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Lecture 11/21

U of M Psych 303 Methods

self-report data questionnaires, interviews-asking people about themselves (behavior, beliefs, attitudes. No objective measurement. Assume people are able and willing to tell the truth.
response set responses (biases) that are a threat to valid measurement in the data collection
social desirability tendency of respondents to answer questions in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others
U of M survey of consumers Combined closed and open ended questions;o The index of consumer expectation: view prospects for their own financial situation; the economy over the near term; and the economy over longer term. 500 monthly telephone interviews50 closed-ended ?s
Three general survey questions attitudes and beliefs, facts and demographics, behaviors
questionnaire design (things to avoid) Overloading working memory Double-barreled questions Loaded questions Negative wording Yea-saying and nay-saving
Push polls phone calls used to canvass potential voters. Feed false info. Pushes to vote for other candidate.
Anchoring effects numerical info affects the respondent’s answers. Using irrelevant information
Order effects ask general questions about marriage, then ask how happy people are (in life).
Advantages and disadvantages of closed ended questions CEQ: limited # of responses are given, more structured, easy to code, uniformity: responses are the same for everyone
Advantages and disadvantages of open ended questions OEQ: respondents are free to answer the way they like, takes time to code, some responses can’t be categorized, useful to see how people naturally view the world, can combine CEQ and OEQ.
Types of rating scales -7 response – defines extremes, graphic rating (100 mm line), semantic differential scale (meaning of concepts), nonverbal scale for children (smiley faces)
Effects of different reference periods Effects of the scale is most for ill defined symptoms like “responsiveness to changes in weather”; Less effect for more concrete symptoms like “excessive perspiration”
Advantages of written questionnaires • Ask the most interesting and important questions first • Ask demographic questions last • Questions and response alternatives should easy to identify • Group questions by topic/theme • “pilot” the questionnaire (use “think aloud” or verbal protocol
disadvantages of written questionnaires • understanding of the questions • motivation • response rates (mail) • People may misrepresent themselves • Unanswered question
Advantages of interviews • Involves an interaction btw people o Response rate highr than questionnaire • People answer most, if not all, the ?s • Interviewer can clarify questions • Interviewer can ask for follow-up ?s
disadvantages of interviews • Interviewer bias o Show approval/disapproval o Could posses diff characteristics o Expectations could lead to “ see what they are looking for” in the answers
Confidence intervals percentage of confidence that population value lies within a certain interval
Margin of error (+/- 3%): 95% probability that the true population is within 3% of sample value
Probability sampling each member of the population has a specifiable probability of being chosen
Non-probability sampling has more potential biases than probability sampling.
Simple random sampling equal probability, 1000 people in population—each has 1% chance
Stratified random sampling population is divided into subgroups (strata) and subjects are taken from each strata.
Convenience (haphazard) sampling select sample based on who easiest to find. Non-representative
Response rate the percentage of people who in the same sample, actually complete the survey.
Consumer reports survey of psychotherapy (Seligman paper) 1995, (CR), mailed to 180,000, 7000 responded – 3000 sought help from family and friends, 37% psychiatrists, 22% psychologists. 87% reported improvement, no difference in therapy + drugs, long term better
Efficacy study contrast therapy to a comparison group under well-controlled conditions
Efficacy studies of therapy vs. using survey method (advantages/disadvantages of each) Efficacy don’t work for all types of therapies, not fixed duration (goes on until patient quits or gets better, patients often have multiple problems.
Created by: rnwalk
Popular Psychology sets




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