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ILS Final Sem 1

What is the definition of Science System of knowledge and the methods used to find that knowledge
How are science and technology related Advances in one leads to advances in the other
What are the branches of Natural Science Physical, earth and space, life
How do Earth Science and Life Science overlap Earth science studies systems that includes living things
What are the main ideas of Physical Science Universe is very large and old, forces cause changes in motion, energy can not be destroyed, but it can change form
What are the building blocks of matter atoms
What are the steps of the scientific method making observations-obtaining information through senses,
Which step involves information gathered through the senses observation
When a hypothesis is proven incorrect, what must you do revise hypothesis
What is a scientific law summarizes a pattern in nature
What is a model and why are they important physical or mental representation of an object, visualize very large, small, or extinct objects
What is the most important safety rule follow instructions
How do you write a decimal in scientific notation 0.000032=
How do you convert between SI units conversion factors
What is precision number of decimal points
Describe the Kelvin and Celsius scales for temperature boiling 100C, 273K, conversion add 273 to C=K, K-273=C
What are the 3 types of graphs and what do they show circle-parts of a whole, line, bar
What is the difference between a direct proportion and an inverse proportion direct=both values increase or decrease, Inverse=as one increases the other decreases
Which leads to a straight line on a graph direct- constant relationship between manipulated and responding
Why is peer review important ex: articles, email, conferences-others look over work
What is a pure substance made of one type of molecule, can not be broken down simply
What are the symbols for gold and aluminum Au, Al
Why is water a compound 2 hydrogens for each oxygen
What is a mixture substances together, but not chemically combined
What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures Homogeneous is the same throughout
What are the differences between a colloid, suspension, and a solution Colloid is cloudy, suspension settles
What is malleability can be pounded into thin sheets, metals
What is viscosity resistance to flow
How does filtration separate mixtures size
What is distillation Used if particles are too small to filter
What is the difference between physical and chemical changes physical- compostion does not change, chemical composition does change
What is flammability Burning requires oxygen
What does reactivity mean Easily combines with other substances
What are the signs of a chemical change Bubbles, color change, precipitate
99% of all matter is in what phase plasma
Define solid, liquid, and gas solid= Def vol-Def shape, liquid=Def vol- no Def shape, Gas=No Def vol or shape
What is pressure Force distributed over an area
How are pressure, temperature, and volume related increse temp- increase pressure, decrease temp- decrease pressure
What is the equation for the combined gas law (p1)(v1)=(p2)(v2)
t1 t2
How are vaporization and condensation related vaporazation is the opposite of condensation
What happens to temperature during a phase change Stays constant
Name and describe 6 types of phase change Freezing, melting, boiling, condensing, sublime, deposition
What is the difference between and endothermic and exothermic change endo- heat goes in, exo heat goes out
Who named the atom Democritus
Describe the following models of the atom
Democritus Solid indivisible ball
Rutherford Positive nucleus
Dalton atoms of different elements are different, compounds=ratio of elements are the same
Bohr Electrons in paths around the nucleus like planets
What are the charges of the 3 subatomic particles proton +, electron -., neutron neutral
What is the mass of the 3 subatomic particles P and N= 1 AMU, E=1/2000 AMU
What is used to identify an element Atomic number
What is the atomic number Number of protons
What is an isotope Atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons
Describe the electron cloud model Electrons can be anywhere within an energy level, spend more time in dense areas
What is the difference between ground state and excited state electrons Ground state has less energy
Created by: evroman
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