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Exam Time Yo! 2

Psychology- Sensation and Perception

Additive Color Mixing way to produce a given spectral pattern in which different wavelengths of lights are mixed.
Audition The sense of sound perception
Binocular Depth Cues Cues of depth perception that arise from the fact that people have two eyes.
Binocular/Retinal Disparity a cue of depth perception that is caused by the distance between a person's eyes (each eye with slightly different range)
Bottom-Up Processing a hierarchical model of pattern recognition in which data are relayed from one processing level to the next, always moving to a higher level
Cones Retinal cells that respond to higher levels of illumination and result in color perception
Cornea The clear outer covering of the eye
Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane) A thin membrane, which sound waves vibrate, that mark the beginning of the middle ear
Fovea The center of the retina where cones are densely packed
Gustation The sense of taste
Haptic Sense The sense of touch
Iris colored muscular circle on the surface of the eye; changes shape to let in more or less light
Kinesthetic Sense Perception of your limbs in space (hand/eye coordination)
Lateral Inhibition a visual process in which adjacent photoreceptors tend to inhibit one another
Monocular Depth Curves cues of depth perception that are available to each eye alone
Olfaction the sense of smell..occurs when receptors in the nose respond to chemicals
Olfactory Bulb the brain center for smell located below the frontal lobes
Olfactory Epithelium thin layer of tissue, within nasal cavity, that is embedded with smell receptors
Perception the processing, organizing, and interpretation of sensory signals; results in internal representation of the stimulus
Perceptual Constancy people correctly perceive objects as constants in their shape, color, size, and lightness, despite raw sensory data that could mislead perception
Pupil Small opening in the eye. it lets in light waves
Receptive Field the region of visual space to which neurons in the primary visual cortex are sensitive
Retina thin inner surface of the back of the eyeball. contains the photoreceptors that transduce light into neural signals
Rods retinal cells that respond to low levels of illumination and result in black and white perceptions
Sensation the sense organs' responses to external stimuli and the transmission of these responses to the brain
Sensory Adaptation when an observer's sensitivity to stimuli decreases over time
Signal Detection Theory a theory of perception based on the idea that the detection of a faint stimulus requires a judgement.
Sound Wave pattern of changes in air pressure through time that results in the percept of a sound
Subtractive Color Mixing a way to produce a given spectral pattern in which the mixture occurs within the stimulus itself and is actually a physical process
Taste Buds sensory receptors that transduce taste information
Top-down Processing a hierarchical model of pattern recognition in which information at higher levels of processing can also influence lower "earlier" levels in the processing hierarchy
Transduction a process by which sensory receptors produce neural impulses when they receive physical or chemical stimulation
Vestibular Sense perception of balance
Created by: 864155233
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