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Midterm - Freud

5010 Midterm Freud Concepts

ID Biological component, unconscious
ID Primary source of psychic energy and the seat of the instincts
ID Is blind, demanding, insistent, illogical, amoral, and driven to satisfy instinctual needs
ID Ruled by the pleasure principle which is aimed at reducing tension, avoiding pain and gaining pleasure
EGO Psychological component
EGO Governs, controls and regulates the personality
EGO Mediates between instincts and the surrounding environment
EGO Reality principle, does realistic and logical thinking
EGO Check and controls the blind impulses of the ID
SUPEREGO Social component
SUPEREGO Includes a person’s moral code and is concerned with what is right and wrong or good and bad
SUPEREGO Represents the ideal and strives for perfection
SUPEREGO Inhibits the impulses of the ID
SUPEREGO persuades the EGO to substitute moralistic goals for realistic ones
SUPEREGO Related to psychological rewards (feelings of pride and self-love) and punishment (feelings of guilt and inferiority)
Death instincts accounts for aggressive drive, managing the unconscious wish to die or hurt ourselves is a major challenge to humans
Reality anxiety fear of danger from the external world with the level being proportionate to the degree of real threat
Neurotic anxiety fear of instincts getting out hand and causes one to do something
Moral anxiety fear of one’s own conscience
Anxiety result of repressed feelings, memories, desires, and experience that emerge to the surface of awareness
Anxiety state of tension that motivate us
Anxiety develops out of conflict among the id, ego and superego over control of the available psychic energy
Anxiety function is to warn about impeding danger
Repression threatening or painful thoughts and feelings are excluded from awareness
Denial “closing one’s eyes” to the existence of a threatening aspect of reality
Reaction Formation actively expressing the opposite impulse when confronted with a threatening impulse
Projection attributing to others one’s own unacceptable desires and impulses
Displacement directing energy toward another object/person when the original o/p is inaccessible
Rationalization manufacturing good reasons to explain away a bruised ego
Sublimation diverting sexual or aggressive energy into other channels
Regression going back to an earlier phase of development when there were fewer demands
Introjection taking in and “swallowing” the values and standards of others
Identification identifying with successful causes, organizations, or people in the hope that you will be perceived as worthwhile
Compensation masking perceived weaknesses or developing certain positive traits to make up for limitations
oral stage First Psychosexual Stage
oral stage Psychosexual Stage with inability to trust oneself or others
oral stage Psychosexual Stage results in low self-esteem and fear of loving and forming close relationships
anal stage Second Psychosexual Stage
anal stage Psychosexual Stage with inability to recognize and express anger
anal stage Psychosexual Stage leads to denial of one’s own power as a person and the lack of a sense of autonomy
phallic stage Third Psychosexual Stage
phallic stage Psychosexual Stage with inability to fully accept one’s sexuality and sexual feelings
phallic stage Psychosexual Stage leads to difficulty in accepting oneself as man or woman
latency stage Fourth Psychosexual Stage
latency stage Psychosexual Stage time of socialization as child turns outwards and forms relationships with others
genital stage Fifth Psychosexual Stage
genital stage Psychosexual Stage begins with puberty and lasts until senility sets in
oral stage Psychosexual Stage first year
anal stage Psychosexual Stage 1-3 years
phallic stage Psychosexual Stage 3-6 years
latency stage Psychosexual Stage 6-12 years
genital stage Psychosexual Stage 12+
Working through process consists of an exploration of unconscious material and defenses, most of which originate from childhood; results in a resolution of old patterns and new choices
Maintaining the analytic framework Range of procedural and stylistic factors such as regular/consistent meetings, starting/ending on time
Maintaining the analytic framework Providing a consistent framework
Maintaining the analytic framework Minimize departures or changes in consistent pattern
Free association Opens doors to unconscious wishes, fantasies, conflicts, motivations
Interpretation Pointing out, explaining, or teaching client the meanings of behaviors
Interpretation Functions to enable the ego to assimilate new material
Dream analysis latent content hidden, symbolic, unconscious motives, wishes and fears
Dream analysis manifest content the dream as it appears to the dreamer
Analysis of resistance Devices that defend against anxiety but that interfere with the ability to accept change
Analysis of transference Helps clients work through old conflicts
Libido pleasure principle
Death instinct we all like to kill things
Created by: CatMarWar
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