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# BAS 03 Nervous Sys

# BAS 03 Nervous System

axon Part of the nerve that sends the signal
dendrite part of the nerve that receives the signal
CNS Brain & Spinal cord make up the central nervous system
PNS Peripheral nerves outside the spine make up the peripheral nervous system
ANS Autonomic nervous system. Basic life functions are automatic. Nerves of the base brain and cranial nerves are included
synapse gap between nerves. The area where one nerve sends message to the next nerve.
Cell body Nerve cell area that contains the nucleus
myelin protective covering around the axon
meninges protective tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
myo- muscle
-pathy disease
neur/o nerve
neuropathy nerve disease
-algia pain
neuralgia nerve pain
encephal/o brain
encephalitis brain inflammation
myelo spine
myelography scanned image of the spine
-plegia paralysis
hemiplegia paralysis on one half of the body. Arm,leg,and trunk
paraplegia paralysis of the lower body
The patient presents a lack of sensation in the foot and ankle. Some of the times the patient feels pain in the toes and foot. There is no lower extermity stenosis. Dx is diabetic neuropathy. What is the code?
A patient wakes to find blurry vision in the left eye. Upon slit lamp exam and retinal exam the doctor diagnosis is vitreous hemorrhage. What is the code for each procedure and the code for the condition.
CC: patient complains of a "star halo" around lights. He first noticed the problem 3 nights ago when driving. Dx: doctor used densitometer to view the internal structures of the eye. Dx: cataract due to diabetes. What is the code.
A patient suffers a spinal injury and is left paraplegic. What is the code for this disease.
afferent nerves that take sensory signals to the CNS
efferent nerves that send signals from CNS to muscles or glands
cerebellum controls balance, muscle tone, posture
medulla oblongata controls heart, lung
cerebrum large "thinking part" of the brain.
thallamus relay center for the sensations
ventricles cavitites of the brain. Filled with spinal fluid.
CSF cerebrospinal fluid.
olfactory nerve controls sense of smell
oculomotor controls eye movements
optic nerve controls vision`
somatic nervous system involved with sensing and voluntary muscle movements.
autonomic nervous system The part you don't think about. Signals go to internal organs and glands
sympathetic nervous system part of the ANS that gets you ready for stress.
parasympathetic nervous system part of athe ANS that gets you ready for relaxing.
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
PET Positron emission tomography
CAT Computerized axial tomography
myelogram xray of the spinal cord
encephalography xray of the ventricles of the brain
concussion injury to the brain
contusion brusing
subdural hematoma bleeding beneath the dura mater.
alzheimers dementia
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis degeneration of motor neurons
motor (movement) refers to nerve signals to muscles.
multiple scherosis myelin sheath degeneration
myasthenia gravis
audio refers to hearing, sound
cephal-, cephal/o head
gloss, glossa, gloss/o tongue
myel/o, myel- myelin. Protective sheath around nerves
ocul-, ocul/o eye
opt-, opt/o eye
ot-, ot/o ear
phot-, phot/o light
tympan-, tympna/o eardrum
neur-, neur/o nerve
cochlea inner ear.
Tympanic membrane middle ear
Aurice Pinna
audi/o hearing
aur/o hearing
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva - mucous membrane inside eyelid and covers the eye.
ir/o iris. eye muscle that opens and closes the pupil
retina nerves that detect bright light and low light in the eye
AU both ears
AS left ear
AD right ear
OS left eye
OU both eyes
OD right eye
Created by: rjmtoss
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