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Learning and Cog 1-3

Stasser's Learning and Cog Ch. 1-3 Terms

phylogeny evolution and development of a species over time
genetic variation the fact that individual genotypes, or genetic characteristics, differ within any group of organisms
sexual reproduction when the gametes, or sex cells, of two separate individuals combine to form offspring
mutations spontaneous, generally unpredicitable changes in genetic material
natural selection differential reproduction of organisms within a population
ontogeny development of the individual organism throughout its lifetime
habituation decrease in intensity of response to a repeatedly presented stimulus
learning a relatively permanent change in behavior potential brought about by experience
closed genetic program characteristic of organisms possessing a nerous system that benefits little from experience (learning)
releasing stimuli environmental stimuli that provoke a simple refelx
open genetic program characteristic of organisms possessing a nervous system capable of being modified by experience (learning)
neonatal reflexes collection of inborn responses to specific stimuli and common to all humans at birth
fixed-action patterns highly stereotyped, inborn behavior patterns involving multiple muscle systems
theory a series of statements about relationships between variables that, taken together, attempt to explain some natural phenomenon
hypothesis an educated guess about relationships between variables that can be tested through experimentation
spatial memory ability of an organism to recall specific locations in its environment over time
independent variable factor manipulated by an experimenter to evaluate its effect on other variables
skepticism the tendency to suspend judgement until you are reasonably certain all explanations have been considered
fundamental attribution error the tendency to view others' behavior as resulting from personal dispositions rather than from situational factors
rationalism the idea that knowledge and truth are to be sought through logical reasoning
empiricism the idea that knowledge is acquired through the senses
epistemology collection of rules or criteria for establishing truth or knowledge
methodlogical behaviorism John B. Watson's philosophy that emphasized experimentation on observable behavior because of the inaccessibility of private experience
radical behaviorism B.F. Skinner's philosophy stating that private experience is a legitimate subject matter of behavioral science
information theory the ability to process information from the environment is dependent on properties of the system (human or machine)
cognitive neuroscience scientific discipline concerned with the relationship between brain function and cognition or information processing
continuity Darwinian notion that natual selection should have led to certain universal features in all biological organisms
unconditional stimulus (US) event in the environment producing reflexive, involuntary reaction
unconditional repsonse (UR) involuntary or automatic responses to a US
conditional response (CR) learned or conditioned reaction to conditional stimulus (also referred to as conditioned reflex)
conditional stimulus (CS) stimulus which when paired with US comes to elicit conditional response
overshadowing differential conditioning to one element of a compound stimulus when stimuli are presented simultaneously
blocking initial conditioning to a CS impairs later conditioning to a separate CS
extinction elimination of a conditional reflex by repeated presentations of the CS by itself
spontaneous recovery the tendency of previously conditioned reflext to occur subsequent to having been extinguished
latent inhibition (LI) imparied conditioning due to previous presentation of the CS by itself (also referred to as CS preexosure effect)
conditioned emotional response (CER) supperssion of an operant response due to presentation of a classically conditioned inhibitory stimulus
generalization tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS, despite no explicit training to these stimuli
discrimination tendency to respond only to the CS and not to other similar stimuli
higher order conditioning conditioning to a neutral stimulus as the result of pairing with a previously established CS
stimulus substitution theory Pavlov's idea that the CS becomes a neural substitute, or representation, for the US
compensatory response theory the idea that the CR represents an attempt by the body to prepare itself for the onset of the US
Rescorla-Wagner model a mathematical model describing the accelerating course of learning in studies of Pavlovian conditioning and other forms of learning
learned taste aversion development of a severe negative reaction to a food item due to pairing the food with illness or other aversive stimulation
psychoneuroimmunology field that studies the conditioned responsivity of the immune system
counterconditioning process of associating a feared CS with a positive US
behavior therapy interventions based on learning principles to alter maladaptive behavior
systematic desensitization treatment for phobias entailing gradual exposure to feared stimulus under conditions of relaxation
flooding phobia treatment in which a feared stimulus (CS) is presented at full strength without relaxation
Created by: l_fren
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