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7 LvL CDCs taken from CDC Vol 1 and 2

To the greatest extent possible, how should maintenance be performed? 001 on a pre-planned scheduled basis.
Using equipment generates what type of maintenance? 001 Corrective (unscheduled)
What are two basic types of schedule and unscheduled maintenance? 001 on equipment and off equipment.
Maintenance cross-tells are used for what purpose? 001 Highlight trends, benchmarks or safety conditions relating to maintenance equipment, personnel, training or processes
What are two major goals of intermediate repair enhancement program meetings? 001 increase local repair capability and reduce overall cost of operations
What should typically be included in a maintenance cross-tell report in addition to details such as national stock numbers, part numbers and specific location of problem areas? 001 relevant background information and history
In order of increasing capability, what are the three separate levels of maintenance? 002 organizational, intermediate, depot
Which level of maintenance is performed off-equipment at the back-shop level? 002 intermediate
what level of maintenance is used for complex repairs and is located at a major repair facility? 002 depot
what combined maintenance approach modifies or eliminates the intermediate (off-equipment) function where possible, by consolidating that repair function at the depot level? 002 2LM
What type of maintenance facility is a hybrid of 3LM and 2LM and combines intermediate level maintenance from multiple basis to one location? 002 regional repair center
What type of specialized regional repair facility provides intermediate-level maintenance for selected commodities? 002 Centralized intermediate repair facility
what AF lean logistics initiative gives global visibility of all repair assets as well as centralized funds management for these assets? 002 Repair Enterprise (RE) 21
How can a successful R&M programs be define? 003 One that promotes the ability to identify and correct system deficiencies before they affect combat capability
What is the primary scope of the product improvement working group? 003 Address product deficiencies affecting R&M that field unity cannot resolve and to resolve DRs that the single manager assigns to them.
Who takes the lead in identifying, tracking, assessing, and correcting R&M deficiencies on their assigned air and space equipment and also co-chairs the PIWG? 003 Single Manager
As and end user, what is your primary focus in the DR process? 003 Identify Deficiencies and properly submit reports..
What category of deficiencies includes recommended enhancements that improves or complements successful mission accomplishment but is not absolutely necessary? 003 CAT II
What MXG agency is tasked with providing technical assistance for DRs? 003 QA
When the scope of an OI will cross organizational group line, at what level should it be published? 004 Wing Instructions
What office assumes sole responsibility for the accuracy, currency, and integrity of the contracts of an OI and for compliance with it? 004 OPR office of primary responsibility
Can an AF civil service employee act as the POC for and OI? 004 yes
Which section acts as the OPR for maintenance policy guidance in the maintenance group? 004 QA
What type of support agreement governs services provided by the US Northern Command to US Central Command? 004 Inter-Command
In addition to reviewing impact on the primary unity mission and all other existing agreements, what base organization must be fully coordinated with before publishing an SA? 004 LRS plans function
What type of broadly worded documents are SAs often based on? 004 Memorandum of Agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding MOA/MOU
As it pertains to SAs, if two organizations both supply and receive support to and from each other what should be done? 004 Develop separate agreements
What flight within the MXG normally acts as the POC for support agreements? 004 Programs and resources flight in the MOS
What is a formal modification proposal? 005 Recommendation to change the operation, use, or appearance of AF aircraft and equipment
whether temporary, permanent, or safety, what is the lowest approval level needed to make a modification to an aircraft or piece of equipment? 005 MAJCOM
How often must temporary modifications be reapproved with HQ USAF/A4M? 005 annually
In addition to the system program manager maintaining system engineering integrity, what agency is responsible for fleet-wide interoperability and commonality of that system? 005 Lead Command
What does aircraft configuration management provide unity managers the capability to do? 005 determine the actual vs approved configuration on an aircraft
What section within the MXG has overall responsibility for managing the ACM database for the wing? 005 maintenance operations flight (MOF) PS&D in the MOS
What is historical documentation as it pertains to aircraft and equipment? 006 The permanent record of significant maintenance actions on aerospace equipment , including aircraft, engines, engine modifications, and designated MDS specific -6 TO components.
Who is responsible for determining which items in the MDS specific -6 TO need historical reporting and for informing the single manager so the items can be identified for reporting? 006 ITEM managers
For aircraft engines, when are printed copies of AFTO IMT 95s not required to accompany end items upon transfer to/from other locations? 006 when the location has access to the necessary MIS to retrieve the required historical information.
During what type of transfer o helicopter lades and tail rotor blades have to be accompanied by a printed copy of their AFTO IMT 95? 006 Disposal system
Upon transfer of engines to and from a depot maintenance facility, who is responsible for ensuring all basic engine components have been accounted for? 006 maintenance facility that preserves the engine
what aircraft engine documentation is an AFTO IMT 95 primarily used for? 006 To document accumulated cycles, operating time, maintenance history, pertinent manufacture data for jet engine turbine wheels.
Which maintenance information system is considered to be the standard AF base-level automated MIS? 007 IMDS Central data base
Tracks engines/components for time change? 007 Comprehensive Engine Management System (CEMS)
Tracks maintenance on test equipment? 007 Automatic Test Equipment Reporting System (ATERS)
Used to create, schedule and change workcenter events? 007 Maintenance Events
Automates location of aircraft, missiles and age? 007 location
replaced the maintenance data collection system?007 Job Data Documentation (JDD)
Monitors estimated time in commission (ETIC)? 007 Status and inventory reporting
Supports flying operations in three phases? 007 Operational events
Allows forecasting of TCTOs and time changes? 007 Inspection and time change
Provides monitoring and control of TCTO progress? 007 Time Compliance Technical Order
Allows monitoring of manpower resources? 007 Maintenance personnel
Gives capability to forecast and schedule training? 007 Training management
Can be used to order parts?007 IMDS-CDB/SBSS
Gives the ability to update aircraft operating time?007 Automated debriefing
Updates/monitors approved/actual aircraft configuration?007 Generic Configuration Status Accounting System (GCSAS)
Used to pre-fill/print AFTO Forms 781A, J, and K? 007 Aircraft Automated Forms
In regards to MIS data integrity, what are work center and shift supervisors responsible for doing? 007 reviewing, on a daily basis, the data entered in their respective MIS by personnel under their control
what section guides the data integrity team process and is responsible for ensuring the MIS data provided to maintenance managers is meaningful and factual? 007 MOF, maintenance data System Analysis Section
What section is responsible for correcting incorrect and erroneous data entered in to the MIS? 007 The section that entered the data
As roadmaps, what can maintenance management metrics, if used properly, help you to determine? 008 where you've been, where your going, how (if) going to get there
What are two major categories that metrics are often divided into? 008 Leading and lagging indicators
What type of performance indicator shows a problem first, while it is impacting maintenance's capability to provide resources to execute the mission? 008 Leading
what type of indicator shows firmly established trends?008 lagging
Percentage of aircraft that land in "code 3" status? 008 Break Rate (BR)
Average Number of deferred discrepancies across the fleet of possessed aircraft? 008 Deferred Discrepancy Rate (DDR)
Percentage of "code 3" aircraft repaired to flyable status is set time? 008 Fix Rate (FR)
Most important and accurate measure of the unit's maintenance quality? 008 Repeat/Recurring (R/R) Discrepancy Rate.
Average number of sorties or hours flown per Primary Aerospace vehicle authorized per month? 008 Utilization (UTE) rate
The best known yardstick for measuring a unit's performance? 008 Mission Capable (MC) rate
Average percentage of aircraft that are unable to meet primary assigned missions (calculated monthly/annually) for maintenance reasons? 008 Total Not Mission capable Maintenance (TNMCM) rate
What level of maintenance priority should be assigned to perform maintenance on primary mission aircraft, related AGE, and munitions support equipment for the first eight work hours after landing or start of recovery?009 Priority 2
what level of maintenance repair priority should be assigned to perform scheduled maintenance to include periodic inspections, routine TCTOs, and time change items? 009 priority 4
What level maintenance priority should ba assigned to perform routine repair of AGE and repair cycle assets? 009 priority 5
If a change is made in the repair priority of an aircraft, does the LRS parts delivery priority have to be change to match it? 009 NO,not necessarily, it depends on the best judgement of the production superintendent in coordination with moc
Other than simply scheduling maintenance, what is the purpose of maintenance scheduling mettings? 009 properly mesh maintenance with flying requirements
who normally chairs the weekly MXG maintenance scheduling meeting ?009 MOF PS&D senior scheduler
For the purposes of maintenance scheduling, what is the definition of maintenance requirement?009 any maintenance event that impacts aircraft availability
If a change is made to the printed flying schedule as a result of decisions made at a daily scheduling meting, is an AF IMT 2407 required to be submitted for approval? 009 YES
What does the MESL on a specific unit's aircraft list? 010 Minimum essential system and subsystems that must work on an aircraft for it to perform specifically assigned unit wartime, training test or other mission
What column on the MESL lists a unit's specifically assigned wartime, training and test missions and the system and subsystems that must work for a unit to accomplish those missions? 010 Basic Systems List BSL
what column on the MESL lists all systems and subsystems needed for full mission performance? 010 Full System List FSL
Who is responsible for developing the MESL for a particular airframe? 010 Each MAJCOM
If an aircraft is determined to be safe for flight but can't perform any of the unit's specifically assigned missions, what status would the aircraft be reported as? 010 Not Mission Capable (NMC) air worthy
What units are required to be registered ins SORTS? 011 all units W/A USAF personnel accounting symbol (PAS)
As far as unit readiness, what does SORTS indicate about a particular unit? 011 It indicates a units ability to undertake its full mission as charged in its primary, and if applicable, its secondary DOC statement
What is a fundamental premise of SORTS reporting? 011 integrity-Commander must tell it like it is
what are four primary areas reported on in SORTS? 011 Manning levels, equipment and supply level, equipment condition, and training
On a routine basis, how often must units report SORTS data?011 Every 30 days
What C-level would be reported if a unit possesses the required resources and is trained to undertake the full wartime mission(s) for which it is organized or designed? 011 C-1
One of the goals of ART is to report a UTC's current and future ability to fulfill its MIssion Capability Statement, how far in the future does the reporting tool consider? 012 6 months
In support of the AEF, who is responsible for ensuring equal rotational cycles at the unit level? 012 SQD/Unit CC
What is the primary responsibility for members as it pertains to the AEF and ART reporting? 012 They must ensure that they are trained and ready for deployment
What is the primary method used to ensure the widest dissemination of maintenance cross-tell information to highlight trends or safety conditions?001 DMS Defense Message System
An IREP meeting is held at least? 001 quarterly
What off-equipment level of maintenance consists primarily of testing and repair or replacement of component parts? 002 intermediate
Who is responsible for co-chairing Product Improvement Working Group mettings with the lead command executive agent? 003 Single manager
Who does the OPR designate to meet daily responsibilities for administering and OI? 004 POC
What type of support agreement is developed when two or more branches of the military are involved? 004 Inter-service
What is a general rule you should follow while developing supports agreements? 004 It should cover only one receiver
Once a formal aircraft modification proposal has been submitted, who--in addition to the single point manager and the lead command configuration review board-- must approve it? 005 HQ/USAF/A4M
In addition to MAJCOM system functional manager, who is consulted on disposition instruction for a serially controlled item that does not have a readable serial number? 005 Air Logistics Center item manager
Historical aircraft records are normally centrally located within the possessing unit. Who, if anyone, may authorized the files to be decentralized? 006 MXG/CC
Who may authorized special application uses for the AFTO IMT 95? 006 MXG/CC
Which AFMC agency is the primary user of the engine inventory management data entered into Comprehensive Engine Management System? 007 Oklahoma City AIR Logistics Center
What is the common standard interval used for calculating the Fix Rate on non-fighter type aircraft? 008 12 hours
How is an aircraft malfunction classified if an identical malfunction occurred on this same aircraft four sorties ago? 008 Recur
what maintenance priority designator is assigned to primary mission aircraft undergoing scheduled maintenance that if not accomplished would prevent or delay mission accomplishment? 009 priority 3
What maintenance priority designator is assigned to non-primary mission aircraft under going extensive repair?009 priority 5
Weekly maintenance scheduling mettings forecast and monitor maintenance requirements for the current month as well as how many months in the future? 009 2
In support of the weekly maintenance scheduling meeting, each aircraft maintenance uniti is required to provide a one-week forecast of all scheduled maintenance by 1600 on? 009 friday
Who has sole responsibility and authority to develop and implement MESLs for RDT&E missions and aircraft in support of RDT&E? 010 AF Material Command
what status is reported for an aircraft that has degraded system, subsystem, or component performance but is capable of full mission performance? 010 (FMC) Fully Mission Capable
What overall C-level is reported for a unit that possesses the required resources and is trained to undertake many, but not all, portions of the wartime mission(s) for which it was organized or designed? 011 C-3
For a wings's SORTS reporting, who monitors overall weapons load crew status and advises the MXG/CC when the number of fully certified crews falls below the minimum set limit? 011 wing weapons manager
When forecasting readiness for deployment in the ART, an individual should consider how many months in the future? 012 6
Although the "Wing Stand Up" meeting is used to keep the WG/CC updated about maintenance issues, what is the overall focus of the meeting? 013 IDing and resolving issues/disagreements related to the schedules
In addition to attending a monthly maintenance and flying scheduling meeting, what does the WG/CC ensure at the meetings with regard to MXG and OG interaction? 013 WG/CC ensures MXG and OG participate jointly in developing an annual maintenance and flying programs and a joint plan to ensure the best use of aircraft, equipment and personnel
who personally tasked as the wing FOD/DOP program manager? 013 Wing Vice Commander
In addition to ensuring effective FOD/DOP programs, what must the FOD/DOP program manager do on a quarterly or monthly basis? 013 chair the FOD and DOP prevention committee meetings
Why is it important for the MXG/CC to standardize maintenance discipline, procedures, organizational structures, compliance, and management philosophy? 013 Leads to greater interoperability, improves maintenance quality and ensures maintenance effectiveness
As well as overseeing the developement and publication of all maintenance-related OIs, what specific guidance must be the MXG/CC establish for cannibalization responsibilities and actions? 013 Individual responsiblities and specific procedures for CANN actions.
Who is responsible for ensuring effective management of all maintenance training programs including the development of an orientation program to adequately train newly assigned MXG personnel?013 MXG/CC
Who is responsible for chairing the daily maintenance production/scheduling meeting with representatives from throughout the Maintenance Group?013 MXG/CD
Who does the MXG/ SUPT work directly for?013 MXG/CC
Other than acting as a technical advisor, what type of issues does the MXG SUPT advise the MXG/CC on?013 Personnel, morale, and welfare issues, as well as advising him or her on problems no ID'd through maintenance data systems or QA inspection reports
What is the MXG SUPT's primary job as it relates to enlisted manning within the MXG?013 Groups Focal point for enlisted manning
What reponsiblities does a squadron commander have with the overall focus of upgrade training and maintenance qualification programs? 014 Ephasize the quality and not focus on minimum upgrade time frames.
Even though the SQ/CC is ultimately responsible for unit deployment readiness, who do they appoint to help ensure deployment readiness?014 UDM Unit Deployment Manager
If squadron manning authorizations are not right, what can the SQ/CC do to help remedy the situation? 014 Coordinate with the wing man power office through the group manning manager for assistance in preparing an authorization change request (ACR) which will alter their mainning authorization if it is approved.
What two postitions within the Maintenance Operation Squadron perform essentially the same duties as the operations officer and maintenance superintendent? 014 MOF/CC and MOF/SUPT
In AMXS or MXS, who does the maintenance superintendent work for?014 Operations Officer
Who is responsible through the MOS/CC to the MXG/CC for monitoring the overall health of the fleet? 014 MOF/CC assisted by the MOF/SUPT
Who is responsible for developing written procedures for EOR inspections in coordination with the wing weapons manager, weapons safety manager, and airfield management? 014 Operations Officer/ MX SUPT in AMXS/HMXS
Who is responsible for reviewing and consolidating monthly maintenance plan inputs from the various MXS flights/sections and for forwarding them to MOF PS&D?014 MXS Operations Officer with assistance of the MX SUPT
In MOS, who are flight chiefts responosible to in the area of leadership, supervision, and training of their assigned flight personnel? 014 MOF/CC
With regards to Job environment safety, what must a flight chief inform works of? 014 Any hazard condition they may encounter on the job
Who is responsible for reviewing Pilot Reported Discrepancies and flight Aborts daily to ensure proper maintenance is being taken to correct the underlying problem? 014 AMU OIC/SUPT
Who chairs a daily maintenance production meeting to develop and modify the overall maintenance plan of attack for an AMU? 014 AMU OIC or SUPT
What is the primary job of a section NCOIC? 014 act as first line manager and super and to serve as the technical authority and advisor for his or her particular section
What AF IMT should a section NCOIC use to monitor, track and document safety and health related information about his or her workers? 014 AF IMT 55
For section managed TMDE, what is the section NCOIC responsible for ensuring? 014 maintenance and calibration requirements are accomplished
What is the primary job of an AMU flightline Pro Super?014 To direct the overall maintenance effort of his /her AMU
What is the grade requirement to be appointed as an AMU flightline Pro Super? 014 SNCO or Civ equivalent
In addition to closely monitoring aircraft status, who must the flightline expediter notify when status and configuration changes occur? 014 MOC and the PRO SUP
What are some of the references that flightline expediters must keep close at at hand to faciclitate their duties?014 OAP countion codes, fuel load, munitions load, and remarks for each aircraft
What are weapons expediter responsible for monitoring with regard to the weapons section NCOIC? 014 monitoring all armament system maintenance and loading operations
Who must the weapons expediter coordinate with for the delivery and pick-up of munitions items? 014 with MOC or munitions control
Who must specialist expediters coordinate with in determining maintenance priorities for specialist support? 014 With PRO SUP and Flightline expediter
The daily meeting got update the wing CC on maintenance issues is called?013 Wing stand up
One of the MXG/CC's responsiblities is? 013 Authorizing modification of assigned aircraft and equipment
Who is charged with overseeing the managment of maintenance facilities and aircraft support equipment procurement and maintenance?013 MXG SUPT
What are some of the MXG SUPT's responsibilities? 013 Act as liaison between staff and production supervisors, resolve conflicting maintenance requirements between units,and Ensure maintenance training programs meet the intent of HHQ instructions.
The MXG SUPT is responsible for coordingating with unit leadership in rotating personnel between duty positions in order? 013 develop individual experience and knowledge
If applicable, who is responsible for managing the squadron's flying crew chief program? 014 SQ/CC
Some of the SC/CC's responsibilities are? 014 Monitoring and reporting on mission capability, reviewing mobility, contingency, and exercise plans, and being legally accountable for squadron EPA compliance.
It is important for a SQ/CC to review the squadron's DOC statement to?014 determine if current squadron processes are adequate to meet all tasked requirements.
What two postitions make up what is known as maintenance operations---formerly known as maintenance supervision?014 Operations officer/Maintenance superintendent
Working Together, the maintenance operations team is tasked with? 014 providing lower level administration for nearly all programs the SQ/CC is responsible for.
Who is the AMU/OIC responsible to for the leadership, supervision, and training of assigned personnel? 014 Squadron operations officer
What are some responsibilities of the AMU/OIC/superintendent?014 Reviewing pilot reported discrepancies daily, closely monitoring the flow of aircraft into major scheduled inspections, and ensuring sufficient numbers of aircraft engine run personnel are available.
Who is normally resoponsible for chairing the AMU's daily maintenance production metting? 014 AMU/OIC
The main person responsible for monitoring, tracking, and documenting safety and health information about assigned workers is the?014 Section NCOIC
Some of the NCOIC's responsibilities are? 014 Enforcing strict adherence to tech data, monitoring the qualification and training of assigned personnel, and actin as the first-line supervisor of maintenance support from other agencies.
What are some of the AMU production superintendent's responsibilities? 014 signing excetional releases which clear aircraft to fly, directing the maintenance effort using available resources, and maintaining a current copy of the on-base disaster map with a cordon overlay.
Who must the AMU production superintendent inform and coordinate with about the unit's maintenance effort, including providing aircraft status updates as required? 014 MOC
What idividual is in the best position to ensure that maintainers accomplish maintenance IAW tech data and higher level directives? Expediter
In managing, controlling and directing resources to accomplish scheduled/unscheduled maintenance to generate aircraft, expediters work for the? 014 production superintendent
Some of the flight line expediter's responsibilities are? 014 Ensuring ordered parts are picked-up quickly, maintaining copies of emergency action and fuctional checklists, ensuring aircraft and equipment forms documentation is accurate and complete.
Which MOF section is responsible for monitoring and coordingating sortie and maintenance production and overall execution of the flying and maintenance schedules? 015 MOC
Who is responsible for appointing, in writing, a highly qualified individual to perform engine healh management agencies? 015 MXG/CC
Which MOF section is responsible for coordinating aircraft maintenance requirements and ensuring proper utilization scheduling between the OG and MXG and any other applicable external agencies? 015 MOF PS
What is the primary mission of the Maintenance Data System Analysis section? 015 Track, analyze and present info to help the various LVLs of Leadership assess the health of their units aircraft and equipment.
Other than teaching, what is the mission of the maintenance training flight? 015 Serves as MXG's single point of contact for training matters affecting maintenance and to be responsible for the over all management and control of the training management sub system of IMDS-CDB
What are unit training managers responsible for doing in addition to assisting squadron commanders with traning matters?015 managing SQD enlisted specialty training programs
Is the MTF normally allowed to duplicate training taught on base by a locally assigned AETC traning detachment?015 NO
Programs and Resources Flight personnel are primarily responsible for managing what programs within the MXG? 015 manning, facilities, support agreements, and deployment programs
With regard to monthly SORTs reporting, what function does the Programs and Resources Flight server? 015 Central agency for gathering sorts data for MXG and for compiling this data into a report that is reviewed by MXG leadership.
With in the Programs and Rsources flight who can give technical assistance for palletizing equipment or doing a deployment site survey? 015 Logistics Planner
What is the primary mission of QA? 015 Evaluate the quality of maintenance accomplishment in MXG and to perform neccessary fuctions to manage the Origanization's maintenance standarization and evaluation program
With regard to W&B scale readings and computations, what is teh NCOIC/manger of the W&B prgram personally responsible for doing? 015 verify scal readings and accompany or overseeing the actual computations
What a are four types of evaluations that help QA to accomplish its mission? 015 PEs QVIs, SIs, and MIs
What is the basic mission of an AMU? 016 Launch and recover aircraft, perform necessary servicing inspections, and maintenance to support daily flying aircraft operations.
What are the standard sections of an AMU?016 Aircraft specialist, scheduling, weapons, debrief and support
What is a definition of sortie generation? 016 Cumulative effort required to launch and recover sorties
What are some of the information elements the debrief personnel enter into the applicable maintenance Information System (MIS)?016 Discrepancy and deviation information utilization, and applicable FLT Data. (including landing status, system capability, and other applicable cause codes)
Who is responsible for ensuring aircraft forms sets are made available to the debrief section by the end of the flying day if debriefs have been suspended due to aircraft flying surge operations? 016 Flightline expediter or PRO SUP
What are some of the entries the debrief must ensure that the aircraft commander/pilot makes on the applicable AFTO 781 Forms/IMTs during the debriefing session? 016 new discrepancies noted, aircraft condition codes, flying time, servicing data, and any other requied entries
What does an aircraft landing status code of 2 mean with regard to aircraft or system `condition? 016 Aircraft or systems has minor discrepancy but is capable of further mission assignment within normal turn arounds
What are three different types of crew chief positions that can be assigned to the aircraft section? 016 Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC)s, Assitant Dedicated Crew Chief (ADCC)s, Flying Crew Chief (FCC)s
In addition to being a SSgt or higher and possessing a 2A3X3, 2A5X1, OR 2A5X2 AFSC, how many months experience must a crew chief have on a specific MDS before being selected as a DCC? 016 6 months
In a general sense, what are DCCs and ADCCs charged with doing in respec to their assigned aircraft? 016 managing and supervising all maintenance on their assigned aircraft
The specialist section is normally responsible for what duties? 016 aircraft troubleshooting, on equipment repairs, component R&I reprogramming avionics system and classified aircraft items management
Why is the specialist section NCOIC responsible for promoting cross-talk with other unit's specialist sections? 016 obtain information on system/components repeat, recur, and Cannot Duplicate (CND) trends
What specialist's duties include maintaining ECS, bleed air, vacuum, pneumatic, fire suppression and oxygen systems? 016 E&E specialist
What are the two standard elements in an AMU weapons section? 016 loading and maintenance
Who serves as teh key advisor to the AMXS operations officer on factors that affect weapons training, weapons loading, and armament system maintenance capabilities for the AMU? 016 weapons section NCOIC
Who is responsible for controlling access to an aircraft undergoing munitions loading and unloading? 016 Load crew chief
What is the AMU PS&D responsible for informing AMU supervision and MOF PS&D about with regard to the production effort? 016 Maintenance capabilities or limiting factors that could affect the maintenance prodcution effort
On what AF IMT does AMU PS&D document AMU deviations from the publish maintenance and flying schedule? 016 AF IMT 2407
How often are AMU PS&D personnel required to review each aircraft jacket file to verify standardization? 016 annually
The NCOIC of AMU support must come from what two AFSC series? 016 2AXXX OR 2WXXX
What is the minimum amount of time that personnel are normally assigned to the support section? 016 12 months
What information must supply support personnel keep expediters updated on? 016 Status of all back orders parts
What sections are in a standard Accessories Flight? 017 E&E Egress, Fuel systems, Hydraulics sections
What Accessories Flight section is responsible for repairing oxygen and nitrogen servicing carts? 017 E
When egress explosive devies are damaged or suspected to be unsafe, who does the egress section request assistance from? 017 EOD Explosive Ordinance Disposal
What three sections are usually part of an AGE flight? 017 repair and inspection, servicing, pickup and delivery and AGE production support.
What AGE Flight section performs maintenance that is beyond the capability of Servicing Pick and Delivery section? 017 Repair and inspection
What AGE Flight section is responisible for maintaining TO files? 017 AGE production support
What is the overall mission of the Armament flight? 017 performs off-equipment maintenance for assigned aircraft systems, guns, pylons, racks, launches and adaptors
Who does the Armament Flight CC/Chief assist in recommending distributions of 2W1X1 personnel to satisfy on- and off-equipment weapons release and gun system maintenance? 017 Wing Weapons Manager (WWM)
Which Armament Flight Section coordinates with AMU PS&D in scheduling inspections, TCTOs and time changes? 017 Armamanet maintenance
When may historical records, AFTO IMT 95s, be maintained on selected avionics assests? 017 closer tracking of failure data would enhance repair capability
Which Avionics Filght section maintains LANTIRN pods? 017 Sensors
What section maintains, programs and peforms TCTOs of avionics components when the specified test stations and support equipment are available in the section? 017 Avionics intermediate
What sections make up the Fabrication Flight? 017 Structural maintenance, metals tech, survival equipment and NDI
What fabrication flight section is responsible for corrosion control? 017 ASM Aircraft Structural Maintenance
What is metals techology section tasked with doing? 017 Inspection, repairing, servicing, manufacturing, fabrication, heat treat, testing, cleaning and welding
What four sections normally make up the Maintenance Flight? 017 repair and reclamation, wheel and tire, aircraft inspection and transient alert
Which Maintenance Flight section removes, replaces, and rigs flight control surfaces? 017 Repair and Reclamation
What is the definition of transient aircraft? 017 Aircraft not assigned to the local base and are en route from one location to another that may require route servicing
Which Munitions Flight section assembles, disassembles, delivers, inspects, and maintains conventional munitions, missles, containers, and dispensers? 017 Munitions production
Which Munitions Flight section receives, stores, warehouses, handles, breaks out inspects, ships, inventories, and transports equipment and coordinates off-base movements with the base transportation organization? 017 munitions material
Which munitions flight section manages unit mobility and training programs? 017 munitions system
Who acts as the wing focal point for propulsion maintenance programs and gives advice to wing leadership about propulsion issues? 017 Props CC/Chief
Which propulsion Flight section stores, builds up, tears down, modifies, and repairs engines, quick engine change kits, and test equipment? 017 JEIM
Which propulsion flight section is responsible for maintaining, managing and storing engine support trailers? 017 Engine equipment maintenance section
Which TMDE Flight section performs in-laboratory and on-site calibration and repair using laboratory equipment and calibration standards? 017 PMEL
Who do the PMEL QA section evaluators report their inspection findings to? 017 TMDE FLT CC/CHIEF
What are the four elements of the TMDE Production Control section? 017 Customer service, production scheduling, traffic management and maintenance supply liason
The Ogden ALC (OO-ALC) provides logistics management and depot level maintenance support for what aircraft? 018 F22, F16, A10, C130
The Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC) provides maintenance, logistics, management and engineering support for what aircraft? 018 B1, B52, C/KC135, E3 and Navy E6
The Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC) provides support for depot-level maintenance, logistics, management and engineering support for what aircraft? 018 F15, C5, C141, C130, C17, U2, All AF Helicoptors
What is the basic mission of the AF Flight Test Center? 018 Conduct and support research, development, test, Evaluation, of Aerospace systems from the time they are 1st developed until they are ready for combat operations.
The AAC is responsible for doing what? 018 Development, acquisition, testing, and deployment of conventional and nuclear air-delivered weapons
What is the basic mission of the AMARC? 018 Provide for long term aircraft storage, aircraft maintenance and asset regeneration for war fighter sustainment
Other than aircraft, AMARC provides for the storage, regeneration,reclamation, and disposal of what type of aerospace related equipment? 018 Special tooling, special test equipment, engines, pylons, pylon load adaptors, and misc air frame components
What ACC program does AMARC support by regenerating and delivering f-4 aircraft? 018 Full scale aerial target program
What is part of MOF? 015 Engine Management, Maintenance Operations Center, Maintenance Data Systems Analysis
Which sections is responsible for managing the Location subsystem of the IMDS-CDB for aircraft under its control? 015 Maintenance Operations Center
What is normally tuaght by a maintenance group's Maintenance Training Flight? 015 Engine Run, Borescope Operation, Engine Blade Blending
UTMs are administratively assigned to the? 015 Maintenance Training Flight
The Programs and Resources Flight is responsible for managing and controlling what IMDS-CDB subsystem for the maintenance group? 015 Maintenance Personnel
The SORTS data gathered and approved each month by the maintenance group is? 015 forwarded to be combined with other wing data
What does Programs and Resources Flight maintain for the maintenance group? 015 Support agreements
Who is responsible for managing the MSEP for the maintenance group? 015 QA
When a case of aircraft chaffing is reported, what percentage of assigned like model aircraft must be inspected to determine if other aircraft are also experiencing the problem? 015 10%
AMUs must provide imputs to the maintenance group through the operations officer for the development of annual maintenance plant to? 016 ensure maintenance capabilities are not exceeded and commitments can be met
In an AMU, who is primarily responsible for using fault reporting manuals to identify fault codes to aid maintainers in aircraft troublshooting? 016 Debrief personnel
What LSC is recorded for an aircraft that experienced a ground abort? 016 Code 0
What are assigned to the AMU Aircraft section? 016 Flying crew chief, dedicated crew chief, assistant dedicated crew chief
Who must approve a waiver to allow maintenance personnel in non-crew chief AFSCs to be appointed as a DCC? 016 Group Commander
What type of specialist is tasked to troubleshoot and repair aircraft interphone systems? 016 Avionics
Which specialist is sometimes assigned to the specialist section of an AMU? 016 Electronic warfare
In squadron-sized fighter aircraft units, the AMU's Weapons section Maintenance element is sometimes combine with the? 016 armament flight in the Maintenance Squadron
Load crew chiefs, are normally 2W1X1, AFSC NCOs with what skill level? 016 5
On a weekly basis the AMU's PS&D section is required to provide a listing of scheduled maintenance job control numbers to? 016 the Maintenance Operations Flight PS
The package that contains aircraft and maintenance historical documents is called the? 016 aircraft jacked file
The AMU Support section is responsible for? 016 Vehicles, test equipment, and technical orders
Why is it important for support sections to standardized procedures across the Aircraft maintenance Squadron? 016 Security, control, and accountability resons
Which is normally a function of the Accessories Flight Fuel Systems section? 017 Repairing fuel tanks, inspection hydrazine systems, functionally checking fuel systems
Who must the AGE flight commander/chief notify when mission essential AGE levels fall below a predetermined limit? 017 Maintenance Operations Center
Which section is responsible for performing minor maintenance on AGE and perparing AGE for deployment? 017 Servicing, pickup and delivery
Who do AGE schedulers work for and report to on a daily basis?017 Production Support section NCOIC
If a CAST is formed, which section normally assigns personnel to support the CAST? 017 Alternate Mission Equipment
Which section is tasked with performing user calibration and maintenance on TMDE for the Armament flight? 017 Armament support
Which Avionics flight section is responsible for performing off-equipment maintenance on pressure altimeters, engine test cell instrumentation, INS, and navigation computers? 017 Guidance and Control Systems
If required, which Fabrication flight section is responsible for manufacturing and inspecting thermal radiation barriers and soundproofing matierials? 017 Survival Equipment
Which section is part of the Maintenance Squadron's Maintenance flight? 017 Wheel and tire
Which maintenance flight section is often tasked with rigging and replacing landing gears and performing work that is beyond the capability of other activities? 017 Repair and Reclamation
If Munitions is not established as a Maintenance Squadron flight, it can be established as a?017 seperate squadron in the Maintenance Group
Which section is responsible for asembling, disassembling, delivering, inspection and maintaining assigned MMHE for the Munitions flight? 017 Munitions Prodcution
Which section is responsible for providing broad control and support for all Munitions flight activites by planning, scheduling, coordinating, controlling, and directing their activities?017 munitions systems
Which Propulsion flight section processes supply requests, manages bench stock, and operates tool storage areas? 017 Support
Which section is responsible for proper tracking and completion of TCTOs for the Propulsion flight? 017 jet, turbo-shaft engine intermediate maintenance
Which section is responsible for repairing, storing, and maintaining fuel nozzles, fuel manifolds, oil pumps, afterburners, thrust reversers, and other engien components for the propulsion flight? 017 MODs
Which section is responsible for performing in-laboratory and on-site calibration and repair for the TMDE flight? 017 PMEL
Which TMDE flight section contains the Customer Service element? 017 Production Control
For technical order related duties, the TMDE TODO/TODA person or section is responsible to the? 017 TMDE flight commander/chief
Where is the Ogden Air Logistics Center located? 018 Hill AFB
Which agency proveds management support for LANTIRN pods and sytem? 018 Warner Robins Air Logistics Center
Where is the AF Flight Test Center located? 018 Edwards AFB
The AF Flight Test center has played a major role in the test and develpment of every major weapon system in the AF inventory for how many years? 018 60
Which unit is a component of the Air Armament Center? 018 46th Test Wing, 96th Air Base Wing, 377th Air Base Wing
Where is the Aerospace maintenance and Regeneration Center located? 018 Davis-Monthan AFB
Where is a list of formal AF-wide training courses for a specific career field normally found? 201 ETCA
What type of aircraft maintenance training is centrally produced but delivered to the student to be accomplished at theif convenience? 201 Distance Learning
Training includes advanced and qualification training that develops in-depth expertise within a specialty, broadens knowlede of new specialites, introduces technologies and sys, increases understanding of the relationship between maintenance specialties? Continuation training
Other than three airframe and pwerplant courses, what is an example of aircraft maintenance related specialized course? 201 Aircraft communication/ navigation system
When a technician completes all A&P certification tests/exams, what agency issues them an officail airframe and powerplant license? 201 FAA
For maintenance personnel, when must training documentation be maintained for MSgts and above? 201 Aircraft, missles or associated equipment
With some exceptions, what do core tasks Identify? 201 Minimum task certifications achieved by a technician to be upgraded to 5 or 7 LvL
What type of training tasks--both core and non-core--require third-party certification? 201 Critical tasks
What type of maintenance tasks are normally included on the special certification roster? 201 Normally, only maintenance tasks that have a high potential for personnel injury or damage to equipment.
What form is normally used to add someone to the special certification roster? 201 AF IMT 2426
What should be a supervisor do when they determine that a person is no longer qualified to perform a task for which they have been added to the special certification roster to perform? 201 Decertify and have them removed from the SRC for that task
maintenance orientation class given to newly assigned personnel is considered what phase of training under the maintenance qualification program? 202 Phase 1
What agency is required to develop a list of all mandatory TD, MTF, and advanced distributed learning courses that maintenance presonnel must attend in order to work on a specific MDS? 202 Lead Commands
What course must a MSgt or aboce attend, if available, when they will be supervising personnel on an MDS for which they have less than 1 year experience? 202 MMCL and MQT
What does it mean when someone is showing in IMDS as AWACT without a due date for a particular training requirement? 202 initial training has not been performed or loaded for individual in question
When an inventory of course materials is accomplished, what should also be completed in the CDC volumes before a trainee is allowed to begin work on the CDC course? 202 any applicable pen and ink changes
Which AF AMT should be used to show milestones such as date volume issued, completed, any delays, reviews of training progress, course exam ordered/passed or fail, and any other significant CDC training issues. 202 AF AMT 623a
When are you building a master training plan MTP for your flight/section, what should you do first? 202 Develop a MTL
What cutoff should be used to determine if a task should be a workcenter requirement? 202 training required for 51% or more of personnel assigned to a work center
What is the purpose of the annual MATAG conference? Improves readiness through better maintenance training
For maintenance, what are manning authorizations based on? 203 on the numer of primary aerospace vehicles authorized (PAA)
Provide a description of backup aircraft inventory (BAI) assets. 203 are extra aircraft given to a unit to allow for scheduled/ unscheduled maintenance, mods, and inspections, with out reduction of aircraft available for the operational mission.
What is the overall goal of the Logistics Composite Model (LCOM) in determining manpower requirements? 203 Stat determine the required number of man power positions necessary in each AFSC to produce the desired number of sorties flying hours for support of specific weapons system.
A disconnect can occur between manpower requirements determined by a LCOM study and actual requirements. What are some of the factors that LCOM doesn't take in to account that may cause this disconnect? 203 OJT, surges, training deployments, split operations, exercises or inspections
Man power standard 203 A quantitative expression representing manpower requirements in response to varying levels of workload
Manpower requirement 203 A funded or unfunded statement of manpower needed to accomplish a job, workload, mission or program.
Unfunded mandate 203 Work that an organization is required to perform but not given the manpower authorizations to do it.
Out-of-hide positions 203 Postions deemed important by organizational leadership but have not been validated.
What does the UMD provide a listing of? 203 Both funded and unfunded unit manpower requirements
What does the UPMR provide a listing of? 203 Detailed listing of authorizations (including gains and losses) by work center of FAC and includes the name and rank of the actual persons filling each postion
What is a manning assist used for? 203 To alleviate a short-term manning problem caused by a temp but unusually high workload
Who is the approval authority to schedule maintenance personnel to work a shift longer than 12 hours? 203 MXG/CC
Why is shift rotation a key component of personnel utilization? 203 It allows workers to develop personal experience and knowledge by exposing them to shift specific duties
What can a maintenance analysis referral be used for? 203 Identify, investigate, and propose corrective action for management problems and to document corrective actions for implementation on a wider scale
201 Which training detachments (TDs) are administratively assigned to which MAJCOM? Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
201 What do AETC training detachments normally provide? Cross utilization training, Continuation training, formal training
201 The block training method is normally used to teach what Maintenance Training Flight (MTF) training course? Maintenance Orientation
201 Each airframe and powerplant (A&P) specialed course must be completeted within how many months? 13
201 What is used as the cover folder for an individual's training records? AF FORM 623, Individual Training Record
201 What can designate critical tasks that apply to a specific Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) in a particular work center? MAJCOMs, supervisors, commanders
201 Who must approve a waiver before an individual can be added to the special cerification roster (SRC) for a task normally performed by a person of a higher grade? Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC)
201 In order to be given authority to downgrade a "Red-X" an inidividual must be approved by the maintenance group commander (MXG/CC) and hold the minimum grade of? MSgt
202 What training phase has these four sub-phases: multiphase, MAJCOM mandatory, freeflow, and maintenance qualification training? II
202 What continuation training consists of academic and practical hands-on courses that completment initial skills training received through AETC mission ready airman (MRA) and training detachment (TD) courses?1 Maintenance Qualification
202 How often does the maintenance training flight (MTF) provide a status of training (SOT) briefing to the maintenance group commander (MXG/CC)? Monthly
202An individual comes due for a training recertification while TDY, on leave, or incapacitated. Provided it has not been more than 60 days since the original due date, how many days are allowed after returning before decertification is required? 30
202 Who is repsonsible for conduction an interview with both the trainee and his/her supervisor before a trainee starts a career development course (CDC)? Unit Training Manager
202 once you have completed the master task list for your master training plan, your next step is to Determine training needs.
203 In order to account for unfunded requirements and valid non-maintenance tasks, the logistics composite model (LCOM) allows what percentage of overhead manning? 10
203 Which element of logistics composite model (LCOM) study considers weather modeling conditions? Operations requirements
203 What factors are modeled in a logistics composite model (LCOM) manpower study? training deployments
203 Manpower authorizations are? Funded
203 What does a unit manpower document (UMD)do? Show the AF Speciality code (AFSC) required for a particular position, provide detailed information about each manpower requirement, show the required grade for a particular position
203 A meeting to discuss manning issues in the maintenance group (MXG) is normally held? monthly
203 Which maintenance group (MXG) office acts as the office of primary responsibility (OPR)? Maintenance data system analysis (MDSA)
What block of supply training covers general supply indoctrination subjects? 206 Block I
What block of supply training must an individual complete to perform duties as a primary or alternate equipment custodian? 206 Block II
What form must be used when items on an equipment account ar loaned outsided the custodians's span of control? 206 Af Form 1297
What two forms could be used to process a voluntary payment in lieu of a Report of Survey? 206 DD Form 1131 and DD Form 362
Why was the Precious Metals Recovery Program established? 206 To promote the economic recovery of precious metals from excess and surplus materials
What agency is the collection point for expendable (XB3) items coded under the PMRP? 206 DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
What is the primary purpose of Precious Metals Indicator Codes (PMICs)? 206 to identify items obtained through supply that contain precious metals
Speical purpose recoverable authorized maintenance (SPRAM) assests are coded with what ERRC codes? 208 XD or XF
Repair cycle assests are parts with an ERRC code starting with what letters? 207 XD or XF
What is the first character of the urgency justification code (UJC)? 207 Urgency of need designator (UND)
Which supply management document can tell what and how many of a particular item you ordered, where it's coming from, how it will be shipped, and an approximate delivery date for all your priority back-ordered parts? 207 Priority monitor report (D18)
Which supply management document helps to ensure an orderly and continuous flow of reparable items through the various maintenance activities and to ensure the DIFM delinquency rate is held to a minimum? 207 Repair cycle asset managment list (D23)
What IMT is used to request a replacement issue or turn-in for SPRAMS assets? 208 AF IMT 2005
SPRAM Training spares are reserved for what type of training? 208 Formal AETC instruction on the repair and maintenance of the item
For supply assests requiring functional checking, units are required to identify which assets require thei special handling. In addition to the repair setions's organization and section code, what minium details should be listed? 208 NSN, Repair shop delivery destination code and frequency of functional check
Once a unit's listing of supply assets requiring functional checking, calibration, and flight programming has been approved, how often must the list be updated and validated? 208 Every 6 months
if an asset is removed from service for vench checking and it is found that it can't be repaired locally, how should the item be processed? 208 as not repairable at this station (NRTS)
What are some of teh various types of security containers the government uses to store classified assets? 208 File cabinets, vaults and safes to store and secure af classifed assets
What form is used to show who has responsiblity for handling classified material while it is in a sealed container for transit? 208 AF FORM 12
Who is repsonsible for ensuring a secure area is provided for transient aircraft on an installation? 208 Installation commanders
What type of Security Forces support is normally provided for a fighter aircraft with a security priority "C" designator? 208 Security response team and a motorized patrol
What should an installation or activity commander do if top secret equipment is installed on aircraft without priority "A" desgnation? 208 Park aircraft in a restricted area designed for priority "A" or keep aircraft under continuous surveillance or use an intrusions detection system that assures positive entry control.
What do expedite supply requests represent? 209 An urgent need for an asset from supply in order to prevent a work stopage or other mission degradation situation
Expedite customer issue requests have a UND code of "A" or "B." What supply priority response is normally assigned to these requests? 209 Delivery priority of 01-04
Within how many minutes should Supply deliver a part that has issued with a delivery priority of "1"? 209 30 min
What is the highest priority of expedite request that is used to order parts required for the repair of mission essential equipment? 209 Micap Request
Who should you contact if you need to request modification of a backorder, including changing the UJC or required delivery date (RDD)? 209 Customer service at LRS or Local Supply Support Section
When a supply point is being established, who is responsible for providing the necessary space and facilities to store the assets? 209 Requesting Orginazation
When a supply point reconciliation is complete, who does the supply point monitor provide the results to? 209 LRS Supply Point Manager
What document should be submitted to initially stock and replenish supply point assets? 209 AF IMT 2005
Why are TNB storage locations established? 209 To store issued parts awaiting installation and parts removed to facilitate other maintenance (FOM)
How are TNBs arranged? 209 tail number, serial number, and ID number
What should be done with parts that are removed from TNB but not immediately installed? 209 Returned on the same duty day the item was removed.
What are the two options you have available when you receive a defective part from supply? 210 Deficiency report and supply discrepancy report
In supply terminology, what doe Credit mean when dealing with deficient assets ordered from supply? 210 An exchange or obligated cost provided to the customer upon returning of deficiency assets
What is a support point as it relates to the DR process? 210 Any activity that assists the action point
Essentially, what is the originator in the DR process responsible for? 210 Discover the deficiency, identify the impact, initiating report
What is the preferred tool for creating and submitting DRs? 210 DREAMS (deficiency report entry and mail submitter)
Which level in the DR processing chain is the designated focal point for receipt and processing of DRs? 210 Screening Point
When should an SDR be submitted instead of a DR? 210 When you want just a replacement or credit
If it has been more than 146 days since you submitted an SDR and you still have no indication of it being resolved, whom should you contact? 210 Your MAJCOM
204 Which agency is normally responsible for monitoring the overall maintenance supply interface and resolving supply support problems? Maintenance supply liason
204 What is normally a Maintenance Supply Liason duty? monitoring status of back-ordered requisitions, Advising supervisors on supply management documents, and soliciting and consolidating inputs to initiate a quick reverence list.
204 The assets in ha high priority mission support kit (HPMSK) should be transferred into the host base's Standard Base Supply System account after how many days? 30
204 how often are operating commands required to review permanent readiness spares packages (RSPs)? Annually
205 Which expendability, revoverability, and reparability codes (ERRC) must be assigned to an asset before it can be placed on a bench stock? XB3
205 Shop stock should not exceed how many days of usage? 90
205 Provided it is still serviceable, you are allowed to inspect and re-mark with a new expiration date which type of shelf life item? II
205 What is an obvious sign of pollution? oil sheen on standing water, stressed vegetation, stains on the ground
205 Who is responsible for developing a hazard communication (HAZCOM) training plan to notify personnel of all known hazards they may be exposed to in a particular workcenter? Section Supervisor
205 In the Maintenance group (MXG), is responsible for ensuring the capability exists to meet local manufacture requirements? Maintenance Squadron (MXS) Operations Officer/Maintenance Superintendent (MX SUPT)
206 Who must appoint an individual to be an equipment account custodian? Squadron Commander
206 An idividual must receive what specific block of supply training before assuming duties as a due-in from maintenance (DIFM) monitor? IIB
206 What precious metals indicator code (PMIC) indicates that an item of supply contains precious metal? C, G, P
206 Which precious metals indicator code (PMIC) indicates that an item supply contains a combination of two or more precious metals? C
207 Which supply tracking document provides information on all document numbers processed during the day? D04, Daily Document Register
207 Which supply tracking document is produced daily and lists all back-ordered parts with an urgency of need (UND) code of A? D18, Prioity Monitor Report
207 Which supply tracking document provides a management product for monitoring issue and bench stock supply support? M-24, Organization Effectiveness Report
208 Which Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) office accounts for special purpose recoverable authorized maintenance (SPRAM) assests managed on in-use detail records? Equipment Liaison Office (ELO)
208 What is the special purpose recoverable authorized maintenance (SPRAM) flag code for stand-alone spare? A
208 What is the special purpose recoverable authorized maintenance (SPRAM) flag code for fault isolation spares? F
208 Who is the final authority for reviewing a unit's list of supply assets requiring functional check, calibration, or operational flight programming? Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) Chief inspector
208 Which of the following is normally in the review chain for items listed as supply assets requiring locally performed functional check, calibration, or operational flight programming? Operations Officer/Maintenance superintendent (MX SUPT), Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) Chief Inspector, Flight Commander/ Chief
208 Who ultimately determines if the security provided at a transient location is adequate for classifed assets installed on an aircraft? Aircraft Commander
208 Whos is responsible for the immediate security of classified equipment installed on an aircraft after it makes an emergency landing? Aircraft commander
208 When the aircraft owner or user does not stay with their aircraft, she/he must arrange for security checks to be accomplished every? 3 hours
209 What supply delivery priority is appropriate for primary mission aircraft 13 hours after landing? 3
209 Which urgency justification codes (UJCs) are used to show a supply request for bits and peices to repair a line replaceable unit (LRU) or shop replaceable unit (SRU) spare? AR or BR
209 Before a supply point can be established and located in a maintenance work area, who must Maintenance coordinate with? LRS material management element
209 What is the accountability document used for supply points that shows the quantity authorized, on-hand, and due-out? Supply point listing
209 When a mission capable (MICAP) part issues and is placed in the tail number bin (TNB), supply personnel notify the? Maintenance Operations Center (MOC)
209 When a back-ordered item issues and is placed in the tail number bin (TNB), supply personnel notify the? Aircraft maintenance Unit's (AMU's) plans, scheduleing, and documentation (PS&D) section
209 When items are placed in an aircraft's tail number bin (TNB), which entry is normally needed? Date, received, status, and noun
210 When the goal is to get a refund or a new item in exchange, what type of deficiency report is submitted? Supply Discrepancy Report
210 Who has the responsible for overall Deficiency Report program management for the submitting organization or group? Originating point
210 Who acts as the Deficiency Report focal point between the support point and submitting organization? Action point
What is the goal of the current AF TO moderization effort? 211 Provide user friendly, technically accurate and up to date digital data at the point of use
What are three levels of TO distribution activities that provied basic TO system support to base-level AF organizations? 211 Group TODO, SQD TODO, and TODA
What section are MXG TODOs normally assigned to? 211 Quality Assurance
What form should be used to establish a TODO account?211 AFTO IMT 43
For what purpose are checklists developed? 211 Abbreviated step by step procedures for operations and maintenance of systems and equipment in the sequence deemed most practical
What MXG agency is responsoble for performing an initial evaluation of a TCTO to determine its applicability? 211 Quality Assurance
What form should be used to submit a TO change? 212 AFTO IMT 22
What is a preliminary TO? 212 Unpublished TO that is used to support review of a new TO during the development process
What are two main types of TO changes? 212 Corrections and improvements
When should a follow-up be made after submitting an AFTO IMT 22 for an Emergency TO change request? 212 48 Hours after
What AF IMT should be submitted to have a TO correction or imporvement to be considered under the IDEA program? 212 AF IMT 1000
Why should on-scene commanders use extremem caution when waiving compliance with TO guidance during an emergency situation? 212 Jeopardize safety of personnel and equipment
What AFI can provide detailed guidance about TO waiver policy? 212 AFI 21-303 Technical Orders
What is the CTOM? 212 Committer of MAJCOM voting members that review and reccommend TO system Policy and procedure improvements
What is the minimum coordination that should take place for any non-emergency TO waiver request? 212 The requestor's MAJCOM CTOM member, HQ AFMC/A4YE and HQ USAF/A4MM
211 Units cannot make local modifications to which AF publication? Technical Orders
211 Who is responsible for establishing a maintnenace Group MXG TO custodian to administer TO requirements in support of assigned group missions and activities? 211 MXG COMMANDER MXG/CC
211 What is normally a MXG TODO duty? Assisting units in esablishing additional TODO accounts, Advising MXG/CC on TO availability, resolving TO availability problems
212 The PIM is usually assigned to what maintenance group MXG section? Quality Assurance
212 What is a technical order TO change priority category? Urgent, Routine, Emergency
212 Who is the final approval authority for waivers of TO system policies and procedures? HQ USAF/A4MM
212 What is an approved communication method for issuing approved TO waivers or deviations? Signed letter, Organizational e-mail, Defense Message System
A CANN action becomes necessary when a condition exists the prevents successful mission accomplishment. However what should be verified before executing the CANN action? 213 Asset cannot be obtained through supply in an acceptable amount of time
When may a CANN authorities auhtorize CANN action before CANN documentation is initiated? 213 High priority circumstances, when a required part cannot be delivered in an acceptable amount of time, Redball MX
What check should be accomplished before a CANN is made for a time change item? 213 For time change assests the CA must make sure enough time is left on the part being CANNed to justify the CANN Action
For a fighter aircraft unit utilizing a Short CANN cycle, what day of the cycle is a CANN rebuild normally started? 213 21 day
What type of wheels must be installed on all rolling equipment (including maxitype toolboxes) used in an open fuel tank repair area? 213 antistatic non metal
In addition to having enough signes stating "Caution, (or Danger) High Radiation Area" that can be seen from all accessible areas, what else is required to identify an area where a radiographic inspection is taking place? 312 Red Rotating Flashing Light and rope barrier
To ensure the job is performed safely , what is one of the first things that should be done before an aircraft is jacked? 213 Read/follow all applicable cautions, warnings and notes
Red Ball maintenance normally occurs as an aircraft is attempting to leave for a mission but can also occur during what time-frame? 213 up to 2 hours prior to launch all the way through to the time the aircrew releases an aircraft to maintenance follwing a mission
During a red ball maintenance operation, what must be reaccomplished if the aircraft status changes? 213 Exceptional release (ER)
How can impoundment be defined? 213 the isolation or control of access to an aircraft or equipment item and applicable historical records so an intensified investigation can be completed
To alleviate safety hazards, what should be used during red ball maintenance while aircraft engines are running? 213 A safety observer
What rank must an individual have before serving as an Impoundment Official? 213 MSgt or above or Civilian Equivalent
What agency acts as the OPR for MXG impoundment procedures? 213 Quality Assurance
Who is responsible for selecting a team of highly qualified technicians dedicated to determining the cause of a problem that resulted in an aircraft/equipment impoundment? 213 Impoundment official
What is the primary mission of the JCAA? 213 Identify, investigate, and implement programs that will field products to improve the availibility and affordability of aging aeronautical systems
In addition to wiring problems, what major problem areas has the JCAA identified as needing attention? 213 Airframe structural integrity, avionics components, dynamic component condition integrity
Who in the maintenenace group asts as the OPR for a local ASIP OI? ASIP project officer
What program did the DoD develop to deal with a diminishing shortage of parts because a manufacturer no longer makes them? 213 Diminishing manufactuing and material shortages program (DMSMS)
What is a main objective of the tool and equiment management program? 214 minimize or eliminate FOD to aircraft, engines, missles and equipment
Which TO provides guidance for the periodic inpsection of hand tools? 214 TO 32-1-101
What does and MIL provide a listing of? 214 All contents of a CTK
What is the AF standard system for issuing tools and equipment used to perform maintenance? 214 Tool Accountability System (TAS)
In addition to the normal coordination for locally manufactured items, who else is required to coordinate on all weapons related tools and equipment designed locally? 214 Quality Assurance
The EID used to mark tools has nine digits. What are the first four characters collectively called? 214 (WWID) World Wide Identification
What is the definition of dispatchable equipment? 214 Items that can be checked out from a support section, tool room, or workcenter to perform on/off equipment maintenance within or outside the work center
If an inaccessible item that poses no FOD thread is left in place, what type of documentation is maintained? 214 All information concerning the tool will be maintained in the aircraft historical file until the item/tool is recovered
An MSET team is required to have only permanent member, where does the remainder of the team come from? 215 Personnel form other MAJCOM agencies and field units
If an MSET issues an overall rating, what are the ratings that a unit may receive? 215 oustanding, excellent, satisfactory, marginal or unsatisfactory
How are individual evaluations normally rated by an MSET? 215 Pass/Fail
How much is a unit MSET rating decreased for each TDV, DSV, or UCR received? 215 .5% points
Normally, how long would an individual be assgned as a QA inspector if they received specialized traiing to do the job? 215 36 Months
QA rates presonnel evaluations based on what type of standards? 215 Acceptable Quality levels (AQLs)
A UCR indicates an unsafe or unsatisfactory condition, other than a DSV, and is chargeable to whom? 215 Work center supervisor
Who is required to comply with FOD program prevention directives? 216 All personnel (military, civilian, and contractors) working in, on, around or taveling through taxiways, runways, FLT lines, and maintenance areas
Who assigned as the wing FOD prevention program manager? 216 WG/CV
Who is responsible for chairing the FOD prevention committee meeting in the absence of the WG/CV? 216 MXG/CC
How often are FOD prevention committee meetings held if a unit's FOD rate is high and therefore not meeting the MAJCOM-directed standard? 216 Monthly
As it pertains to the DOP program, what is the definition of a dropped object? 216 Any aircraft part, component, surface, or other item lost during aircrew operations unless intentionally jettisoned
What units are required to develop an effective Dropped Object Program? 216 Wings, Groups, Squadrons and any other unit that operates aircraft
Who is required to investigate dropped ojects involving transient aircraft? 216 DOP Dropped Object Program monitor
What is the definition of a maintenance recovery as it pertains to MRTs? 217 Repair and successful launch of an aircraft that has ben unexpectantly grounded at a location other than the aircraft's home station
What is considered normal duty time for an MRT dring a maintenance recovery operation? 217 12 hours work/ 12 hours rest
What AFI provides valuable guidance on executing a successful maintenance recovery operation? 217 AFI 21-101
What are the immediate goals of a CDDAR operation? 217 open the runway for operational use prevent futher damage to the aircraft being recovered, and preserve evidence for the accident investigation
What section is required to develop local training in support of the CDDAR program? 217 MTF
What AFI should be referenced when base transportation cannot support heavy equipment requirements for CDDAR program requirements? 217 AFI 23-302
What is the overall goal of the AF Portal? 218 Make it easier to find information, eliminate duplication, and intergrate seperate AF systems to save money
What is the official AF site for web-based ancillary training? 218 ADLS
What website can provide you access to numerous IMDS user manuals? 218 AFCEDS Air Force Center for Electronic Distribution of Systems
As it pertains to preparation for deployment, what is the primary purpose of aicraft generation? 219 preparing to execute a deployment tasking
What aircraft generation key player serves as the flight line expert? 219 AMXS lead production super
What aircraft generation key player provides wing leadership with up to date generation flow progress? 219 MOC Senior Controller
What document should serve as the main source of information in determining how much time is available to complete the aircraft generation process? 219 SQD Design Operational Capability (DOC) statement
Why is it important to organize generation flow sequence steps sequentially? 219 Eliminate wasted man power or resources
213 If a serially controlled item is cannibalized (CANN), who is the CANN authority required to notify? Plans, Scheduling, and Documanetation (PS&D)
213 For a unit using the extended cannibalization cycle, the standard time frame for having an aircraft down is? 45-60 days
213 How are radiographic inspections accomplisded outside the Non Destructive Inspection Laboratory classified? Unshielded
213 When calibrating navigational equipment, an external power unit is attached while towing an aircraft during what type of operation? Compose rose
213 "Red Ball" maintenance defines a situation that requires? priority actions, a sense of urgency, specific local procedures
213 During "Red Ball" maintenance it is important that expediters have a quick reference list (QRL) available in order to? reduce the time needed to research parts
213 What is a member of the Joint Council on Aging Aircraft (JCAA)? National Transportation Safety Board
213 Who appoints an officer or NCO as the maintenance group (MXG) Aircrat Structural Integrity Programs (ASIP) project officer? MXG Commander
213 What Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) section is required to ensure Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) equipped aircraft are identified as such in weekly schedules? Plans, Scheduling and Documentation (PS&D)
214 Who is the office of primary responsiblity (OPR) for development of wing procedures for control and management of tools/equipment used on the flight line and in aerospace maintenance industrial areas? Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC)
214 In addition to daily accountability checks, how often must support personnel conduct and document a maintenance gruop commander (MXG/CC) standardized inspection of all support section tools and equipment? Annually
214 How many digits make up an equipment identification designator (EID) code used to identify tools and equipment? 9
214 in the equipment identification designator (EID) code U6JG00001, what does the third character "J" identify? Unit
Without a waiver what is the minimum postion an individual must hold before clearing a red X for a lost tool that has not been found? Operations Officer or maintenance Superintendent (MX SUPT)`
215 Who is teh Quality Assurance (QA) Chief Inspector directly responsible to for ensuring the required Maintenance Standarization and Evaluation Program (MESEP) functions are performed? QA, Officer in Charge (OIC)/Superindendent (SUPT)
215 Personnel should normally be assigned to a unit for how many months before being selected as QA inspectors? 6 months
215 What Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Team (MEST) individual assessment finding is defined as a condition that would endanger personnel or jeopardized equipment? Major
215 What Maintenance Standarization and Evaluation Team (MSET) individual assessment is performed after a technician completes a task? Quality Verification Inspection
216 The Wing foreign object damage (FOD) monitor is normally located within the? QA Section
216 The Wing foreign object damage (FOD) monitor must notify the MAJCOM FOD manager within how many hours of a FOD incident? 24 hours
216 What dollar amount of damage must be exceeded for a FOD incident to be used to calculate the FOD rate for a unit? $20,000
216 What time-frame is used for determining whether an item that falls off an aircraft is considered a reportable dropped object? Engine start to engine shut down
216 A dropped object that has resulted in casualties or property damage must be reported IAW? AFI 10-206, Operational Reporting
217 Which AF publication provides general guidance for executing an effective maintenance recovery operation? AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management
217 The maximum total initial duty time (including home station duty, travel time, and recovery site duty upon arrival) that a maintenance recovery team member may be worked before being give 8 hours of uninterrupted rest is? 16 hours
217 Which maintenance sqd (MXS) fight is the office of primary resoponsiblity (OPR) for the maintenance group's (MXG's) Crashed, Damaged, or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) program operation instruction? Maintenance Flight
217 How often must the Team Chief for the Crashed, Damaged, or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) Program conduct a CDDAR exercise? Annually
217 After initial training, how often must Crashed, Damaged, or Disabled Aircraft recovery (CDDAR) Team members received additional academic and hands-on training? annually
218 Which AF Portal link provides access to recurring AF periodicals like Airman Magazine and the Air & Space Journal? AF Electronic Publishing (AF e-Publishing)
218 Which AF Portal link can be used to access user manuals for various AF computer sytems? AF Center for Electronic Distrbution of Systems (AFCEDS)
219 Who is responsible for coordinating the number of certified load crew team members in support of aircraft generation planning? Wings Weapons Manager
219 You are primarily concerned with answering the questions: "What steps need to be taken?" during which aircraft generation planning area? Aircraft generation actions
219 You are primarily concerned with answering the question: "How long does each step or group of steps take?" during which aircraft generation planning area? Aircraft generation action timing
012 Who is responsible for the status of a unit's individual UTC requirements as reported by the ART? Squadron/Unit Commander
017 A 2LM Avionics section is normally allowed to perform the following repairs? Bench-check serviceability screening, Shop Replaceable Unit (SRU) cross-Cannibalizations, TCTOs performed at wing level.
Created by: comso9o
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