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psych test UMW ch10

psych test 3 UMW ch

effective encoding taking information given to you and encoding it into one’s memory
rehearsal memorizing
elaborative rehearsal connecting to real life, and memorizing it that way
maintenance rehearsal memorizing, ex flash cards
deep processing think about a story and making connections to remember
“read, recite review” read, then say it, and then check sel
Mnemonic memory tricks, Sohcahtoa, Every Good Boy Does Fine
implicit memory implied, can’t say, feeling memories, ex. Riding a bike
explicit memory things you can say aloud
three memory systems sensory, short-term, and long-term
sensory register initial memory, turn and remember what you saw, perception, only lasts a few seconds
short term memory stuff that you memorize in a few minutes
How much can short term memory hold for how long 7 +/- 2 for a few minutes
working memory manipulate stuff in your head, in frontal lobe
What happened to HM lost ability to get from short to long, had hippocampus removed, still had long term memories
long term memory lasts for a long time, stored throughout cortex, ex. Sight stored in occipital lobe
procedural memories how to do something, learn how to ride bike, more in cerebellum. HM could still do this
declarative memories memory you can talk about, facts, rules, context and events
semantic memories form of declarative, broader facts, word definitions, in Weirneckes area (HM could learn new facts)
episodic memories form of declarative, memory for stuff that happens to you, parts of your life
What memories involve hippocampus short term memories going to longterm memories
Decay not retrieved on a regular basis
Recognition multiple choice options
Recall just reciting answers
Interference brain becomes cluttered and only use memories necessary
proactive interference old stuff wiping out new stuff, old-> new (Italian coming out with a Spanish accent)
retroactive interference new information replaces old, new-> old
serial position effect when memorizing list of words, will remember first and last words, but not middle, because of both proactive and retroactive interference occurring in middle
state dependent memory tendency to remember experiences when something when the rememberer is in the same physical/mental state as during original experience (i.e. feeling anger and then feeling the same anger previously)
mood congruent memory tendency to remember experiences that are consistent with one’s current mood and overlook or forget experiences that are not (more likely to remember happy events than sad)
organic amnesia happens from a brain injury
anterograde amnesia time after injury is forgotten episodic memory, hippocampus, H.M.
retrograde amnesia memory before injury erased, longterm memories lost
inaccurate about “soap opera amnesia?” do not lose identities as well from a brain injury
psychogenic amnesia (dissociative) triggered by a traumatic psychological experience, changes personality
causes of Alzheimer’s prevents short term to long memories and people develop plaques and tangles in brain, go to hippocampus then rest of brain
neurotransmitter involved in Alzheimer’s and treatment acetylcholine, and can take arcept and exelon
Salience serial position effect is trumped by and interesting word (ex. Sex)
Schema set of ideals about something that is never said
Elizabeth Loftus car crash study, used different words for leading questions about an accident (smashed, hit, bumped, matched up with fastest, medium, slowest)
Children more suggestible than adults
controversy over repressed memories people’s memories tend to be less accurate with more time even if there was a traumatic event
flash bulb memories like when JFK died or 9/11, people were less accurate later
childhood amnesia inability to remember events and experiences that occurred during first two or three years of life
Created by: lfalkens
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