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Mr. Rose- Lit

Literary Terms

allegory a literary work in which all or most of the characters, settings, and events symbolize ideas
alliteration the repetion of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
allusion a reference in a wok of literature to a well-known person, place, event, written work, or work of art
analogy a comparison based on a similarity between things that are otherwise dissimilar
assonance the repetition of the some or similar vowel sounds in stressed syllables that end in different consonant sounds
character a personage in a narrative of drama
conflict the central struggle between two opposing forces in a story or drama
denotation the literal, or dictionary, them meaning of a word
dialogue conversation between characters in a literary work
fiction a narrative in which situations and characters in a literary work
foil a minor character whose attitudes, beliefs, and behavior differ significantly from those of a minor character
genre a category or type of literature
hyperbole a figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion, make a oint, or envoke humor
irony a contrast or discrepancy between expectation and reality
metaphor a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two seemingly unlike things to help readers perceive the first thing more vividly and suggest an underlying similarity between the two
narrative writing that tells a story
narrator the person who tells the story
personification a figure of speech in which an animal, object, force of nature, or idea is given human qualities
plot a sequence of events in a narrative work
apostrophe a direct address to someone or something
aside (blank)
Monologue An extended speech by a single character, a solo speech to listeners. (different than solilogy)
Moral a message or lesson implied or directly stated in a literary work.
Motif An element that recurs throughout a narrative, or throughout several works.
Motivation The reasons an author provides for a character's actions. Can either be explicit or or implicit.
Onomatopoeia Literary device that attempts to represent a thing or action by the word that imitates the sound associated with it ex(crash, bang)
Persona Latin word for "mask". A ficticious character the author uses to narrate a story.
Simile Comparison of two things usually joined by like, as, than or a verb such as resembles.
Soliloguy A speech by a character when they are alone on stage. Character says thoughts outloud.
Symbol A person place or thing in a narrative that suggests meanings beyond its literal sense.
Synecdoche The use of a significant part of a thing to stand for the whole of it, such as wheels for car.
Tone The attitude of toward a subject conveyed in a literary work. Can be playful, sarcastic, ironic, sad, solemn, or any other attitude.
Understatement An ironic figure of speech that deliverately describes something in a way that is less than the true case.
Created by: lydiadell
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