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SW asia

Golan Heights a hilly plateau overlooking the Jordan River and the sea of Galilee
Wadi riverbeds that remain dry except during the rainy season
Tigris River a river in SW Asia, flowing SE from SE Turkey through Iraq, joining the Euphrates to form the Shatt-al-Arab.
Euphrates River a river in SW Asia, flowing from E Turkey through Syria and Iraq, joining the Tigris to form the Shatt-al-Arab near the Persian Gulf
Jordan River A river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea.
Dead Sea a salt lake between Israel and Jordan: the lowest lake in the world.
Rub al-Khali a desert in southern Saudi Arabia
Oasis a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well.
Salt flat an extensive level tract coated with salt deposits left by evaporation of rising ground water or a temporary body of surface water.
Drip irrigation a system of crop irrigation involving the controlled delivery of water directly to individual plants through a network of tubes or pipes.
Desalinization the removal of salt
Fossil water groundwater that has remained sealed in an aquifer for a long period of time.
Crude oil petroleum as it comes from the ground, before refining.
Refinery an establishment for refining something, as metal, sugar, or petroleum.
Mecca a city in and the capital of Hejaz, in W Saudi Arabia: birthplace of Muhammad; spiritual center of Islam.
Islam the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah.
Muhammad a.d. 570–632, Arab prophet: founder of Islam.
Mosque a Muslim temple or place of public worship
Theocratic a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God's or deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities
OPEC an organization founded in 1960 of nations that export large amounts of petroleum: formed to establish oil-exporting policies and set prices.
Western Wall for Jews the holiest site in Jerusalem
Dome of Rock a shrine in Jerusalem at the site from which Muhammad ascended through the seven heavens to the throne of God: built on the site of the Jewish Temple.
Zionism a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) The sole political and paramilitary organization that represents the Palestinians
Kurds a member of an Islamic people speaking Kurdish and dwelling chiefly in Kurdistan.
Mesopotamia an ancient region in W Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers: now part of Iraq.
Sunni one of the two main branches of islam, composing about 83% of all muslims, including those of turkey, iraq, and Afghanistan
Shi'ite one of the two main branches of Islam, including most Iranians and some populations of Iraq and Afghanistan
Taliban a strict muslim group in Afghanistan tha has imposed rigid rules on society
Guest Workers a largely unskilled laborer, often a immigrant from south and west asia, brought in to the oil-booming countries to fill job openings
stateless nation a nation of people that does not have a territory to legally occupy, like the palestinians, kurds, and basques
Palestinians a displace group of arabs who lived or still live in the area formerly called Palestinian Arabs
West Bank in Israel, astrip of land on the west side of the Jordan River,originally controlled by jordan, which is part of the land set aside for arab palestinians
Gaza Strip a territory along the Mediterranean Sea just northeast of the sinai peninisula; part of the land set aside for palestinians, which was occupied by israel in 1967
Strategic Commodity resource so important that nations will go to war to ensure its steady supply
Human resources the skills and talents of employed people
Created by: zera
Popular Geography sets




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