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xray boards

random positioning

in the lateral projection of the scapula, describe the bertebral and axillary borders superimposed
in the lateral projection of the scapula, describe the acromion and the coracoid processes should be readily identified separately, not superimposed
which projection requires that the shoulder be placed in external rotation? AP humerus
how to position to demo the intercondyloid fossa? * PA, knee flexed 40 degrees, CR 40 deg to pop fossa * AP, cassette under flexed knee, CR cephalad to knee, perp to tibia
to better demo the carpal scaphoid * elevate hand and wrist 20d * place wrist in ulnar deviation
which position is most likely to demo the carpal pisiform free of superimposition AP medial rotation
which direction is the table angled for cervical visualization during a myelogram? Trendelenburg
which direction is the table angles for thoracic and lumar regions during a myelogram Fowler's
why should the pt's neck be kept in acute extension for a myelogram? to compress the cisterna magna and keep contrast media from traveling into the ventricles of the brain
for a PA chest, how many ribs, and anterior or posterior should be visualized? 10 posterior ribs above the diaphragm
best position to demo the longitudinal arch of the foor later weight-bearing
which shoulder position demo the greater tubercle in profile? external rotation
which shoulder position demo the lesser tubercle in profile? internal rotation
in which position are the humeral epicondyles perp to the IR internal rotation
in which position are the humeral epicondyles parallel to the IR external rotation
prone positioning for an IV urogram allows demonstration of the * filling of the ureters * the renal pelvis
internal or external rotation for lateral humerus? internal rotation
which position demo the coronoid process? medial olique elbow
double contrast bowel studies are particulary use ful for demonstrating what? * the bowel wall, and anything projecting into it *
a single contrast study will obliterate mucosal conditions, but demo projections from outpuchings of the intestinal wall
T/F: the following may all be used to evaluate the glenohumeral joint: scap Y inferosuperior axial transthoracic True
how to position for the sigmoid in the AP position 30-40d cephalad
the AP obl (medial rotation) of the elbow demo what? olecranon process within the olecranon fossa coronoid process free of superimposition
what view superimposes the radial head and neck on the proximal ulna? AP oblique medial rotation elbow
what view projects the radial head free of superimposition? AP oblique lateral rotation
which view of the foot demo the talocalcaneal joint? plantodorsal projection of the os calcis
what is another name for the subtalar joint? talocalcaneal
the following are true of lower extremity venography pt examined in semi erect position contrast injected in the foot
cephalad towards the head
caudad towards the feet
what position of the abd would be used to demo a pneumoperitoneum left lateral decubitus erect
which view do we use to view layering of gall stones? right lateral decubitus
lateral skull: all the following are true?????? IOML parralel MSP perp CR enters 2' superior to EAM NO NO NO IOML is parallel CR enters 2' sup to EAM MSP IS PARALLEL NOT PERP
which of the following fat pads should be demo'd in a lateral elbow? posterior anterior supinator fat stripe anterior supinator fat stripe the posterior is not visible radiographically in the normal elbow
CR for lateral nasal bones 3/4' distal to nasion
why do we angle the CR5d cephalad on a lateral knee to prevent superimposition of the medial femoral condyle
where is CR for AP knee at the knee joint, located 1./' distal to the patellar apex
what is a Hill-Sachs defect? a compression fx of the posterolateral humeral head, usually associated with anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint
what is a rotator cuff tear? injury to one or more of the muscles participating in the formation of that muscluar sctucture
what muscles make up the rotator cuff SITS supraspinatus infraspinatus subscapularis teres minor
what is adhesive capsulitis frozen shoulder
why do we do an arthrography? to eval the rotator cuff the glenoid labrum (a ring of fibrocart around foss) frozen shoulder
Created by: jenorton1
Popular Radiology sets



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