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Psych Ch. 1

Basics and History of Psychology

Materialism John Watson, there is no mind, there is only a physical world.
Idealism George Berkley, there is no physical world, everything is mental.
Aristotle Believed that the heart loved and experienced emotions. Believed heavier objects fall faster, proven wrong by Galileo Galilei
Dualism Descartes, there is a mind and a body
Psychophysical Parallelism Subset of dualism, both ming and body exist, but do not interact.
Epiphenomenalism subset of dualism, brain events cause mental events but mental events are like a side effect--> problem is that thoughts can not affect behavior if true
Interactionism subset of dualism,Brain and mind influence each other equally.
Double aspectism Mind and brain are two aspects of a human being, like a coin
Rene' Descartes one experience leads to an opinion as a whole
Eight critical thinking guidelines Consider other interpretations alternative explanations of a phenomenon can occur
Eight critical thinking guidelines Tolerate Uncertainty Sometimes there is no answer
Empirical Evidence Laboratory experiments, careful measurements, and scientific observations
What psychologists do Teach and conduct research in colleges and universities. They provide health or mental health services, conduct research in nonacademic settings, or for a combination.
Where psychologists work Hospitals, schools, testing, private practice, clinics, counseling centers
Basic and applied psychological research Basic seeks knowledge for its own sake ex. research
Basic and applied psychological research Applied uses research for practical applications
Non clinical specialties in psychology Experimental conduct studies of motivation, emotion, sensation, perception, and learning
Non clinical specialties in psychology Educational look for ways to improve educational systems
Non clinical specialties in psychology Developmental study how people change and grow over time
Non clinical specialties in psychology Psychometric Wundts first official prof. of psych. found that all sensory nerves are not equivalent, each carry their own info, called doctrine of specif. nerve energies Was a vitalist believing living things contain a vital force
Non clinical specialties in psychology Industrial/organizational study behavior in the workplace
Psychological practitioners Clinical diagnose, treat, study mental or emotional problems
Paul Broca did autopsies and discovered that speech disorders are due to damage to the frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere on left side
Broca's Aphasia language disorder due to destruction of frontal lobe and they have problems with production of speech
Carl Wernick and Wernick's aphasia located in temporal lobe damage to that area results in comprehension and they can't understand what is being said to them
Misch and Hitzig did experiments on dogs, first ppl to electronically stimulate animals brain, found that front of cerebral hem. is responsible for motor movement.
David Ferrier stimulated animals braind electrically found 15 diff. motor movements in a monkey, used ablation on back of monkey's brain then ablated part of the angular gyrus
Herman Helmholtz materialist, Johannes Miller was mentor tested motor nerves in frogs and sensory nerves in humans.
Red Green and Blue You can see color by mixing these three colors Helmholtz believed in a trichromatic theory that maybe our eyes have only red green and blue color receptors
Gustav Fechner founder of psychophysics Re-wrote Weber's Results AI-just noticeable difference I- physical intensity of standard K- constant
Fechner's Law S=KlogI I-physical intensity S-perceived intensity as you increase physical intensity of stimulus the perceived intensity will also increase, but as a log arthmic function like a candle in the dark and day light, in dark you see it better day u dont
Created by: swimifishi
Popular Psychology sets




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