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bkx PSY212 T4, P2

PSY-212 Test #4: Part 2: CH 8, Romantic Relationships

List Sternberg’s Three Features of Love 1) Passion, 2) Intimacy, 3) Decision/Commitment
Passion Physiological arousal and longing to be together
Intimacy Feelings promoting close bonds, including mutual sharing and emotional support
Decision/commitment In the short term, a decision to say you love the other person; in the long term, a commitment to maintain that love
Factor analysis A statistical technique for sorting items in long lists into piles that go together
Passionate love A state of intense longing for union with another
Companionate love Affection and tenderness felt for those whose lives are entwined with our own
Sociosexual orientation Individual differences in the tendency to prefer either unrestricted sex (without the necessity of love) or restricted sex (only in the text of a long-term, loving relationship)
Two-factor theory of love The theory that love consists of general arousal (factor 1), which is attributed to the presence of an attractive person and labeled as love (factor 2)
Need to belong The human need to form and maintain strong, stable interpersonal relationships
Secure base Comfort provided by an attachment figure, which allows the person to venture forth more confidently to explore the environment
List the Three Attachment Styles 1) Secure, 2) Anxious/ambivalent, 3) Avoidant
Secure attachment style Attachments marked by trust that the other person will continue to provide love and support
Anxious/ambivalent attachment style Attachments marked by fear of abandonment and the feeling that one’s needs are not being met
Avoidant attachment style Attachments marked by defensive attachment from the other
Erotomania A disorder involving the fixed (but incorrect) belief that one is loved by another, which persists in the face of strong evidence to the contrary
Monogamy Marital custom in which one man marries one woman
Polygamy Marital custom in which either one man marries more than one woman (polygyny) or one woman marries more than one man (polyandry)
Polygyny Marital arrangement involving one man and more than one wife
Polyandry Marital arrangement involving one woman and more than one husband
Equity rule Each person’s benefits and costs in a social relationship should be matched to the benefits and costs of the other
Need-based rule Each person in a social relationship provides benefits as the other needs them, without keeping account of individual costs and benefits
Androgynous Demonstrating a combination of masculine and feminine characteristics in one’s behaviors
List Six Kinds of Love 1) Liking 2) Companionate love 3) Empty love 4) Fatuous love 5) Infatuation 6) Romantic love
Liking Intimacy alone
Companionate love Intimacy + commitment without compassion
Empty love Decision/commitment alone
Fatuous love Passion + commitment without intimacy
Infatuation Passion alone
Romantic love Intimacy + passion without commitment
List Two Types of Love Passionate and compassionate
List Five Determining Factors of Attraction 1) Physical attractiveness 2) Similarity 3) Competence 4) Reinforcement Affect Model 5) Proximity
Matching Hypothesis You end up with someone who is on the same level of physical attractiveness as you
Repulsion Hypothesis Similarity does not attract; rather, dissimilarity repulses
Pratfall Effect When a highly competent other makes a mistake, we like that person more because it humanizes them and makes them less threatening
Reinforcement Effect Model Classical conditioning UCS (reinforcement) --> UCR (positive effect) CS (person) --> CR (positive effect)
Mere Exposure as it Pertains to Attractiveness The more you see someone with good qualities, the more you like them. The more you see someone with negative qualities, the more you dislike them.
Three Ways Liking and Loving Are Distinguished 1) Quantitative difference: love is more than liking 2) Qualitative difference: love and liking are entirely different constructs 3) Sternburg's triangular theory: intimacy, passion, and commitment
Three Factors in Relational Satisfaction (Social Exchange Theory) 1) CL (Comparison Levels): Average of all the outcomes you have had in the past 2) CLalt (Comparison Level of Alternatives): How many and what kind of alternatives are out there Investment: The stronger the investment, the more reluctant quitting
Seven Sources of Aversiveness in Relationships 1) Access to weaponry 2) Unmet expectations 3) Loss of illusion 4) Erosion of novelty 5) Reduced effort 6) Interdependency ups the ante 7) Threat of exclusion
Social allergens Over time, a slight annoyance that occurs repeatedly can become a full-blown pet peeve
Coverture Pre-1960 in most states, a wife lost her legal existence and became an extension of her husband's will and identity, taking up his name and residence, giving up the right to accuse him of rape, and agreeing to provide domestic services for free.
Head and Master Law (Louisiana) Allows a husband to sell the family home without his wife's consent; he can also cut off her credit even if she has her own salary
Divorce Statistics -50% of first marriages end in divorce, most within 7 years -Most second marriage divorces occur within 5 years -80% of divorced people remarry
Five Reasons for Increased Divorce Rate 1) People live longer 2) People have fewer children to focus on 3) Excessive demands on couple 4) Higher marital expectations 5) External barriers to divorce have broken down
Created by: bamkapowxo
Popular Psychology sets




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