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CA Genetics & Enviro

Genotype your DNA sequence, genetic level, Female XX, Male XY
Phenotype physical, psychological, or behavioral expression of genes, expression of oneself, sex change effects this
environment and culture effects phenotype, can't change genetics
allele gene that influences a specific trait
homozygous two of the exact same alleles
heterozygous two different alleles
heterozygous dominant characteristics expressed
heterozygous recessive not expressed, two recessives needed in order to be expressed, can be a carrier.
Phenotypes not all phenotypes are due to one set of allele
Codominance one alleles is no dominate over another, the phenotypes is seen for both, ex. AB blood type
Polygenic multiple genes effect displayed characteristics, ex. Hair Color where both traits exist
Mutations error in gene replication or division, can be natural, missing or extra genes, part of evolution-lasting effects
genetic imprinting chemically marked to tell which parent it came from, not sex-linked, ex. Huntington Disease- dominant, CNS degenerations
Down Syndrome Trisomy 21- 3 copies of chromosome 21, cardiovascular, weight gain, mental retardation, treatment, prescreening, campaign
Sickle-cell anemia blood cells in sickle shape, clog vessels, enlarge heart, incomplete dominance, heterozygous, resistance to malaria
Sex-linked genetics 23rd pair the XX or XY, father determines sex of child, some things only affected by X/Y, some disorders linked to particular sex chrom,
red-green colorblindness X linked trait, 2 recessive in females, more common in males, need it on each chromosome to show
Kleinfelter Syndrom males born with extra X (XXY), low testosterone, puberty suppressed, sterile, speech and language problems,
Turner's Syndrome 1 in 2500 females, born with one X or missing part of one X, males missing the X don't survive, physical problems, psychological problems
Eugenics sterilization, american movement, Nazi's, self directed human evolution, today different-welfare, people with mental retardation
Plasticity brain shaped by experiences, connections we don't use weakens
critical period language, smiling-social smile
sensitive periods optimal time to learn something, less rigid, social/emotional response
multi-factorial inheritance physical traits influenced by genes and environment
behavioral genetics genes and environment interaction
range of reaction ex. height range
heritability how much influence is from genes alone
family studies household comparisons
twin studies twins compared to other family members
adoption studies children separated at birth, don't often have twins,
problems with kinship studies twins-monozygotic, dizygotic, within group first then compare
Popular Psychology sets




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