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Mid-term for Spanish

Mid-term studying for Spanish class

Buenos dias Good morning
Buenos noches Good evening
Buenos tardes Good afternoon
Hola Hello
Como te llamas? What is your name?
Me llamo... My name is...
Encantado, -a Delighted
Igualmente Likewise
Mucho gusto Pleased to meet you
Senor (Sr.) Sir, Mr.
Senora (Sra.) madam, Mrs.
Senorita (Srta.) miss, Mrs.
Como esta usted (formal) How are you?
Como estas? (familiar) How are you?
Que pasa? What's happening
Que tal? How are you?
Y tu?/Y usted (Ud?) And you?
(muy) bien (very) well
nada nothing
Regular okay, so-so
Gracias Thank you
Adios! Good-bye!
Hasta luego See you later
Hasta manana See you tomorrow
Nos vemos See you
dia day
mes month
ano year
the date fecha
semana week
Attencion Attention
Abran libro en la pagina... Open the book to page...
Cierren el libro Close the book
Repitan, por favor Repeat, please
Levantanse, por favor Stand up, please
Sientense, por favor Sit down, please
Saquen una hoja de papel Take out a piece of paper
Entreguen sus hojas de papel Hand in your papers
Que tiempo hace What's the weather like
Hace calor It's hot
Hace frio It's cold
Hace viento It's windy
Hace sol It's sunny
La estacion Season
El invierno Winter
El otono Fall, autumn
la primavera Spring
El verano Summer
Bailar to dance
Cantar to sing
Correr to run
Dibujar to draw
Escribir cuentos to write stories
Escuchar musica to listen to music
Esquiar to ski
Hablar por telefhono to talk on the phone
Ir a la escuela to go to school
Jugar videojuegos to play video games
Leer revistas to read magazines
Montar en bicicleta to ride a bicycle
Montar en monopatin to skateboard
Nadar to swim
Pasar tiempo con amigos to spend time with friends
Patinar to skate
Practicar deportes to play sports
Tocar la guitarra to play the guitar
Trabajar to work
Usar la computadora to use the computer
Ver la tele to watch television
(A mi) me gusta- I like to -
(A mi) me gusta mas- I like to - better (I prefer to - better)
(A mi) me gusta mucho- I like to - a lot
A mi tambien me too
(A mi) no me gusta- I don't like to-
(A mi) no me gusta nada- I don't like to - at all
A mi tampoco Me neither
Que te gusta hacer What do you like to do
Que te gusta mas What do you like to do
Que te gusta mas WHat do you like better(prefer)
Te gusta... Do you like to...
Y a ti And you
mas more neither...nor, not...or
o or
pues well
si yes
tambien also, too
y and
me gusta I like
te gusta you like
le gusta he/she like
nos gusta we like
les gusta they like
el libro the book
la mesa the table
los libros the books
las mesa the tables
un libros a book
unos libros some books
unas mesas some tables
Created by: love 2 dance
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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