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ADHD: Chapter 5

P425 Abnormal adol and childhood behavioral disorders

alerting Refers to an initial reaction to a stimulus, and involves the ability to prepare for what is about to happen
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) A disorder in which the individual consistently and repeatedly shows age inappropriate behaviors in the two general categories of inattention and hyperactivity impulsivity, resulting in significant impairment in life functioning
attentional capacity The amount of information in short-term memory to which one can attend.
developmental coordination disorder A disorder characterized by marked motor incoordination (e.g., clumsiness and delays in achieving motor milestones).
distractibility A term used to describe deficits in selective attention.
executive functions Higher-order mental processes that enable a child to maintain a problem-solving set in order to attain a future goal.
frontostriatal circuitry of the brain A structure of the brain consisting of the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia; associated with attention, executive functions, delayed response, and response organization. Abnormalities within this structure have been linked to ADHD
goodness of fit The extent to which two things are suited. For instance, with respect to child psychopathology, one might use the term to refer to the extent to which the child’s early temperament and the parent’s style of interaction are suited to each other.
hyperactive Displaying an unusually high level of energy and an inability to remain still or quiet.
impulsive Prone to acting with little or no consideration of possible consequences. This term is frequently used to describe children who suffer from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
inattentive Lacking the ability to focus or sustain one’s attention. Children who are inattentive find it difficult to sustain mental effort during work or play and behave carelessly, as if they are not listening.
methylphenidate The stimulant medication most commonly used in treating children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It is sold under the name Ritalin.
parent management training (PMT) A program aimed at teaching parents to cope effectively with their child’s difficult behavior and their own reactions to it.
positive illusory bias A person’s report of higher self-esteem than is warranted by his or her behavior.
predominantly hyperactive–impulsive type (ADHD-PI) describes children who primarily have symptoms of inattention.
predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-HI) describes children who have primarily symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity.
response-cost procedures A technique for managing a subject’s behavior that involves the loss of reinforcers such as privileges, activities, points, or tokens in response to inappropriate behavior.
selective attention The ability to concentrate exclusively on relevant stimuli and to avoid distraction by irrelevant stimuli in the environment.
stimulant medications Drugs that alter the activity in the frontostriatal region of the brain by impacting three or more neurotransmitters important to the functioning of this region—dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, and possibly serotonin.
subtype A group of people with a specific disorder who have something in common, such as symptoms, etiology, problem severity, or likely outcome, that makes them distinct from people with other subtypes of the same disorder.
sustained attention The ability to maintain a persistent focus of attention over time or when fatigued.
tic disorders Disorders characterized by sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movements or phonic productions, such as eye blinking, facial grimacing, throat clearing, and grunting or other sounds.
combined type (ADHD-C) describes children who have symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity- impulsivity.
Created by: 15508824
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