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Chapter 11 m and e


motivation the influence that accounts for the initiation, direction, intensity, and peristance pf behavior
motivation 2 this concept helps psychologist accomplish what Albert Einsteun onces call the whole purpose of science: to discover unity in diversity
motive a reason or purpose for behavior
instinct theory a view that explains human behavior as motivated by autpmatic, involuntary, and unlearned responses
motivation 3 scientist think of this as something that uus used to explain the relationship between environmental stimuli and behavioral response
instincts innate, automatic dispostitions towards responding in a particular way when confronted with a specific stimulus
fixed-action patterns they are unlearned, genetically coded responses to specific "releaser" stimuli
evolutionary psychologist help account for the fact that women tend to prefer men who display athleticism and facial symmetry
drive reductuion theory a theory of motivation stating that motivation arises from imbalances in response to change
homeostasis the tendence for organisms to keep their physiological systems at a steady level by constantly adjusting themeselves in respinse to change
drive psychological state of arousal created by an imbalance in homeostasis that promps the orgamism to take action to restore balance and reduce drive
drive types primary drives, secondary drives
primary drives drives that arise from a basic biological needs
secondary drives stimuli that acquire the motivational properties of primary drives through classical conditioning or others learning mechanisms
arousal a general level of activation that is reflected in several physiological systems
arousal theories theories of motivation that stating that people are motivated to behave in ways that maintain what is, for them, an optimal level arousal
incentive theory a theory of motivation stating that behavior is directed toward attaining desirable stimuli and avoiding unwanted stimuli
intcentive theory types wanting, liking
wanting the process of being attracted to stimuli
liking is the immediate evaluation of how pleasurable a stimuli is
hunger the general state of wanting to eat
satiety the condition of no longer wanting to eat
satiety factors the short term signals
leptin long-term regulation of fat stores invloves this hormone
lateral hypothalamus contains networks that stimulate eating
ventromedial hypothalamus tells an animal there is no need to eat
paraventricular nucleus in the hypothalamus; result in reduced food intake
obesity a condition in a which a person is severely overweight, as measured by a body-mass index greater than 30
Body Mass Index determined by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by a square of the persons height in meters
anorexia nervosa an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and dramatic weight loss
anorexia nervosa examples self-starvation, self-induced vomiting, and laxative use that results in wieght loss to below 85 percent if normal
anorexia 2 causes serious, often irreversible physical damage, including reduction in bone density tha enhances the risk of fractures
anorexia 3 95% found in women
bulimia nervosa an eating disorder that involves eating massive amounts of food and then eliminating the food by self-induced vomiting or the use of strong laxatives
bulimia nervosa 2 usually found in women in the desire to be slender
anorexia 4 drugs, hospitalization, and psychotherapy are all used to treat
bulimia nervosa 3 the person sees what the are doing as a problamatic habit, but what they are doing is not lofe threatening
sexual scripts pattern of behavior that lead to sex
sexual responses cycle the pattern of physiological arousal during and after sexual activity
sexual dysfunction problems with sex that involves sexual motivation, arousal, or orgasmic response
achievement motivation types extrinisic and intrinsic
extrinistic motivation desire fo r external rewards such has money
intrinsic motivation a desire to attain internal satisfaction satisfaction
workplace achievement
Maslow hierarachy of needs biological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem, and self-acualization
approach-approach conflicts when a person must choose only one of two desirable activities
approach-approach example going with a friend to a movie or to a party
avoidance-avoidance conflict arises when a person must pick one of two undesirable alternatives
avoidance-avoidance example some forced to sell the house or to declare bankruptcy faces
approach-avoidance example of someone you cant stand had tickets to your favorite groups sold-out concert and invited you to come along, what would you do
approach-avoidance conflict single event or activity has both attractive and unattractive features
multiple approach-avoidance conflict two ore more alternatives each have both positive and negative features
opponent-process theory baseed on that any reaction to a stimulus is followed by an opposite reaction
opponent-process theory 2 after repeated exposure to the same stimulus, the initial reaction weakens, and the opponent process becomes quicker and stronger
opponent-process theory 3 has releaved a predictable pattern of emotional changes that help explain some people's motivation to repeatedly engage in arousal but fearsome activites
Created by: jksboom
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