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Blood Vocab

Chapter 14

2 components of whole blood blood plasma, formed elements
3 components of blood plasma protiens, water, other solutes
3 main protiens found in blood albumins, globulins, fibrogen
6 solutes commonly found in blood electrolytes, nutrients, gasses, regulatory substances, vitamins, waste products
what is the definition of a formed element? red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
what er the 3 classes of formed elements? red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
5 classes of white blood cells neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
relationship between erythrocyte and erythropoesis? formation of RBC's is erythropoesis, and this process creates erythrocytes.
relationship between reticulocytes and red blood cells? a reticulocyte is an immature red blood cells
neutrophil type of wbc with a pale lilac stain and combination of basic dyes.
monocyte largest type of wbc characterized by a granular cytoplasm. function: phagocytosis
eosinophil combats the effects of histamine in allergic reactions, antibody functions
B, T, and Nastural Killer cells mediate immune responses, anitibody reactions, attack viruses, attack infections and cancer/tumor cells
what is hemostasis? a sequences of responses that stop bleeding when blood vessels are injured
3 methods of hemostasis vascular spasm, platlet plug formation, blood clotting
hemorrage the loss of a large amount of blood from vessels
vascular spasm the muscle around the injured vessel contracts cutting off blood loss
platelet plug formation when blood platelets come into contact with the injured blood vessel, they stick together and forma a plug to block the blood loss.
clotting fibrin in the blood forms a clot to block the loss of blood
thrombus VS emblous thrombus- a blood clot, can dissolve spontaniously. emblous- blood clot, air bubble, basicallly any debris in the blood
pulmonary embolism when an embolus gets lodged in the lungs. can result in DEATH
reticylocyte counting the volume of reticulocytes in a samle of blood that measures the rate of erythropoesis
hematocrit counting the percent of a blood samplethat is composed of RBC's. Can diagnose anemia.
differincial WBC count wounts different forms of Wbc's to assess for infectionsand making of wbcs.
complets blood count measure the volume of blood components to see if anything is out of range.
-emia blood condition
erythro- red
gluco- sugar, glucose
glyco- sugar, sweet
hemo, hemato blood, hemorrage
-rrhagia hemorrage, excessive discharge
phlebo vein
thrombo blood clot
what makes blood groups differnt from each other? presence or absence of certian antigens
how is type A diff from type b? use a Rbcs to diplay when antigen A is present, they have type A. if antigen B, then type B.
HOw is AB diff from A or B? type AB has both A and B antigens
what does anti-antigen A do? what does anti-antigen B do? a- anti-A antibody reacts with anitegen A< B reacts with B
who has an anti-A antibody? who does not? antigens ofn the surface of RBC's , but antiblody B is in your blood plasma.
who has an anti-B antibody? who does not? B antigens on the surface of RBC's , but A- antibodies in the blood plasma.
what happens in an incompatible blood transfusion? the antibodies in the recipients plasma bind to antigens on the donated RBC's. when antigen antibody complexes form, they cause hemolysisand release hemoglogin into the plasma.
what is the diff between Rh+ and Rh- blood? People whose RBC's have the Rh antigen are Rh+, and those who lack are Rh-
anemia a condition which whr oxygen carrying capactity of blood os reduced. SYmptoms: fatigue, intolerance of cold, pale skin
what is the cause of Iron-dificiency anemia? inadequate absorption of iron, excessive iron loss, insuffiecent iron intake
what is the cause of pernicious anemia? insuffient hemopoiesisresulting from an inibility of the stomach to produce intrinsic factor.
what is the cause of hemorrhagic anemia? excessive loss of RBC's throuch bleeding resulting from serious injuries, ect.
what is the cause of hemolytic anemia? inherited defects or from outside agents such as paracites , toxins, ect.
what is th cause of thalassemia(anemia)? abnormallity in the 4 polypeptide chains of the hemoglobin molecule
What is the cause of aplastic anemia? destruction of red blood marrow caused by toxins, gamma rays, certain meds.
What are the symptoms and causes of sickle cell anemia? causes: RBC's contain an abnormal kind of hemoglobincalled S or HbS.
hemophilia causes: differnces or different blood clotting factors symptoms: hemorraging, nosebleeds, blood i urine
luekemia mature leukocytes accumulate in the bloodstream because they dont die at the end of their lifespan.
Created by: sarahbeth.wood
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