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Group two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common identity
Formal Group group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader
Informal Group created for friendship; formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader, although one may emerge
Team small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
Stages of Group & Team Development Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
Forming "Why are we here?"- process of getting oriented and getting acquainted. High degree of uncertainty, breaking the ice, figure out who's in charge. Mutual trust is low, a lot of holding back
What should leaders do in the forming stage? allow time for people to be acquainted and socialize
Storming "Why are we fighting over who does what and who's in charge?"- characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group
What leader should do during STORMING encourage members to suggest ideas, voice disagreements, and work through conflicts about tasks and goals
Norming "Can we agree on roles and work as a team?"-conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, unity and harmony emerge
Groups evolve into teams in which stage? Norming
Group Cohesiveness a "we" feeling binding group members together
What leader should do during NORMING stage doesn't last long; emphasize unity; help identify team goals and values
Performing "Can we do the job properly?"- members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned tasks
What leader should do during PERFORMING allow members the empowerment they need to work on tasks
Adjourning "Can we help members transition out?"- members prepare for disbandment
Building Effective Teams (7 considerations) Performance and Feedback; Motivation through Mutual Accountability; Size; Roles; Norms; Cohesiveness; Groupthink
1. Performance Goals and Feedback purpose needs to be defined, measurable performance goals, and continual feedback
2. Motivation through Mutual Accountability members feel mutual trust and commitment, allow teams to do hiring of new members
3. Size Small or Large?
Small Teams PROS: better interaction, morale CONS: fewer resources, less innovation, unfair work distribution
Large Teams PROS: more resources, division of labor CONS: less interaction, lower morale, social loafing (exerting less effort when working in groups)
4. Roles socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in a specific position
Task role behavior that concentrates on getting the team's task done
Maintenance Role behavior that fosters constructive relationship among team members
5. Norms general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group members follow
6. Cohesiveness tendency of a group or team to stick together
7. Groupthink a cohesive group's blind unwillingness to consider alternatives; too friendly makes them unable to think "outside the box"
Symptoms of Groupthink Invulnerability and stereotyping of opposition, rationalization and self-censorship, illusion of unanimity, peer pressure
Results of Groupthink Reduction in alternative ideas, limiting of other information
Preventing Groupthink Allow criticism, allow other perspectives
Created by: bbyjx3
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