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What is a structuralist? A a psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up the conscious mental experiences.
What is a introspection? A method of self observation in which participantsreport on their thoughts and feelings
What is a functionalist? A psychologist who studied the function of consciousness.
What is a sychoanalyst The method of psychological therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation
What is a behaviorist. A psychologist who analyzes how organisms learn
What is humanist? A psychologist who believes that each person has freedom in directing his or her future.
What is cognitivist? A psychologist who studies how we process,
What is psychobiologist? A psychologist who studies studies how physical and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behaviors.
What is dualism? 2.A theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles.
What is Gestalt Psychology? The experience that comes from organizing bits and pieces of information into meaningful wholes.
What is sociocultural psychology? A broad field of psychology that seeks to explain how our thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and behaviors are influenced by interactions with others.
What is psychiatry? A branch of medicine that deals with mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
What is clinical psychiatry? Clinical psychology is an integration of science, theory and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically based distress
What is Counseling Psychologist? Is an individual who has Ph.D. in psychology or education that helps people with problems of living.
What is a Developmental Psychologist? A psychologist who studies the emotional, physical, cognitive, biological, personal, and social changes that occur as an individual occurs.
What is a Educational Psychologist? A psychologist who is concerned with helping students learn.
What is Community Psychologist? A psychologist who may work in a mental health or social welfare agency operated by the government or private organazation
What is Industrial Psychologist? A branch of who uses psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying enviroment for employees and mananger
What is Experimental Psychologist? A psychologist who studies sensation, perception, learning, motivation, and emotion in carefully controlled laboratory conditions
What is enviromental psychologist? A psychologist who studies the effects of the enviromental on people.
What is Forensic Psychologist? A person who studys psychology that deals with with diagnosis, evaluation and treatment regarding the law.
APA Divisions APA is the American Psychological Association its made up of 52 divisions its organized on the type of work they deal with
Created by: unicornkiller
Popular Psychology sets




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