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assessment planning - terms

intrinsically motivating causing a child to do something or continue doing something because of the nature of the thing or activity itself. by watching can gain insight into the developmental competencies of infants, toddlers and young children.
ecological assessment dynamic, not static in nature, focus is on the child, the situation, and the interaction between the context and the child.
resilency capacity of children and families to overcome odds in spite of obstacles that developmental and environmental factors may place in the way of individuals. is the focus for the Strength-based assessment.
authentic assessment (performance assessment)is based on child-action related to an educational activityy. That is, the child does the task adn the teacher watches and scores the results.
task analysis process in which large goals are broken down into smaller objectives or parts and sequenced for instruction. task skills, assignments, or jobs in the classroom becomes more manageable for particular children more generalized.
presentation mode way the task or learning situation is presented to a child as part of instruction. way to conduct task analysis. - focuses on why children are not doing what you require by looking at how you tell them to do it.
response mode how a child responds to a directin or insruction, way to conduct task anaysis. -looking at what you expect from child to do, say, write, or show to you.
dynamic assessment one-to-one interview approach between teacher and student using available assessment information for teaching a specific skill.
mediated learning experience (MLE) teaching approach in which the teacher uses questions, suggestions, and cues to prompt the child to think more consciously about the task and to expand learner expertise.
functional assessment focused observational method that links individual assessment to curricular intervention for one student. - doesn't focus on typical sequential development but rather age-appropriate exceptations of independence in specific environments.
techniques methods, whether formal or informal, for gathering assessment information.
ecological assessment an approach that includes the classroom environment, personal interactions, adn the learning tasks as variables in the collection of evidence for the measure of learning for individuals.
behavior intervention plans plans made based on assessment of young children who present troubling behavior. Modifications to the regular program are made adn monitored. - to support may want to do reward for accomplishing specific classroom goals.
Inventory test to assess overall ability in a given area.
diagnostic measures are those used by psychologists and others who receive specail training, and often certifications for using these specialized instruments, theat become a key determinant to entitle young children for special educational interventions and service
IEP goals the formal document that governs the contract for educational intervention for a young child with disabilities
learner outcomes expectations for children's performances
informal evaluation task activities used to assess the instructional needs and levels of children.
objectivity implies that a scoring scheme is sufficiently clear and discrete so that all those applying the criteria will obtain similar scores.
strength-based assessment requires the assessor to focus on a chid's capacities to plan intervention
multiple intelligences theory theory that children have seven areas of intellectual competence that are relatively independent of each other.
prereferral screening refers to the evidence that you gather to substanctiate a developmental concern regarding child progress.
diagnostic tests tests used to identify a child's specific areas of strength and weakness, determine the nature of the problems, and suggest the cause of the problem and possible remediation strategies.
curriculum-based measures diagnostic tests for specific subjects
criterion-referenced measures are those based on a learning goal or standard. Finite steps in the learning of particular concepts are measured
performance assessment determining developmental progress of children through a variety of means, including observations and special problems or situations
portfolios places, such as folders, boxes, or baskets, for keeping all the information known about the children in a class
Child Find team group of professionals whose responsibility it is to determine children with special needs.
diagnostic evaluation (diagnostic tests) tests used to identify a child's specific areas of strength and weakness, determine the nature of the problems, and suggest the cause of the problem and possible remediation strategies.
referral question questions posed in a child study to aid in the determination of the specific problems and needs of a child and the assessing of the developmental progress fo the child.
psychoeducational evaluation psychological tests used to analyze the mental process underlying your child's educational performance. as part of the assessment your child will undergo this.
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) specific plan for the assessing of needs and for the service needed for a child with a developmental problem.
multidisciplinary staffing group of professional involved in the assessment of children with special needs, the teaching of these children, and the evaluation of their progress
play-based assessment relies on the teacher's knowledge of child's play to judge the social/emotional, language, cognitive, and physical development of a young child. This can be conducted in a natural situation or by interview.
Created by: agilbe5
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