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Literary Lexicon '11

Buchanan 2011

Allusion A reference to a literary, biblical or historical person, place or thing.
Irony A contrast between appearance and reality-usually one in which reality is the opposite from what it seems; when one thing is expected to happen or be, and the exact opposite occurs.
Symbol The use of any object, person, place or action that both has a meaning in itself and that stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, attitude, belief or value.
Foreshadowing The use in a literary work of clues that suggest events that have yet to occur.
Epiphany an event in which the essential nature of something-a person, a situation, an object-is suddely understood in a new way; a sudden realization; an "ah ha!" moment.
Setting the background against which action takes place.
Suspense the quality of a literary work that makes the reader tense about the outcome of events.
Motif a recurrent element in a literary work. a pattern or strand of imagery or symbolism in a work of literature.
Archetype a type of character, action, or situation that occurs over and over in literature; a pattern or example that occurs in literature and life.
Tone the writer's attitude or feeling toward a person, a thing,a place, an event or situation.
Theme a central message or insight into life revealed through the literary work. a lesson about like or people.
Point of View the perspective from which a story is told.
Mood the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage.
Repetition a device in which words, sounds, and/or ideas are used more than once to enhance rythm and to create emphasis.
Detail Facts revealed by the author or speaker that support the attitude or tone in the work.
Imagery the words or phrases a writer uses to represent persons, objects, actions, feelings, and ideas descriptively by appealing to the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch). an author may also use animal imagery, as well a light and dark imagery.
Emphasis when important aspects of a story are important positions and in-depth developments.
Characterization the methods used by an author to create a character, including appearance, speech/thoughts/actions/feelings, other characters comments about the character.
Motivation a reason that explains a characters thoughts, feelings, actions, or behavior.
Protagonist the central character, and focus of interest who is trying to accomplish or overcome an adversity, and has the ability to adapt to new circumstances.
Antagonist the character opposing the protagonist;can be a person, idea, or force.
Dynamic Character a character that undergoes change in actions or beliefs during the course of a story.
Static Character a character that does not grow or change throughout the story, that ends as he/she began.
Diction word choice. an author often chooses a word because it suggests a connotative meaning that comes from its use in various social contexts.
Denotation the specific dictionary definition of a word.
Connotation the emotions or associations a word normally arouses in picturing, using, hearing, or reading the word, a word may have a POSITIVE connotation, a NEGATIVE connotation, or a NEUTRAL connotation.
Figures of Speech words or phrases that describe one thing in terms of something else; always involve some sort of imaginary comparison between seemingly unlike things; not meant to be taken literally.
Simile a comparison of two different things or ideas through the use of the words LIKE or AS.
Personification writing that gives animals, inanimate objects or abstract ideas human characteristics.
Pun a play on words that are identical or similar in sound but have sharply different meanings. puns can have serious as well as humorous uses.
Idiom an accepted phrase or expression having a meaning different from the literal.
Oxymoron a form of paradox that combines a pair of opposite terms into a single unusual expression.
Hyperbole a deliberate, extravagant and often outrageous exaggeration; may be used for either serious or comic effect.
Conflict struggle between two opposing forces.
Character Vs. Character when a character has a problem with another character.
Character Vs. Self when a character must make a decision about a problem or struggle he is having within himself.
Character Vs. Society when a character has a problem with a tradition or rule of society.
Character Vs. Nature when a character has a problem with a force of nature such as cold, storms, earthquakes, etc..
Character Vs. Fate when a character has a problem with something he can't do anything about, such as God, luck, death, etc..
Onomatopoeia when a word mimics a sound it's describing.
Alliteration repetition of beginning sounds.
Plot the sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.
Exposition the author lays the groundwork for the story by revealing the setting, relationships between the characters, situation as it exists before the conflict begins.
Rising Action the action and events that take place in the story and build up to the critical moment when the main conflict is confronted.
Falling Action events that occur after the climax and lead up to closure and conclusion of the story.
Inciting Incidents interrupts the peace and balance of the situation and one or more of the characters comes onto conflict with an outside force, himself, or another character.
Climax the most critical moment in the story; the point at which the main conflict is at its highest point.
Denouement the problem set up in the inciting incident is unraveled;there is a revelation of meaning.
Created by: peacelovebeatles
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