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SS 10: Geography

Ch 11: Physiographic Terms

Drainage The movement or removal of water from an area
Fiords Valleys caused by glaciers and flooding
Intrusion Igneous rock that has cut through other sedimentary layers
Plateau An elevated area that has a flat top, part of highlands.
Rift Valleys Separation of plates causes rift valleys to form
Escarpment A sharp cliff caused by erosion of the earth's layers. For example, Niagara Falls
Differential Errosian Causes escarpments by eroding several levels of sediment causing a cliff or drop.
Lowlands An area of land with a generally low level. For example, valley within mountain range (highland), St. Lawrence
Highlands Highlands can refer to elevated areas such as mountain ranges. For example, Rocky or Appalachian Mountains.
Topography The details of geographical landscape such as towns, rivers, and vegetation.
misfit river a stream that is too small for its valley
Till a plain formed when a large chunk of a glacier breaks off and melts leaving all the sediments
Glacial Physiography an elongated whale shaped hill formed by glaciation action
Moraine a deposit of such material left on the ground by a glacier
Esker a sinuous, narrow, steep-sided ridge composed of irregular stratified sediment deposited in contact with (glacial) ice in either an open channel or an enclosed conduit
Erratic A rock type and size that is different from its surrounding rocks.
Lake Plain One of the surfaces of the earth that represents a former lake; these featureless surfaces are formed by deposition of sediments carried into the lake by streams.
U-shaped Valley Also known as a Glacier Trough and can be found in the Rocky Mountains. The U shape comes from steep sides and flat bottom caused by Alpine glaciers as opposed to erosion by rivers which form V-shaped valleys.
Alpine glacier Found in mountain terrains. They make sharp V shapes.
Ice Age A period of long-term reduction in the temperature of Earth's climate
Ice sheet A mass of glacier ice that covers surrounding terrain
Spillway Is a structure used to provide for the controlled release of flood flows from a dam or levee into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed.
Glacier a slowly moving mass of ice
Advance Advancing is moving closer to a certain area
Paleozic A period in time between 570 and 230 million years, this age is characterised by fish, insects and reptiles.
Continental Drift The movement of continents.
convectional currents Current caused by the expansion or contraction of a liquid, solid ore gas. It runs in a circular motion able to move large land forms.
rain shadow The rain shadow is the side of the mountain which is not facing the ocean. The rain shadow is also known as the leeward side. This side of the mountain is genneraly dry and gets some precipitation at the top.
Created by: slslozzy
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