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bkx PSY212 T2, P1

PSY-212 Test #2, Part 1: CH4, The Self

Self-presentation (impression management) the process through which we try to control the impressions people form of us
Dramaturgical perspective the perspective that much of social interaction can be thought of as a play, with actors, performances, settings, scripts, props, etc.
Spotlight effect the tendency to see oneself in the public eye
Public self-consciousness the tendency to have a chronic awareness of oneself as being in the public eye
Self-monitoring the tendency to be chronically concerned with one’s public image and to adjust one’s actions to fit the needs of the current situation
Social Anxiety the fear people experience while doubting that they’ll be able to create a desired impression
Ingratiation an attempt to get others to like us
Multiple Audience Dilemma a situation in which a person needs to present different images to different audiences, often at the same time
Self-Promotion an attempt to get others to see us as competent
Four Means of Self-Promotion 1) Staging performances 2) Claiming competence 3) Using the trappings of competence 4) Making excuses & claiming obstacles
Self-handicapping the behavior of withdrawing effort or creating obstacles to one’s future successes
Competence motivation the desire to perform effectively
Shyness the tendency to feel tense, worried, or awkward in novel social situations and with unfamiliar people
Four Strategies for Conveying Status & Power 1) Displaying artifacts 2) Conspicuous consumption 3) Personal associations 4) Nonverbal expressions
BIRGing Basking in reflected glory
CORFing cutting off reflected failure
Body language the popular term for nonverbal behaviors like facial expressions, posture, body orientation, and hand gestures
What is the self? Directs your thoughts, feelings, and actions
Self-concept The sum total of your beliefs about yourself
Self-awareness Your awareness of yourself (whether you think about yourself a lot or a little)
Self-consciousness The dispositional tendency to be self-aware
Two Types of Self-consciousness 1) Public 2) Private
Public Self-Consciousness The awareness of aspects of yourself that other people can see
Private Self-Consciousness The awareness of aspects of yourself that other people cannot see
Self-esteem Overall positive or negative evaluation of self
Two Sources of Self-esteem 1) Behavioral performance 2) How we think others see us
Two Types of Self-Handicapping 1) Behavioral 2) Self-reported
Behavioral Self-Handicapping Making something happen to disadvantage oneself
Self-Reported Self-Handicapping Saying something happened that disadvantaged oneself
Five Methods of Self-Presentation (Impression Management) 1) Ingratiation - Likability 2) Self-promotion - Competence 3) Exemplification - Morality 4) Intimidation - Power 5) Supplication - Helplessness
Created by: bamkapowxo
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