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Ch 16 trtmt psy ds 2

Treatment of psychological disorders

Modeling Demonstrating desirable behaviors as a way of teaching them to clients
Modeling -2 Clients watch the therapist or others perform desirable behaviors, thus learing skills second handed without going through a lenghly shaping process
Modeling - 3 Modeling can teach a client on how to respond fearlessly while vicariously extinguishing conditioned fear response
Assertiveness Training Methods for teaching clients how to interact with others more comfortably and effectively
Asserctive Training - 2 Therapist help clients learn to be more direct and expressive in social situations
Assertivness Training - 3 Not require aggressiveness; involves clearly and directly expression both + and - feelings and standing up for one's own rights while respecting the rights of others
Assertiveness Training - 4 Often conducted in groups and involves both modeling and role playing of specific situations
Social Skills Training Methods for teaching clients how to interact with others more comfortably and effectively
Social Skills Training - 2 Goals is to range from helping social-phobic singles make conversation on dates to rebuilding the ablities of as mental patient to interact normally with people outside of the hopsital
Positive Reinforcement a therapy method that uses rewards to strengthen desirable behaviors
Positive Reinforcement - 2 using operant conditioning they set rules that specifly the behaviors to be strengthened through reinforcement
Token Economy A systen for improving the behavior of an institutionalized clients in which desirable behaviors are rewarded with tokens that can be exchanged for desired item or activities
Token Economy - 2 The goal is to shape behavior patterns that will persist outside of the institution
Extinction Gradual disappearance of a conditioned response or operant behavior through nonreinforcement
Extinction - 2 Change is rather slow, but it has been popular way of treating children and retarted or disturbed adults because it provides a gentle way to eliminate undesirable behaviors
Flooding a proceedure for reducing anxiety that involves keeping a person in a feared, but harmless, situation
Flooding - 2 Exposing a person to stimuli without have the person go through pain, injury, or any other averise unconditioned stimuli
Aversion Conditioned A method that uses classical conditioning to create a negative response to a particular stimulus
Aversion Conditioned - 2 method used rarely, only when best treatment choice; only long enought to allow the client to learn more desirable alternative behavior
Punishment a therapy method that weakens undesirable behavior by following it with an unpleasant stimulus
Punishment - 2 Operant Conditioning technique
cognitive-behavioral therapy
rational-emotional behavior therapy A treatment designed to identify and change self-defeating thoughts that lead to anxiety and other symptoms of disorder
Albert Ellis
Cognitive therapy a treatment in which the therapist helps clients to notice and change negative thoughts associated with anxiety and depression
Aaron Beck
Group Therapy Psychotherapy involving several unrelated clients
Family Therapy Treatment of two or more indiviuals from the same family
Couples Therapy a for of therapy focusing on improving communication between partners
Empirically Supported Therapy Treatments who effects have been validated by emotional controlled experimental research
Biological treatments
ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy) brief electrical shock administered to the brain, usually to reduce depression that doesnt responed to drug therapy
Psychosurgery surgical proceedures that destroy tissue in small regions of the brain in an effort to treat psychological disorders
neuroleptics that alliviate the symptoms of severe disorder such as schizophernia
tardive dyskinesia
anxioltics (tranquilizers) drugs that reduce feelings of anxiety
community psychology a movement to minimize or prevent psychologiacl disorders through changes in social systems and through community mental health programs
antidepressants drugs that relieve depression
Created by: jksboom
Popular Psychology sets




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