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Psychological Assesm

Five Major Categories of Test? Mental Ability Tests Achievement Tests Personality Tests Attitude and Interests Tests Neuropsychological tests
Other Ways to Distinguish Tests Paper and Pencil vs. Performance tests Speed vs. Powers Tests Individual vs. Group Tests Norm-reference vs. Criterion reference test
Uses of Tests Clinical Settings Educational Settings Personnel Settings Research Settings
4 Assumption About Testing People differ in important traits We can quanitufy those traits These Traits are relatively stable Measures of these traits relate to actual behavior
5 fundamental Questions About testing Is the test reliable? Is the test valid? How do we interpret scores? How was the test developed? Practical Issues/How much does it costs?
Validity Does the test measure what it is intended to measure
Reliability Consistency, can the tests/results be duplicated.
User Norm Group Whoever takes that test
Sub Groups Smaller groups
Local Norm Groups Comparing one score with the local scores.
3 types of variable levels Definitional Level(Construct) Operational Definition Level Raw Data
Two Types of Statistics Descriptive Inferential
Descriptive Statistics Describe or summarize data
Inferential Statistics Make predictions about a population based on a sample data.
4 types of Statistical Scales Nominal scale/ numerical naming Ordinal Scale Interval Scale Ratio Scale
Nominal Scale/Numerical Naming Each object gets tagged with a number
Ordinal Scale Objects are assigned numbers that mean something about ordering,such as ranks.
Interval Scale Objects are placed in order with an equal space in between.
Ratio Scale An interval scale with an absolute zero.
Sources of Unreliability Test scoring Test Content Test administration Personal Conditions All of these lead to a larger error score.
Methods for determining reliability Test-retest reliability Interscorer Reliability Alternate form reliability Internal Consistency Reliability
Two conclusions regarding reliability Test Length is important Reliability is maximized when scores approach the .5 percent mark.
Correlation Connection between two variables.
Created by: astoakley
Popular Psychology sets




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