Carbohydrates group of chemical substances including sugars, cellulose, and starches; nutrients that provide the greatest amount of energy in the average diet
Cellulose fibrous form of carbohydrate
Cholesterol fat-like substance synthesized in the liver and found in body cells and animal fats
Diabetic Diets is used for patients with diabetes mellitus and is to help control their symptoms
Digestion physical and chemical breakdown of food by the body in preparation for absorption
Essential nutrients those elements in food require by the body for proper function
Fat-restricted diets a diet that is made to avoid anything fatty and also called low-fat diets
Fats also called a lipid; nutrient that provides the most concentrated form of energy; highest calorie energy nutrient; overwieight
Hypertension high blood pressure
Kilocalorie unit of measurement of the fuel of food (metric)
Lipid is an organic compound nutrient that provides the most concentrated form of energy
Liquid Diets both clear and full liquids. All food must be like this
Low-cholesterol diet restricts food containing cholesterol
Low-residue diet eliminates or limits food that are high in bulk and fiber
Malnutrition poor nutrition; without adequate food and nutrients
Metabolism the use of food nutrients bu the body to produce energy
Minerals inorganic substance essential to life
Nutrition all body processes related to food; the body's use of food for growth, development, and health
Nutritional status the state of one's nutrition
Osteoporosis condition in which bones become brittle because of lack or loss of calcium, phosphourse, and other minerals
Peristalsis rhythmic, wavelike motion of involuntary muscles
Protein diets include both low-proteinand high-protein diets. eat protein rich foods
Proteins one of six essential nutrients needed for growth and repair of tissues
Regualr Diet is a balanceddiet usuallyused for the ambulator patients
Sodium restricted diets also called low sodium diets and is similar to the carbohydrate exchange lists used by diabetic patients
Soft diet is similar to a regular diet but food must require less chewing and be easy to digest
Therapeutic diets are modifications of the normal diet and are used to improve specific health conditions
Vitamins organic substances necessary for body processes and life
Wellness state of being in good health; well
Created by: alejandra25
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