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Ch 16 trtmt psych ds

Treatment of psychological disorders

eclectic therapists professionals that use many different methods based on the client or problem
eclectic therapists - 2 professionals that pick and choose how to treat a patient
psycho therapy treatment of psychological disorders through talking or other psychological methods
psycho therapy - 2 based on psychodynamic, humanistic, or social cognitive theories of disorder and treatment
inpatient person's treatment almost always includes psychoactive drugs
inpatient -2 hospitalized either voluntarily or involuntarily due to threat to self or others
outpatient tend to be younger - more likely to be female
outpatient - 2 upper or middle class to meet therapist in office for psychotherapy
psychiatrist medical doctor who have completed special training in treatment of psychological disorders
psychiatrist - 2 authorized to prescribe drugs for relief of psychological problems
psychologist therapist who received a masters degree or doctoral in clinical or counseling psychology
Other therapy providers clinical social worker, marriage counselor, family counselor, and licensed professional counselor
clinical social worker usually has masters degree in social work and provides treatment in many settings
marriage counselor usually has masters degree in their field and provides treatment in variety of settings
family counselor masters degree in profession - treatment in many settings
licensed professional counselor LPC - masters degree in respected profession - treatnment in many setting - must be certified
psychiatric nurses nurses who is aiding with services in hospital or outpatient team
substance abuse counselor person who is aiding with services in hospital or outpatient team
pastorial counselor minister that aides with counseling others
psychoanalysis Freud's method of treatment
psychoanalysis - 2 treatment aimed at understanding unconscious conflicts - don't look at therapist let the patient talk
psychoanaylsis - 3 50 min hr to let patient say whatever is on mind - no leading on or prompting
psychoanaylsis -4 Dreams are important
psychodynamic theory developed by Freud emphasized inner play of unconscious mental play in human thought, behaviors/feelings, and personality
Freud Believes in interpreting the unconscious, preconscious, and conscious
Freud - Conscious awareness of the moment and present though, menories, feelings, etc
Freud - Preconscious memories that easily come to mind
Freud - Unconscious connecting into inner thoughts of mind
Free Association Freud asks patients to lie on couch and patients tell whatever comes to mind - speak freely
Anna O Freud's 1st clinical study to be written about conversion disorder - hysteriaexperienced a range of symptoms that included partial paralysis, blurred vision, headaches and hallucinations
Freudian slip Verbal memory or slip believed linked to unconscious mind
Freudian slip - 2 when a person makes a mistake in speech. In these situations, observers often suggest (in a comic way) that the mistake reveals some type of hidden emotion on the part of the speaker.
transference transferring childhood feelings or conflicts about spouses or parents towards the therapist -
transference -2 person transfers emotions about someone else towards the therapist
manifest content of dreams the obvious in a dream - actual literal subject-matter of the dream
latent content of dreams reflects wishes, impulses, and fantasies of dreamer's defense mechanisms to keep out of consciousness during waking hours - meaning of these symbols
Neo- Freudian Theories Ego anaylsis and individual anaylsis
Neo freudian - Ego analysis protected person's ego
Neo freudian individual analysis individual analysis of ego
short term dynamic psychotherapy aimed to provide benefits in less time than required time of psychoanalysis
interpersonal therapy rooted in Neo - freudian therapy
interpersonal therapy - 2 help clients explore and overcome problems with interpersonal events that occur after childhoos
interpersonal therapy - examples loss of loved one, conflict with parent or spouse, job loss, social isolation
object relation therapy popular short term dynamic therapy approach
object relation therapy - 2 therapy where the priorities include the need for human contact and support
object relation therapy direct client attention to evidence of certain conflicts rather than waiting for free association or subtle methods
supportive expressive therapy therapist looks for core conflict that repeatily appears across a variety of relationships
supportive expressive therapy example core conflict in one man centers on his desire to stand up for himself yet criticizes himself for having the desire
humanistic psychology - 1 can be known as phenomenologist
humanistic psychology - 2 emphasized way people interpret events in their lives
humanistic psychology - 3 thoughts people are good and can change
client centered therapy - person centered therapy relies on creation of relationship that reflects 3 intertwined attitudes of therapist - unconditional, positive regard, empathy, and congruence
unconditional postive regard therapist attitude conveys care and acceptance of clients a valued person
unconditional positve regard - example therapist does not have to approve with everything client says but accepts statement as reflecting of clients view of the world
Carl Rogers Trained in psychodynamic methods during 1930 but then questioned values
Carl Rogers 2 disliked being a detached expert observer whose task was to figure out the client
Carl Rogers - Client let client decide what to discuss without judgement or interpretation
Empathy therapist attemp to appreciate and understand how the world looks from the clients point of view
Empathy - therapist during therapy active listener
reflection active listening method where therapist paraphrases clients statement- noting feelings
congruence consistency between the way the therapist feels and acts towards clients
Congruence - another name genuiness - client can see relationship built on openness and honesty
Gastault Therapy Seeks to create conditions in which clients can become more unified, self aware, and self accepting - ready to grow again
Gastualt Therapy - methods Dramatic and direct in dealing with the client rather than Rogerians
Behavior therapy treatments that use classical conditioning principles to change behavior
behavior therapy - actions offer alternative by identifying signals, rewards, and punishments, and other basic factors that maintain fear
behavior modifications methods that focus on operant conditioning principles to change behavior
cognitive behavior therapy learning based therapy treatment methods that help clients change way they think and behave
Systematic desensitization behavioral treatment for anxiety where clients visual gradual series of anxiety provoking stimuli while remaining relaxed
progressive relaxation training when faced with a problem, progress in small steps to avoid high anxiety, when comfortable with one small step you move to something little more difficult
Created by: jksboom
Popular Psychology sets




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