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Families of Antibiotics: PenicillinsCephalosporinsTetracyclinesMacrolides & LincosamidesFluorquinolones and AminoglycosidesSulfonamidesMiscellaneous…
What is some pt teaching to help prevent resistance? use only the drugs sensitive to the organism, take a high enough dose, take it for an adequate amount of time, and do not abuse antibiotics.
Antibiotics do not treat what? the common cold. OR a virus. You need to increase fluid, get a good diet, and enough rest.-It only treats bacteria
Examples of Penicillins.. amoxicillin (Amoxil)Amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium (Augmentin)ampicillin (Omnipen, D amp)penicillin G procain (Crysticillin-AS)
Penicillins is used to.. treat strep infections, endocarditis, syphilis, tonsillitis-Prophlaxis use before dental work for pt w/heart disease
AntiinfectivesWhat does it do and how does it do it? -Used to treat infections either locally or systemicly-Either slows the growth or kills the pathogen
Classifications of Antiinfectives: -Antibiotics-Antitubercular drugs-Antiviral and antifungal meds-Antiparasitics
Labs to monitor when treating someone using antiinfectives are: CBC, BUN, Creatinine, LFT (liver function test)
Two things you need to always do when using antiinfectives… -Do culture & sensitivity-Peaks & Troughs
Common drugs that routinely have peak and toughs done on them is? Aminoglycosides
Example of Aminoglycosides are gentamycin (Garamycin)
In the beginning you are placed on a broad spectrum drug but when C/S comes back you are placed on? a narrow spectrum abx.
Antibiotics are used for? to treat bacteria
If its given to prevent a bacterial infection it is called a? prophylaxis
The goal of abx is what? to decrease the population to the point to which the human immune system can fight it off.
Resistance- organism continues to grow despite administration of antibacterial drug.
What are the two types of resistance? Natural (w/o prior exposure) & Acquired (prior exposure)
What is the new drug that helps treat MRSA? linexolid (Zyvox)
Created by: jessinms
Popular Pharmacology sets




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