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Apposite Highly relevant; apt
calumny A false accusation meant to hurt someone’s reputation; slander.
domain An area or territory over which control is exercised. A field of activity, knowledge, or concern.
dorsal Of, on, or near the back.
enervate To lessen the vigor or strength of; to enfeeble.
epicure One with discriminating taste, especially but not exclusively relating to food and drink.
exculpate To clear from alleged guilt or fault.
heterogeneous Differing in kind or parts; varied.
infinitesimal Extremely small in size or quantity
lateral Of, at, from, or towards the side.
primeval Of or relating to the earliest ages; primitive.
quintessence The best or most typical example.
serrated Having a saw-toothed or notched edge.
veritable Being, in fact, the thing named or described; literally so. Often used to emphasize the aptness of a metaphor.
vivaporous Being, in fact, the thing named or described; literally so. Often used to emphasize the aptness of a metaphor.
acumen Keenness of the mind; shrewdness.
apotheosis The elevation of a person or thing to divine status. The highest point or best example.
askew Turned or twisted to one side; out of line.
chasten To correct or improve by disciplining; to cause to be more careful or restrained. Having the effect of humbling or restraining.
demarcation The act or process of setting a boundary; the boundary itself. Separation; distinction.
dictum A statement or pronouncement.
erstwhile Of an earlier time; former.
forte An activity at which a person excels.
habitué A person who regularly goes to a particular place.
nonplus To cause to be at a loss as to what to say or do.
peripatetic Of or relating to going from place to place, especially on foot.
prodigal One who spends lavishly or wastefully.
sycophant One who uses flattery to win favor or to ingratiate him- or herself.
vacuous Lacking intelligence or ideas; intellectual emptiness.
wraith A shadowy or ghostlike figure.
cacophony Harsh or jarring sound.
confrere Comrade; colleague.
convoke To summon or call together for a meeting.
filial Of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter.
fractious Tending to be troublesome; irritable.
fulminate To express with denunciation, often in an explosive way
jocular Given to or characterized by joking; playful; jolly.
nugatory Having no force or effect.
obloquy An utterance of denunciation. The condition of one who is held in contempt for a shameful action.
palpable Easy to touch or feel. Easy to see, hear, or recognize; obvious.
parity Equality of rank or value.
peruse To read through something, either casually or closely.
polemic An argument to refute a position or opinion. One who aggressively advocates a position.
supplicate To ask for humbly; to plead or beg. One who pleads. a plea
temporize To act evasively in order to achieve a compromise or to gain time.
apprise To make aware of; to inform.
beatific Marked by a joyful appearance; blissful.
colloquy A conversation or dialogue, especially on a serious subject.
deprave To corrupt morally; to debase.
discrete Unconnected to other parts; separate and distinct.
efface To remove clear evidence of; to rub out or erase. To make (oneself) inconspicuous.
elucidate To make clear by explanation; to clarify.
inferno Hell or a fiery place that seems like hell; a place of destruction or great suffering.
lachrymose Tearful; tending to induce tears; melancholic.
morbid Marked by gloomy or unwholesome thoughts. Affected by or caused by disease.
omniscient Aware of everything that is going on; all-knowing.
palliative Serving to make less painful or severe.
preternatural Beyond what is normal or natural; incapable of being explained or understood.
salutary Promoting a beneficial effect. Healthful.
Created by: llongacre12
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