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Chapter 1 Amanda

What is a psychologist? person who has been trained to observe, analyze, and evaluate human and animal behavior.
What is a clinical psychologist? helps people deal with their personal problems
what is a counseling psychologists? usually works in sschools, or industrial firms, advising and assisting people with problems of everyday life
what wis a psychiatry? a specialty of medicine
what is a developmental psychologist? study physical, emotional, cognitive, and social changes that occur thoughtout life
what is a educational psychologist? deals with teaching children and young adults, such as intelligence, memory, problem solving and motivation
what is a community psychologist? works with mental health or soical welfare agency operated by the state or local goverment
what is a industrial/organizatiohnal psychologists? employed by bussiness firms and goverment agencie's
what is a experimental psychologist? research to understand how humans or animals operate physically
what is a applied science? discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals
what is a basic science? the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake
what is a cognitive? having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding
what is a hypothesis? prediction or educated guess
what is a physiological? having to do with an organism's physical needs
what is psychology? the scientific, systematic study of behaviors and mental processes
what is the scientific method? a general approach to gathering information and ansering questions so that errors and biases are minimized
what is a theory? a set of assumptions used to explain why something is the way it is and happens the way it does
what is a functionalist? study of how animals and people adapt to their enviroments
what is a behaviorist? psychologists who stressed investigating observable behavior
what is a cognitivists? focus on how we process,store, and use information
what is a humanist? thinks each person has freedom in direct to there future
what is a psychobiologists? study of how the brain,nervous system,hormones, and genetics influence our behavior
Created by: 441648
Popular Psychology sets




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