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JH Mental Control

Bristol Social Psychology Second Year

QuestionAnswerFlap 3
Definition of repression UNCONCIOUS rejection of a thought (blank)
Definition of suppression CONCIOUS rejection of a thought (blank)
Wegner et al (1987) "Don't think about white bear", thought and spoke about it a bit "Now you can talk about anything", thought and spoke about it loads, IRONIC POST SUPPRESSION REBOUND EFFECT
Wegner et al (1992) Communication inhib. secret relationships/unrequited love = think about it more,
Wegner et al (1994) Footsie game playing footsie in secret makes someone more attractive
Wegner (1993) emotion inhibition mood suppression backfires
Salkovskis & Reynolds (1994) craving inhibition Smoking
Suppression readiness We suppress when a thought keeps stopping our stream of conciousness (blank)
Distractor associations Distractors wont work if they're associated with whatever it is you're trying to not think about So in Wegner (1987), no good using distractors from testing lab as they're all associated, have to move labs to get good distractors
Martin (1993) Goal interruption IPSRE because of Zeigarnik effect, motivation to fulfil a blocked goal
Wegner (1992) i Ironic process theory. Operator - concious, defines what we're suppressing and looks for distractors, needs cog resources. Once found distractor turns off, monitor looks for traces of unwanted thought. If finds, operator comes back on. Not just priming as occurs even when primed in not suppressed condition.
Wegner & Erber (1992) When you deplete cog resources, operator knackered out during supression so when you stop supressing, even greater IPSRE used a timed condition word assoc task, and stroop task - Stereotype supp. & false memories
Macrae, Bodenhausen, Milne & Jetten (1994) Supp & stereotypes Suppressed people more stereotypical of skin heads than non-suppresed. In EXP 2 they sat further away from teh chair with "skin-head" props-shows it in real life.
So when do we supress stereotypes? Violate internal standards so we feel guilty and then increase self focus (Devine, 1989), OR just Increased self focus strengthens internal beliefs (Macrae et al, 1998) (blank)
Peters, Jelicic & Merckelbach (2006) Stereo supp & false memories prime with neg. stereotype group & told to suppress. Played a tape of racially neutral crime and then recalled more false memoried concordent w steretype than if not asked to supp.
Trauma if suppress early on then can interfere with cognition later on in life aaron et al 1999
OCD Janeck & Calamari (1999) try harder to suppress but cannot and get upset. Smari et al (1994), obsessional people find it harder to suppress. (blank)
Depression Wenzlaff et al (1998) depressed ppl use more negative distractors, '91, make associations between distractors and bad feeling. Therefore distractors no good, 1998, supp actually prolongues depression (blank)
Nastegaal et al (2005) looked at diff stragtegies for controlling aggressive fantasies. Suppression, distraction and re-appraisal used (worrying and social coping not used). Supp. correlated with aggression, distraction best for control.
Success of suppression dependent on emotional charge, neutrality & relevance to current concerns. (blank)
Could try..... concentrating on goal, using more effective distractors & expressing unwanted thoughts. (blank)
Created by: jh4782
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