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Neo Resp Disease 1

RDS, TTNB,Pneumonia

RDS is AKA Hyaline membrane disease
What is the etiology of RDS? Prematurity of pulmonary system leading to a deficiency of surfactant production
7 risk factors for RDS premature, birth wt < 1200g, males, multiple gestations, prenatal maternal complications, maternal diabetes, placental and cord problems
5 anatomical structures that are immature in an RDS neonate terminal air sacs, pulmonary vasculature, cehst wall, respiratory muscles, and CNS
lack of stable surfactant in RDS neonate leads to what 6 things atelectasis, hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis, damage to capillaries and alveolar wall
5 Clinical signs for RDS RR>60, grunting, retracting, flaring, cyanosis
Diagnosing RDS maternal hx, shake test, ABG's, CXR, hypothermic, flaccid
RDS ABG's would show what 3 things hypoxia, hypercapnia, mixed acidosis
How would a CXR appear in an infant with RDS underaerated, opaque, "ground glass", air bronchograms
If an infant diagnosed with RDS dies after 72 hours what is it related to? complications
RDS has shown to be prevented maternally if given what? glucocorticoids for at least 24 hours before birth
What affect does glucocorticoids have? produces more type II cells, more lamellar bodies in type II cells and stable surfactant
Tx of RDS support pt/tx symptoms, O2, PPV, thermoregulation, surfactant administration
Complications from RDS include BPD from long term vent use, IVH(interventricular hemorrhage) which occurs in 40% of those under 1500g, infections, and PDA (d/t hypoxemia)
3 names of marketed surfactant and what they are made from Curasurf-pigs, Survanta- cows, Infasurf-minced cow lung
What disease is AKA RDS type II? ransient tachnypnea of the newborn (TTN, TTNB)
Etiology of TTNB retention of fetal lung fluid, term or near term infants, cesarean or precipitous deliveries
Risk factors for TTNB maternal sedation and asphyxia of the baby during labor/birth
Clinical signs of TTNB RR>60-usually very high, signs of respiratory distress, cyanotic
Babies with TTNB abg's usually show what hypoxia with normal CO2
What would appear on the CXR of a baby with TTNB? streaky infiltrates
Tx for TTNB stabilize, tx symptoms, O2, NCPAP/ventilate, Positioning with CPT, Antibiotics
Why is there very few complications from TTNB bc the fluid causing it usually clears in 2-48hrs and the infant makes a complete recovery
3 ways a newborn can acquire Pneumonia transplacental, perinatal, and postnatally
This type of bacteria cross the transplacental route group B streptococci
4 diseases that can cross transplacentally(ToRCH) toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytolomegalovirus, Herpes
4 maternal factors that could cause newborn to have pneumonia PROM-ruptures membrane, infection, fever, stained amniotic fluid
Clinical signs of Pneumonia vary with organism but name a few generic signs apnea, poor peripheral perfusion, tachycardia, lethargy, temp instability, hypotensive
Pneumonia ABG shows hypoxia and hypercarbia (metabolic acidosis)
Pneumonia CXR would appear with what things present diffuse granular pattern, patchy infiltrates, atelectasis
Tx for Pneumonia would include aggresive mgmt, ABT or antivirals, support pt, O2/ventilation, ECMO
What signs would a neonate with pneumonia present with to determine if ECMO should be used mottles, apneic, swinging BP's
This strain of streptococcus is most unresponsive to treatment Group B
Created by: Dabi2
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets



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