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Psych-Quiz 4

Social Psychology and Therapy

What is Psychotherapy? generic name given to formal psychological treatment
Biological treatments treatment based on medicinal approaches
Psychopharmacology use of medicines that affect the body and brain functions
Ant-Anxiety drugs reduce anxiety, promote relaxation ex. valium
Anti-depressants Stabalize mood
Three classes of Ant-depressants MAOIs, Tricyclics and SSRIs
Antipsychotics Block the effects of dopamine
Alternative Biological Treatments Used as a last resort because of the serious side effects that can occur
What is psychosurgery Removal of portions of the brain
Pre-frontal lobotomies used to treat severe mental disorders
Electrocounvulsive Therapy shock therapy that is used in cases of severe depression. More common now because less invasive and used with powerful anesthesia
What are the three types of Psychotherapy? Psychodynamic Therapy Humanistic Therapy Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Humanistic Therapy emphasizes client's own personal beliefs, experiences and free-will
Person-Centered Approach creating safe, comfortable environment, empathy, unconditional positive regard
Reflective Listening Repeating client's statements to seek clarification
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy attempts to correct faulty thinking and change maladaptive behaviors
Cognitive Therapy and Restructuring tries to teach people to think in more adaptive ways
Behavior Therapy and Exposure uses principles of learning to change behavior
What is CBT like and how popular is it? most popular approach, business like or diadactic
Group Therapy- What are the benefits simultaneous treatment of several clients in a group setting, builds social support
Family Therapy emphasizes context of the problem
What is Transference transfer emotional feelings about others to a therapist
Does Psychotherapy work? yes, 86% feel improved
What are two examples of therapies that don't work? DARE, Debriefing
Meta-analyses of Psychotherapy Outcomes psychotherapy is effective for a range of problems
Are some therapies better then others? overall the answer is complex and still being studied
Is combining approaches usually more effective than any single approach? yes. Ex. Schizophrenia-Pharmacological and psychosocial
What is social psychology? the study of how we influence each other
What did the Stanford Prison Experiment show? the power of social roles and how it can easily influence ones behavior
Norms roles that regulate human life
Role a given social position that is governed by societal norms
What are attributions? peoples casual expectations for events or actions
Attribution theory People are tempted to draw attributions to provide basic order in their lives
Dispostional Attributions within a person, traits, moods
Situational Attributions outside events, actions of others
Fundamental Attribution Error Tendency to overestimate importance of personal traits and underestimate the importance of the situation
Self-Serving Bias Choosing explanations that favor oneself
Just-World Hypothesis The need to beleive that the world is fair, justice is served
Cognitive Dissonance Uncomfortable state that occurs when contradiction takes place
Familiarity Effect more we are exposed, the more of a tendency we have to create a positive attitude
Validity Effect? The more we hear it, the tendency we have to believe it
Explicit Attitudes those you are aware of and can report
Implicit Attitudes those you are not aware of
Stereotypes attitudes and beliefs about a certain group pf people
Self-fulfilling prophecy Tendency to behave in ways that confirms ones own or other expectations
Stereotype Threat Tendency for stereotype threat to influence the people being steretyped
what do negative stereotypes lead to Prejudice and discrimination
Prejudice negative feelings toward others based solely on their membership of a certain group
Discrimination Unjustified feelings treatment of people as a result of prejudice
Robbers Cave experiments created hostility, prejudice and discrimination
social Facilitation Presence of others increases arousal
Social loafing people dont work as hard when they are in groups
Deindividuation People losing their individuality when they become part of a group
Diffusion of Responsibility people in groups feel less responsible for their actions
Group thinks convinces themselves they are correct
conformity adhering to social norms and expectations
Obedience Milgram experience 2/3 65%
Bystander Effect failure to offer help someone observed to be in need
altruism providing help to someone in abscene of reward
4 major factors of bystander effect 1) Diffusion of Responsibility 2) Fear of Social Blunders 3) Anonymity 4) Perceived Risk
Created by: karchermary
Popular Psychology sets




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