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EL ED 324 Midterm

EL Ed 324 Winter Semester 2012

Hiam Ginott- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Congruent Communication" (Low Control)
Thomas Gordon- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Discipline as Self-Control" (Teacher Effectiveness Training) (Low Control)
Fay & Funk- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Teaching with Love & Logic", (Low control)
Barbara Coloroso- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Inner Discipline", (Low control)
Alfie Kohn- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "From Discipline to Community" (Low Control)
Rudolf Dreikurs- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Logical Consequences" (Medium Control)
Linda Albert- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Cooperative Discipline", (Medium Control)
Jane Nelsen, Lynn Lott, and H. Stephen Glenn- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Positive classroom Discipline", (Medium Control)
William Glasser- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Non-coercive Discipline" or (Reality Therapy and Control Theory); (Medium Control)
Richard Curwin, Allen Mendler, Brian Mendler- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Discipline with Dignity", (Medium Control)
Spencer Kagan- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Win-Win Discipline", (Medium Control)
B.F. Skinner- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Behavior Modification", (High Control)
Lee & Marlene Canter- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Assertive Discipline", (High Control)
Fredric Jones- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Positive Discipline", (High Control)
Marvin Marshall- Name of Theory and Level of Control Theory: "Discipline Without Stress", (High Control)
What is the name of the "model" for low control approaches to classroom management? "The Guiding Model"
What is the name of the "model" for medium control approaches to classroom management? "The Interacting Model"
What is the name of the "model for high control approaches to classroom management? "The Intervening Model"
Describe key principles of Hiam Ginott's "Congruent Communication" theory (1)Use sane messages(2)invite student cooperation (3)Express helpfulness and acceptance (4) Avoid labeling student (5)Do not use sarcasm/avoid hurried help, etc (pg 20-21)
Describe key principles of Thomas Gordon's "Discipline as Self-Control" theory (1) Identify problem ownership, (2)Maximize communication, (3) Use the power of influence (pg 21-22)
Describe key principles of Fay & Funk's "Love & Logic" theory (1)Share control with students, (2)Maintain student self-concepts, (3)Balance consequences with empathy (pg 22-23)
Describe key principles of Barbara Coloroso's "Inner Discipline" theory (1) Enable students to solve problems, (2) Provide support and structure, (3) Treat students with dignity and respect (pg 23-24)
Describe key principles of Alfie Kohn's "From Discipline to Community" theory (1) Provide an engaging curriculum, (2)Develop a caring community, (3)Allow students to make choices (pg 24-25)
Describe key principles of Rudolf Dreikur's "Logical Consequences" theory (1)Teach in a democratic manner, (2) Identify and confront student's mistaken goals, (3)Use logical consequences (pg 26-27)
Describe key principles of Linda Albert's "Cooperative Discipline" theory (1)Establish a sense of belonging, (2) Build student self-esteem, (3) Promote cooperative relationships (pg 27)
Describe key principles of Nelsen, Lott, & Glenn's "Positive Classroom Discipline" theory (1)Use classroom meetings, (2)Exhibit caring attitudes and behaviors, (3)Use management skills (pg 28)
Describe key principles of William Glasser's "Noncoercive Discipline" theory (1) Provide quality education, (2) Help students make good decision, (3)Provide support and encouragement (pg 29)
Describe key principles of Curwin & Mendler's "Discipline with Dignity" theory (1) Creat a three-dimensional plan, (2)Establish a social contract, (3)Teach students to make responsible choices (pgs 29-31)
Describe key principles of Spencer Kagan's "Win-Win Discipline" theory (1)Work with students to solve problems, (2)Focus on short and long term solutions, (3)Help students make responsible choices (pg 31)
Describe key principles of B.F. Skinner's "Behavior Modification" theory (1)Identify desired behaviors, (2)shape behavior through reinforcement, (3)Use behavior modification systematically (pg 32-33)
Describe key principles of Lee & Marlene Canter's "Assertive Discipline" theory (1)Recognize classroom rights, (2)Teach desired behaviors, (3)Establish consequences (pg 33-34)
Describe key principles of Fredrick Jones' "Positive Discipline" theory (1)Structure classrooms, (2)set limits and promote cooperation, (3)Have back-up system (pg. 35-36)
Describe key principles of Marvin Marshall's "Discipline without Stress" theory (1)Promote responsibility rather than obedience, (2) Guide and monitor behavior, (3)Teach the social development and management system
What is the theoretical basis for "the guiding model" aka low control approach? "Humanistic and Psychoanalytical Thought": Believe that children develop primarily from inner forces, decision making enables personal growth, and students are masters of their destiny
What is the theoretical basis for "The Interacting Model" aka medium control approach? "Developmental and Social Psychology": Believes that children develop from both internal and external forces"
What is the theoretical basis for "The Intervening Model" aka high control approach? "Behaviorism":Believes that children develop primarily from external forces and conditions, and that children are molded and shaped by influences from their environment
Approaches used by teachers of the Low Control approach -Structure the environment to facilitate students' control over their own behavior -Help students see the problem and guide them into an appropriate decision to solve the problem -Be an empathetic listener -Allow students to express feeling
Approaches used by teachers of the medium control approach -Interact with children to clarify and establish boundaries -formulate mutually acceptable solutions to problems
Approaches used by teachers of the high control approach -Control the environment -Select and use appropriate reinforcers and punishments
Main processes used by low control teachers -Develop caring, self-directed students -build teacher-student relationships
Main processes used by medium control teachers -Confront and contract with students when solving problems -Counsel students
Main processes used by high control teachers -Establish the rules, and deliver the rewards and punishments
What are the 5 keys to good room arrangement? (1)Room arrangement consistent with your instructional goals(2)High traffic areas free of congestion, (3)Students are easily seen by teacher (4)Keep frequently used teaching/student materials/supplies accessible (5)Students can see presentations/displays
Things to consider when planning floor space Whole-group instruction, arrangement of student desks, placement of teacher's desk, book cases/filing cabinets, & activity centers/work areas
Things to consider when planning storage space Find places for (1)Textbooks/Resource books, (2)Instructional Materials (rulers, scissors, etc), (3)Teacher supplies, (4)Equipment (overheads, computers, etc), (5)Infrequently used items (decorations, specific unit models, etc)
"Organizing your classroom and materials includes... (5 things)" (1)Attention to seating, (2)floor space, (3)Storage space, (4)Bulletin boards, and (5)Wall space
(From Lecture)Name 4 things crucial to consider for successful seating arrangements (1)Visibility, (2) Accessibility, (3) Distractability, (4)Traffic flow
Name 3 different motivational theories Self Determination Theory (SDT), TARGET Theory, and Achievement Goal theory
What are the four dimensions of motivation? Interest, Relevance, Expectancy, & Satisfaction
In relation to motivation theory, define "Interest" Refers to whether the student's curiosity is aroused and sustained over time
In relation to motivation theory, define "Relevance" Refers to whether the students see instruction as satisfying personal needs or goals
In relation to motivation theory, define "Expectancy" Refers to whether students have a sense that they can be successful in the lesson through their personal control
In relation to motivation theory, define "Satisfaction" Refers to the student's intrinsic motivations and their personal responses to extrinsic rewards
What is "motivation" This describes those processes that can arouse and initiate student behavior, give direction and purpose to behavior, help behavior to persist and help the student choose a particular behavior
Characteristics of "Interest" -Make connections with students -Highlight the relevance to real life and previous lessons -Give students choice
Characteristics of "Expectancy" In order for a student to be able to perceive that they can be successful we must work at their level,use negotiation, take 1 step at a time,don't overbear with work, use differentiation
Characteristics of "Relevance" Meaningful tasks, Appropriate for the age level, Challenging for the student at whatever level the student is at,Purpose for the lesson, Relationship to other work, Integration
Characteristics of "Satisfaction" Individual, group, & class rewards, Talk about how you feel, Talk about your choices and how they impact others- class meetings and dialogue. Not praise, but verbal confirmation of what was accomplished, Intermittent Reinforcement
What are the 3 vital psychological needs that needs that must be met according to SDT (Self determination theory) -Autonomy (wanting to feel in control) -Competence (wanting to feel efficacy) -Relatedness (wanting to feel part of the social group)
What are the 4 types of Motivation in SDT? -Intrinsic- acting out of pure enjoyment -Identified-seeing the value of an activity even if it's not pleasurable -Introjected- performing an activity to avoid an unpleasant state such as guilt -External-controlled state acting because of compulsion
Achievement Goal Theory, a motivation theory, focuses on what characteristics? -Ideal learning environment should include mastery goal orientations -Focus on understanding the material -Use adaptive strategies -Positive levels of self-efficacy -Incremental views of intelligence -Deeper processing strategies
What is TARGET theory? -Task design -Distribution of Authority -Recognition of students -Grouping arrangements -Evaluation of practices -Time allocation
Define "mental set" A teacher's heightened awareness of his or her surroundings and involves a conscious effort to control one's thoughts and behaviors in that setting
Define "withitness" A teacher's disposition (mental set) to look at all parts of the classroom at all times to be aware of what is happening. This is demonstrated by monitoring & reacting regularly and foreseeing problems.
Define "emotional objectivity" The ability to interact with students in a businesslike, matter-of-fact manner even though you might be experiencing strong emotions. This can be demonstrated by (1)looking for reasons for the misbehavior & (2)monitoring your own thoughts
Four ways to "Express dominance" (1)Establish rules & Procedures, (2)Use disciplinary interventions, (3)Exhibit assertive behavior, (4)Establish clear learning goals
Four ways to "Communicate cooperation" (1)Provide flexible learning goals, (2)Take a personal interest in the students, (3)Use equitable & positive classroom behaviors, (4)Respond appropriately to student's incorrect responses
Created by: efoulk
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