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CHAPTER 14 - Psychological Disorders

psychopathology the study of psychological disorders
diathesis-stress model the assumption that psychological disorders are consequences of the interaction of a biological, inherited predisposition (diathesis) and exposure to stressful life experiences
anxiety disorder a psychological disorder marked by persistent anxiety that disrupts everyday functioning
generalized anxiety disorder an anxiety disorder marked by a persistent state of anxiety that exists independently of any particular stressful situation
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) an anxiety disorder in which the person has recurrent, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and recurrent urges to perform ritualistic actions (compulsions)
panic disorder an anxiety disorder marked by sudden, unexpected attacks of overwhelming anxiety, often associated with the fear of dying or "losing one's mind"
phobia an anxiety disorder marked by excessive or inappropriate fear
simple phobia a phobia of a specific object or situation
social phobia a phobia of situations that involve public scrutiny
agoraphobia a fear of being in public, usually because the person fears the embarrassment of a panic attack
somatoform disorder a psychological disorder characterized by physical symptoms in the absence of disease or injury
hypochondriasis a somatoform disorder in which the person interprets the slightest physical changes as evidence of a serious illness
conversion disorder a somatoform disorder in which the person exhibits motor or sensory loss or the alteration of a physiolocial function without any apparent physical cause
dissociative disorder a psychological disorder in which thoughts, feelings, and memories become separated from conscious awareness
dissociative amnesia the inability to recall personally significant memories
dissociative fugue memory loss characteristic of dissociative amnesia as well as the loss of one's identity and fleeing from one's prior life
dissociative identity disorder a dissociative disorder, more commonly known as multiple personality disorder, in which the person has two or more distinct personalities that alternate with one another
mood disorder a psychological disorder marked by prolonged periods of extreme depression or elation often unrelated to the person's current situation
major depression a mood disorder marked by depression so intense and prolonged that the person may be unable to function in everyday life
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) a mood disorder in which severe depression arises during a particular season, usually the winter but sometimes the summer
bipolar disorder a mood disorder marked by periods of mania alternating with longer periods of major depression
mania a mood disorder marked by euphoria, hyperactivity, grandiose ideas, annoying talkativeness, unrealistic optimism, and inflated self-esteem
schizophrenia a class of psychological disorders characterized by grossly impaired social, emotional, cognitive, and perceptual functioning
disorganized schizophrenia a type of schizophrenia marked by sever personality deterioration and extremely bizarre behavior
catatonic schizophrenia a type of schizophrenia marked by unusual motor behavior, such as bizarre actions, extreme agitation, or immobile stupor
paranoid schizophrenia a type of schizophrenia marked by hallucinations, delusions, suspiciousness, and argumentativeness
personality disorder a psychological disorder characterized by enduring, inflexible, maladaptive patterns of behavior
borderline personality disorder (BPD) a personality disorder marked by impulsivity, unstable moods, an inconsistent sense of identity, and difficulty maintaining intimate relationships
antisocial personality disorder a personality disorder marked by impulsive, manipulative, often criminal behavior, without any feelings of guilt in the perpetrator
Created by: Jessica C
Popular Psychology sets




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